Boehner & the GOP Civil War


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

What a mess. So now there's talk of Boehner's job being in trouble, and he wants to hold on to it. Only someone with the ego of a politician would want to be a part of this, let alone be in charge of it.

Looks like the GOP civil war is on, and the Tea Party/Limbaugh/Hannity absolutist contingent isn't backing down. The Tea Party politicians are afraid they're going to lose their precious gubmit jobs: Fearing primaries, GOP members opted to shun Boehner

Even ol' Newt is getting scared: Gingrich: GOP faces 'bleak future' without a major political overhaul - The Hill's Ballot Box

Democrats, you've gotta be loving this, seriously. You've gotta be thanking your lucky stars.

Any bets as to what our political environment looks like in, say, a year?

The few adults in the cuckoo's nest, aka, the House of Representatives, have lost control. Though I doubt Boehner has been in charge since the radical revolution landed some really far out (as in fringe) members in the 2010 election, we as a nation have gotten the government we deserve. The future looks like the past - gridlock.

Since the Congress and its members will all be paid for doing nothing, and spend more time at home than at work, why would we expect more? The day they vote themselves a cut in pay and benefits, is the day I may begin to have a modicum of respect for the institution; never will I respect those who call for cuts to entitlements and fail to lead by example.
The few adults in the cuckoo's nest, aka, the House of Representatives, have lost control. Though I doubt Boehner has been in charge since the radical revolution landed some really far out (as in fringe) members in the 2010 election, we as a nation have gotten the government we deserve. The future looks like the past - gridlock.

Since the Congress and its members will all be paid for doing nothing, and spend more time at home than at work, why would we expect more? The day they vote themselves a cut in pay and benefits, is the day I may begin to have a modicum of respect for the institution; never will I respect those who call for cuts to entitlements and fail to lead by example.


The few adults in the cuckoo's nest, aka, the House of Representatives, have lost control. Though I doubt Boehner has been in charge since the radical revolution landed some really far out (as in fringe) members in the 2010 election, we as a nation have gotten the government we deserve. The future looks like the past - gridlock.

Since the Congress and its members will all be paid for doing nothing, and spend more time at home than at work, why would we expect more? The day they vote themselves a cut in pay and benefits, is the day I may begin to have a modicum of respect for the institution; never will I respect those who call for cuts to entitlements and fail to lead by example.


The "Adults" in the Democrat Party haven't passed a budget in 4 years. In private practice they'd be in jail next to Madoff.
Oh right, and it's like the Democrats are all one cohesive bunch holding hands and singing Kumbaya
The few adults in the cuckoo's nest, aka, the House of Representatives, have lost control. Though I doubt Boehner has been in charge since the radical revolution landed some really far out (as in fringe) members in the 2010 election, we as a nation have gotten the government we deserve. The future looks like the past - gridlock.

Since the Congress and its members will all be paid for doing nothing, and spend more time at home than at work, why would we expect more? The day they vote themselves a cut in pay and benefits, is the day I may begin to have a modicum of respect for the institution; never will I respect those who call for cuts to entitlements and fail to lead by example.


The "Adults" in the Democrat Party haven't passed a budget in 4 years. In private practice they'd be in jail next to Madoff.

But but but but Bush did it!!
The few adults in the cuckoo's nest, aka, the House of Representatives, have lost control. Though I doubt Boehner has been in charge since the radical revolution landed some really far out (as in fringe) members in the 2010 election, we as a nation have gotten the government we deserve. The future looks like the past - gridlock.

Since the Congress and its members will all be paid for doing nothing, and spend more time at home than at work, why would we expect more? The day they vote themselves a cut in pay and benefits, is the day I may begin to have a modicum of respect for the institution; never will I respect those who call for cuts to entitlements and fail to lead by example.


The "Adults" in the Democrat Party haven't passed a budget in 4 years. In private practice they'd be in jail next to Madoff.

that isn't important, the infighting in the Republican party is way more important
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Oh right, and it's like the Democrats are all one cohesive bunch holding hands and singing Kumbaya


The "Adults" in the Democrat Party haven't passed a budget in 4 years. In private practice they'd be in jail next to Madoff.

Perhaps we could frame this within the fact that the GOP just lost an election it should have easily won, or within the fact that Boehner failed to bring his party together on Plan B.

Pointing the finger at the Dems is fine, but my question is about the GOP.

The opinions expressed by Stephanie, CrusaderFrank and ba1614 are always ridiculous and totally partisan, any resemblance to critical thinking is entirely coincidental.
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The opinions expressed by Stephanie and CrusaderFrank are ridiculous, any resemblance to critical thinking is entirely coincidental.

And Obama budgets still got 0 votes and even when they had a majority Pelosi's House and Reids Senate did not pass a budget
Oh right, and it's like the Democrats are all one cohesive bunch holding hands and singing Kumbaya


The "Adults" in the Democrat Party haven't passed a budget in 4 years. In private practice they'd be in jail next to Madoff.

Perhaps we could frame this within the fact that the GOP just lost an election it should have easily won, or within the fact that Boehner failed to bring his party together on Plan B.

Pointing the finger at the Dems is fine, but my question is about the GOP.

You do realize that ONE President is only a third of the government?

The GOP won 233 elections in the House last November. The Democrats won ONLY 193 elections.....

Do you really want to re-frame the question in terms of won elections?
The few adults in the cuckoo's nest, aka, the House of Representatives, have lost control. Though I doubt Boehner has been in charge since the radical revolution landed some really far out (as in fringe) members in the 2010 election, we as a nation have gotten the government we deserve. The future looks like the past - gridlock.

Since the Congress and its members will all be paid for doing nothing, and spend more time at home than at work, why would we expect more? The day they vote themselves a cut in pay and benefits, is the day I may begin to have a modicum of respect for the institution; never will I respect those who call for cuts to entitlements and fail to lead by example.


The "Adults" in the Democrat Party haven't passed a budget in 4 years. In private practice they'd be in jail next to Madoff.

The problems with your opinion(s) is you lack the ability to think - you emote. All it would take is a general course in Civics, some knowledge of the rules of the Senate and the House and an IQ above 90. It seems, in all honesty Frank, you lack all of the above.
Oh right, and it's like the Democrats are all one cohesive bunch holding hands and singing Kumbaya


The "Adults" in the Democrat Party haven't passed a budget in 4 years. In private practice they'd be in jail next to Madoff.

Perhaps we could frame this within the fact that the GOP just lost an election it should have easily won, or within the fact that Boehner failed to bring his party together on Plan B.

Pointing the finger at the Dems is fine, but my question is about the GOP.

You do realize that ONE President is only a third of the government?

The GOP won 233 elections in the House last November. The Democrats won ONLY 193 elections.....

Do you really want to re-frame the question in terms of won elections?

My question was pretty clear and direct. But I've been around here long enough to know that the chances of receiving clear and direct answers to clear and direct questions are pretty small. I do believe it's possible to have a civil, mature, intellectually honest conversation about politics, despite all evidence to the contrary.

So, I still try once in a while, what the hell.

The few adults in the cuckoo's nest, aka, the House of Representatives, have lost control. Though I doubt Boehner has been in charge since the radical revolution landed some really far out (as in fringe) members in the 2010 election, we as a nation have gotten the government we deserve. The future looks like the past - gridlock.

Since the Congress and its members will all be paid for doing nothing, and spend more time at home than at work, why would we expect more? The day they vote themselves a cut in pay and benefits, is the day I may begin to have a modicum of respect for the institution; never will I respect those who call for cuts to entitlements and fail to lead by example.


The "Adults" in the Democrat Party haven't passed a budget in 4 years. In private practice they'd be in jail next to Madoff.

The problems with your opinion(s) is you lack the ability to think - you emote. All it would take is a general course in Civics, some knowledge of the rules of the Senate and the House and an IQ above 90. It seems, in all honesty Frank, you lack all of the above.

here we go we need to all pay you for your psychobabble put down of others?
The opinions expressed by Stephanie and CrusaderFrank are ridiculous, any resemblance to critical thinking is entirely coincidental.

And Obama budgets still got 0 votes and even when they had a majority Pelosi's House and Reids Senate did not pass a budget

Fucking Foxbots...

Voting on his requests

Romney said in his speech that "In February, (Obama) put forward a proposal that included the largest tax increase in history and still left our national debt spiraling out of control, and the House rejected it unanimously."

He’s right about the rejection. After Obama submitted his fiscal year 2013 budget proposal on Feb. 13, 2012, House Republicans put it up for a floor vote.

The result: 414-0 against.

The same thing happened a year earlier in the Senate. That vote: 97-0 against. Democrats didn’t support the plan because it has been supplanted by another deficit-reduction plan Obama had later outlined. Republican leaders demanded a vote on Obama’s budget to show that Democrats don’t support any detailed budget blueprint, according to The Hill.

Such votes are taken "just as a means of embarrassing the president and his party," said Patrick Louis Knudsen, a senior fellow with the conservative Heritage Foundation.

"Usually it’s brought up by the opposition party because they generally anticipate that a president’s budget won’t get very much support especially if it has controversial elements to it," he said.

Other experts agree. Said Steve Ellis, of Taxpayers for Common Sense: "That was pure political theater and was done to score rhetorical points."

And Norman Ornstein, a scholar with the conservative American Enterprise Institute, said, "it doesn’t mean a damn thing. It’s only a symbolic gesture."[...]

In his speech, Romney faulted Obama for failing to pass a budget. He was correct that the two times Congress voted on the president’s budget requests, both times they were voted down. But the job of passing a budget resolution is not the president’s. That responsibility falls to Congress, and even then the president doesn’t sign it. As Ellis, our expert, put it: "The president has no role in passing a budget. The president can cajole Congress about passing a budget and advocate for positions and funding levels, but in the end, Congress approves the budget resolution for their own purposes." That’s the difference between this and other claims we’ve rated which blamed Congress for inaction on the budget.

Romney’s statement contains a grain of truth, in that two of Obama’s budget requests failed to pass. But citing those votes leaves a wrong impression -- namely that the votes were anything more than political theater. Romney omitted the more critical information that passing a federal budget is the job of Congress. Given all that, we rate his statement Mostly False.

Romney Says Obama has failed to pass a budget.
Oh right, and it's like the Democrats are all one cohesive bunch holding hands and singing Kumbaya


The "Adults" in the Democrat Party haven't passed a budget in 4 years. In private practice they'd be in jail next to Madoff.

Perhaps we could frame this within the fact that the GOP just lost an election it should have easily won, or within the fact that Boehner failed to bring his party together on Plan B.

Pointing the finger at the Dems is fine, but my question is about the GOP.

You do realize that ONE President is only a third of the government?

The GOP won 233 elections in the House last November. The Democrats won ONLY 193 elections.....

Do you really want to re-frame the question in terms of won elections?

And yet over a half MILLION more votes were cast for Democrats than for Republicans. The ONLY reason the GOP kept house seats was due to Gerrymandering.
Both parties have infighting due to a difference in an ideological divide. So what? Since when did differing opinions become a bad thing? The Hyper-partisans are creating way too much tension and division in this country. Liberals need to worry about their own party and get their own house in order. I've never read or seen the type of Zombie worship that liberals represent today, except for reading about Nazi Germany. Hitler could do no wrong either. I'VE NEVER, NOT ONCE heard one single liberal hold Obama or the Democrats to account for anything.. NOT ONCE. That's dangerous and inherently foolish.
Boehner’s ‘Plan B’ fiasco succeeded in only making House republicans appear incompetent and extreme, where the Speaker is ignored by the radical right and what few reasonable republican remain lack the courage to back Boehner.

As one Congressional republican correctly noted, referring to ‘tea party’ members:

"It's the same 40 chuckleheads that screwed this place up," Rep. Steve LaTourette, R-Ohio, said, referencing the conservative lawmakers who were opposed to raising tax rates at any level. "(Boehner's) done everything to make nice to them."

“It weakens the entire Republican Party, the Republican majority. It’s the continuing dumbing-down of the Republican Party and we are going to be seen more and more as a bunch of extremists that can’t even get a majority of our own people to support policies that we’re putting forward,” LaTourette said.

Daily Kos: The Chuckleheads

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