Bolton & Democrats .. Sweet Love

Bernie's supporters seem very loyal, in fact so loyal many voted for Trump or not at all to spite the treatment Bernie received from the DNC and Hillary.(interesting twists to this political melodrama)

I'm thinking there's still pragmatic moderate Democrats around but not enough to win an election for Democrats.. Time for them to switch parties and many probably will... :113:
Some might... I think Trump has repelled more than attracted though

but the actions of the left repel me more than trumps actions do.
Do you just clump everybody into the “Left” category or do you look at and listen to individuals?
i would hope by now you know - but i did leave it pretty generic.

i take people as they come. however in this instance we are already generalizing. "repelled more than attracted" applies to who? didn't see a need to get real deep or explanatory in my reply. but since you asked...

yes. i do take people as individuals. i get frustrated with quite a few who generalize and pretend the worst of either side represents the entire side. but again, human nature, right? in this instance by "the left" i more or less mean the democratic platform and it's leadership today.

the list goes on and on. the "poster children" of the left these days in my mind do not have a platform. they have a bulletpoint.

get rid of trump.

their methods that include attack after attack tire me. SCOTUS pick upsets you? call him a rapist and get a circus going. lose an election? blame a foreign country for colluding with the one who won. don't like the politics of someone in your place of business? kick them out and make a video you hope goes viral. don't like the fact you lost via a 250 year old system? demand we change it to meet your needs of *today* OF WHICH you'd never do if you won the election in the same manner. create a fake crime against yourself and blame white people for their hate. it goes on and on and on.

this is "the left" to me.

now i'm sure you can rail on the right for similar behaviors and that's fine. if you can show me someone on the right making up a huge lie and falsifying evidence to get a conviction, let me know. i'll get mad at them with you. if someone on the right says someone is a rapist and has zero proof, i'll get mad at them with you also. closest i can see here is bill and his "pedophile" charges. i agree nothing is really proven but hell, at least we have what, 28 flights to pedo island and he denies he ever flew on those? i'll go by flight records, not someone saying "not me!" but i don't usually rail on bill for that because no, it's not proven. however yes, many on the extreme right call him out for it a lot. i usually ignore the topic because it's stupid.

i have many of both sides of the spectrum on ignore. mostly cause they are "extreme" examples of the side and i just don't care for the ...intensity... the extremes can do.

i see some on the right being extreme yes.
i see the left pretty much being an extreme.

they've been after trump since day 1 and screaming IMPEACH and not caring why. the entire trial to me is bullshit. from what i gather, you would agree to some extent.

if you want to beat trump, first stop playing his game. he's so much better at acting the fool and 2nd grade name calling than the left. just as i'd not challenge michael jordon to 1:1 basketball, the left shouldn't try to outdo trump in the name calling and juvenile tactics.

if you want to beat trump, develop a platform the majority of people want and show why you're better. not try to be worse than him and hope THAT gets you back in power.

we're in an extreme jacked up time that trump found a way to excel in. how he chooses to excel is gaining more interest than what the left is doing. in my mind most people are sick and tired of the trump bashing, and hell, bashing in general. the extremes will always be extreme. but i'm anxious for the time when the rest of us in the middle take our ball and go home.

unfortunately human nature is to deal with the loudest, not the best, people.

so to sum it up - fuck the left.

if you wish to know what i think about an individual let me know. but as a group that is what i see. take you for example. we had great discussions until we got to a point where you'd give someone every benefit of doubt to justify their actions i would never do.

yet when it comes to someone you don't like, you don't do the same. (hillary vs trump here, btw)

that's where our discussions dovetail into an abyss. hillary had tons of valid reasons to do very questionable things. trump was nefarious and that's that.
Well said, except, I think you should use the term wing nuts or radical Left as there are many moderates, classical liberals, and independents whom you might agree with and respect that would identify themselves as being on the “Left”... so when you say “fuck the left” you are generalizing and playing the “deplorable” game. I appreciate you laying all that out and given how you feel I don't think the way you use the “Left” term is productive or accurate
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:
I really get a kick out of how you bootlickers dream up this, Democrats love Bolton, bullshit :)

John Bolton is a warmongering piece of shit who was one of trump's guys, but he has first hand information on rudy's "drug deal" and trump's abuse of power, therefore he should at least be called as a witness at moscow mitch's bogus "trial".

I mean you bootlickers want transparency and the whole truth to come out, right?

Well blob supporters have cartoonishly simple minds so you are either someone’s mortal enemy or your best buddy; no nuance allowed.
i support trump.

and i outthink you during a bowel movement.

then again, you usually ARE a bowel movement.

I’m sure you fully believe the blob has never told a lie in his life. You would have to suspend all objectivity to suck his dick like you do.
I never said a word about Trump to you other than I support him. I support all our presidents.

Yet here you are telling me how I feel then going straight for Trump's dick.

Kinda like THE ASSHOLE LEFT (better Slade3200?) loves to do.
Well, Bernie is repetitive yet entertaining but boring sure covers the rest of the Democrat Party hopefuls.

I'm thinking the Democrat establishment will squish Bernie again and Bloomberg will buy the nomination, I should prepare my list of future insults... :eusa_think:
Bernie will hopefully get squished by the people because his agenda is radical, unrealistic and he will not be able to beat Trump. A moderate who can bring stability back to the office stands the best chance so Biden or Bloomberg are the most likely options.

Bernie's supporters seem very loyal, in fact so loyal many voted for Trump or not at all to spite the treatment Bernie received from the DNC and Hillary.(interesting twists to this political melodrama)

I'm thinking there's still pragmatic moderate Democrats around but not enough to win an election for Democrats.. Time for them to switch parties and many probably will... :113:
Some might... I think Trump has repelled more than attracted though

Trump reminds me of my fathers "real men" generation, blunt, to the point regardless of "feelings" and confident in their perspectives and knowledge..

That seems to scare the emotional, poor me me me, steal me some free stuff voters of these days..
I agree with the type Trump is and that can be a strong and powerful thing when used correctly. I don’t think he uses it correctly. His dishonesty and manipulation makes him just as bad if not worse than those who he opposes.

A person can be blunt, strong, straight forward and nonPC but still display honestly and integrity... I don’t think Trump does this

Trump has 92% negative (and in my judgement) grossly biased news 24/7., Every decision he makes is second guessed and put into the worst possible light and in the grossest and undermining possible ways by the left wing media and a frothing Democratic Party.
Hey, it's bound to rub off on you..:itsok:
Ponder putting yourself under that onslaught Superman...:beer:
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:
I really get a kick out of how you bootlickers dream up this, Democrats love Bolton, bullshit :)

John Bolton is a warmongering piece of shit who was one of trump's guys, but he has first hand information on rudy's "drug deal" and trump's abuse of power, therefore he should at least be called as a witness at moscow mitch's bogus "trial".

I mean you bootlickers want transparency and the whole truth to come out, right?

Well blob supporters have cartoonishly simple minds so you are either someone’s mortal enemy or your best buddy; no nuance allowed.
i support trump.

and i outthink you during a bowel movement.

then again, you usually ARE a bowel movement.

I’m sure you fully believe the blob has never told a lie in his life. You would have to suspend all objectivity to suck his dick like you do.
I never said a word about Trump to you other than I support him. I support all our presidents.

Yet here you are telling me how I feel then going straight for Trump's dick.

Kinda like THE ASSHOLE LEFT (better Slade3200?) loves to do.
ASSHOLE RADICAL LEFT ICE... don’t wanna be calling us cool lefties assholes now do ya?!
I really get a kick out of how you bootlickers dream up this, Democrats love Bolton, bullshit :)

John Bolton is a warmongering piece of shit who was one of trump's guys, but he has first hand information on rudy's "drug deal" and trump's abuse of power, therefore he should at least be called as a witness at moscow mitch's bogus "trial".

I mean you bootlickers want transparency and the whole truth to come out, right?

Well blob supporters have cartoonishly simple minds so you are either someone’s mortal enemy or your best buddy; no nuance allowed.
i support trump.

and i outthink you during a bowel movement.

then again, you usually ARE a bowel movement.

I’m sure you fully believe the blob has never told a lie in his life. You would have to suspend all objectivity to suck his dick like you do.
I never said a word about Trump to you other than I support him. I support all our presidents.

Yet here you are telling me how I feel then going straight for Trump's dick.

Kinda like THE ASSHOLE LEFT (better Slade3200?) loves to do.
ASSHOLE RADICAL LEFT ICE... don’t wanna be calling us cool lefties assholes now do ya?!

I'll get this right. But I appear to be headed in the right direction.

But I do agree. I've bitched at others for the same thing so I need to hold myself to that also.
Bernie will hopefully get squished by the people because his agenda is radical, unrealistic and he will not be able to beat Trump. A moderate who can bring stability back to the office stands the best chance so Biden or Bloomberg are the most likely options.

Bernie's supporters seem very loyal, in fact so loyal many voted for Trump or not at all to spite the treatment Bernie received from the DNC and Hillary.(interesting twists to this political melodrama)

I'm thinking there's still pragmatic moderate Democrats around but not enough to win an election for Democrats.. Time for them to switch parties and many probably will... :113:
Some might... I think Trump has repelled more than attracted though

Trump reminds me of my fathers "real men" generation, blunt, to the point regardless of "feelings" and confident in their perspectives and knowledge..

That seems to scare the emotional, poor me me me, steal me some free stuff voters of these days..
I agree with the type Trump is and that can be a strong and powerful thing when used correctly. I don’t think he uses it correctly. His dishonesty and manipulation makes him just as bad if not worse than those who he opposes.

A person can be blunt, strong, straight forward and nonPC but still display honestly and integrity... I don’t think Trump does this

Trump has 92% negative (and in my judgement) grossly biased news 24/7., Every decision he makes is second guessed and put into the worst possible light and in the grossest and undermining possible ways by the left wing media and a frothing Democratic Party.
Hey, it's bound to rub off on you..:itsok:
Ponder putting yourself under that onslaught Superman...:beer:
that is because he lies all the time and the media is critical when people in power lie. Take Fox News, a Trump friendly media organization and one that is constantly accused of being in the tank for Trump. What do your numbers say about their positive/negative ratio on Trump coverage?
Bernie's supporters seem very loyal, in fact so loyal many voted for Trump or not at all to spite the treatment Bernie received from the DNC and Hillary.(interesting twists to this political melodrama)

I'm thinking there's still pragmatic moderate Democrats around but not enough to win an election for Democrats.. Time for them to switch parties and many probably will... :113:
Some might... I think Trump has repelled more than attracted though

Trump reminds me of my fathers "real men" generation, blunt, to the point regardless of "feelings" and confident in their perspectives and knowledge..

That seems to scare the emotional, poor me me me, steal me some free stuff voters of these days..
I agree with the type Trump is and that can be a strong and powerful thing when used correctly. I don’t think he uses it correctly. His dishonesty and manipulation makes him just as bad if not worse than those who he opposes.

A person can be blunt, strong, straight forward and nonPC but still display honestly and integrity... I don’t think Trump does this

Trump has 92% negative (and in my judgement) grossly biased news 24/7., Every decision he makes is second guessed and put into the worst possible light and in the grossest and undermining possible ways by the left wing media and a frothing Democratic Party.
Hey, it's bound to rub off on you..:itsok:
Ponder putting yourself under that onslaught Superman...:beer:
that is because he lies all the time and the media is critical when people in power lie. Take Fox News, a Trump friendly media organization and one that is constantly accused of being in the tank for Trump. What do your numbers say about their positive/negative ratio on Trump coverage?

SoOo .. you don't believe that the left wing media lies "all the time" and has a Democratic Party agenda then, I'm guessing

.. and I suspect that you feel Fox News lies "all the time" in Trump's favor..

Fun Times in America... :popcorn:
Some might... I think Trump has repelled more than attracted though

Trump reminds me of my fathers "real men" generation, blunt, to the point regardless of "feelings" and confident in their perspectives and knowledge..

That seems to scare the emotional, poor me me me, steal me some free stuff voters of these days..
I agree with the type Trump is and that can be a strong and powerful thing when used correctly. I don’t think he uses it correctly. His dishonesty and manipulation makes him just as bad if not worse than those who he opposes.

A person can be blunt, strong, straight forward and nonPC but still display honestly and integrity... I don’t think Trump does this

Trump has 92% negative (and in my judgement) grossly biased news 24/7., Every decision he makes is second guessed and put into the worst possible light and in the grossest and undermining possible ways by the left wing media and a frothing Democratic Party.
Hey, it's bound to rub off on you..:itsok:
Ponder putting yourself under that onslaught Superman...:beer:
that is because he lies all the time and the media is critical when people in power lie. Take Fox News, a Trump friendly media organization and one that is constantly accused of being in the tank for Trump. What do your numbers say about their positive/negative ratio on Trump coverage?

SoOo .. you don't believe that the left wing media lies "all the time" and has a Democratic Party agenda then, I'm guessing

.. and I suspect that you feel Fox News lies "all the time" in Trump's favor..

Fun Times in America... :popcorn:
i actually like Fox, I watch it more than any other station. There are a few shows I can’t stand on there but nothing’s perfect. And I think most all media shows hyperbolize and push opinion and rhetoric. Not so much lies, I wouldn’t call it that.

I think Trump lies and pushes way more falsehoods than any media company.
Trump reminds me of my fathers "real men" generation, blunt, to the point regardless of "feelings" and confident in their perspectives and knowledge..

That seems to scare the emotional, poor me me me, steal me some free stuff voters of these days..
I agree with the type Trump is and that can be a strong and powerful thing when used correctly. I don’t think he uses it correctly. His dishonesty and manipulation makes him just as bad if not worse than those who he opposes.

A person can be blunt, strong, straight forward and nonPC but still display honestly and integrity... I don’t think Trump does this

Trump has 92% negative (and in my judgement) grossly biased news 24/7., Every decision he makes is second guessed and put into the worst possible light and in the grossest and undermining possible ways by the left wing media and a frothing Democratic Party.
Hey, it's bound to rub off on you..:itsok:
Ponder putting yourself under that onslaught Superman...:beer:
that is because he lies all the time and the media is critical when people in power lie. Take Fox News, a Trump friendly media organization and one that is constantly accused of being in the tank for Trump. What do your numbers say about their positive/negative ratio on Trump coverage?

SoOo .. you don't believe that the left wing media lies "all the time" and has a Democratic Party agenda then, I'm guessing

.. and I suspect that you feel Fox News lies "all the time" in Trump's favor..

Fun Times in America... :popcorn:
i actually like Fox, I watch it more than any other station. There are a few shows I can’t stand on there but nothing’s perfect. And I think most all media shows hyperbolize and push opinion and rhetoric. Not so much lies, I wouldn’t call it that.

I think Trump lies and pushes way more falsehoods than any media company.

Same here on Fox News & Fox Business

Trump vs Fake News .. I guess we're just going to have to disagree...

but .. you are wrong.. :lol:
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:
I really get a kick out of how you bootlickers dream up this, Democrats love Bolton, bullshit :)

John Bolton is a warmongering piece of shit who was one of trump's guys, but he has first hand information on rudy's "drug deal" and trump's abuse of power, therefore he should at least be called as a witness at moscow mitch's bogus "trial".

I mean you bootlickers want transparency and the whole truth to come out, right?

Well blob supporters have cartoonishly simple minds so you are either someone’s mortal enemy or your best buddy; no nuance allowed.
i support trump.

and i outthink you during a bowel movement.

then again, you usually ARE a bowel movement.

I’m sure you fully believe the blob has never told a lie in his life. You would have to suspend all objectivity to suck his dick like you do.
I never said a word about Trump to you other than I support him. I support all our presidents.

Yet here you are telling me how I feel then going straight for Trump's dick.

Kinda like THE ASSHOLE LEFT (better Slade3200?) loves to do.

Must be more of that high level thinking... bowel movements....really?

Suck more cock boy
So what's the deal.. Democrats lovin and depending on John Bolton, talk about your strange bedfellows...

Eh, I would hate to break up a blooming romance but this sure looks like Democrats are being setup... :laugh:
I really get a kick out of how you bootlickers dream up this, Democrats love Bolton, bullshit :)

John Bolton is a warmongering piece of shit who was one of trump's guys, but he has first hand information on rudy's "drug deal" and trump's abuse of power, therefore he should at least be called as a witness at moscow mitch's bogus "trial".

I mean you bootlickers want transparency and the whole truth to come out, right?

You are confused Moon Bat.

I know you Moon Bats are uneducated and low information but if you kept up with current events you would know that Trump fired Bolton because he was "war mongering".

Speaking of pieces of shit Joe Biden and his crime family sold US government influence to get filthy ass rich. That pretty well makes him a world class piece of shit, kinda like that Crooked Hillary asshole, doesn't it?
You are nothing but a well-programmed bootlicker, you ignorant, uneducated moron.

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