Bob Mueller's 10,000 lb Elephant in The Room: The Dirty Dossier.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
What is your opinion on Clinton and Obama paying Russia for 'Dirt on Trump" which they received from Skirpal (RUS) and Steele (GBR) (Foreign Intelligence Agents), and then The FBI and DOJ knowingly taking Russian Propaganda that they knew was false, used it to file false affidavits in a FISA Court to obtain a Wire Tap on The Trump Campaign so Obama and Hillary Clinton could spy on a rival Presidential Candidate during The Election?

That's something The KGB would do, right?

So are Russia and Putin, running the FBI and DOJ? Maybe Mueller should reassure us that certain disgraced members of The FBI and DOJ were not operating as "Agents of The Kremlin" working willingly as Russian moles attempting to destabilize our Democracy........

Surely Mueller will at least talk about The Russian Dossier since his entire investigation does not happen without That Russian Propaganda being the sole reason it was launched in the first place, right?

Mueller has to address the ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM, or he is a FRAUD, correct?

Well, is Mueller going to address THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM OR NOT?

He was appointed because of RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA which was purchased by Obama and Clinton and used specifically to try to impact our election and used specifically to attack our democracy and the office of The Presidency.

The Obama FBI, DOJ did this knowingly using false Russian Propaganda as if they had been working for PUTIN themselves. Yates, McCabe, Comey, and Strozk all did this and filed false affidavits in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda which they knew was False, knew was paid for by Obama and Clinton and knew was Salacious, Unverified, and Never Corroborated, and originated in Russia through Russian Contacts using Skirpal and Steele as conduits for that propaganda, and financial compensation.

Shouldn't Mueller address The Dossier in his report?

His entire existence is based upon it.

My opinion is that he is a fraud and traitor to The US if he does not address it and condemn it harshly and condemn all the parties involved who made use of it including The FISA Court.

The response will be highly fascinating, on THE LEFT.

No need to deflect.

No need to change the subject.

I put this forth in the simplest of terms.

Enemies of The President and The United States, use Russian Propaganda they purchased to attack The President of The United States, and to attack our Institutions, and Attack Our Democracy.

This is indeed what happened. We even have a paper trail proving this, and financial records proving from where the money flowed and from who that was used to buy The Dirty Russian Dossier.

Surely Mueller will address The Dossier's Role in this and excoriate those parties who preformed this act of treachery.

And surely all those on THE LEFT will explain to us why Mueller would even dare to IGNORE IT.
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Then you have nothing to worry about, and all the effort Trump has put into obstructing justice was unnecessary.
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for "Lying to The FBI", then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial "investigation", then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, "The Insurance Policy and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.
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Then you have nothing to worry about, and all the effort Trump has put into obstructing justice was unnecessary.
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for lying to The FBI, then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial investigation, then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.

When he releases his report, if all that isn't addressed, you might have reason to complain, but he hasn't released his report yet. You have no idea what it will say.
Then you have nothing to worry about, and all the effort Trump has put into obstructing justice was unnecessary.
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for lying to The FBI, then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial investigation, then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.

When he releases his report, if all that isn't addressed, you might have reason to complain, but he hasn't released his report yet. You have no idea what it will say.

Question is, WILL YOU protest The Mueller Report if he exonerates Clinton and Obama from colluding with Russia via The Dirty Dossier to alter the outcome of our elections and attack The Office Of The Presidency, by completely ignoring those most obvious of facts as if they never occurred?

I'm laying a bet, Mueller is a crook, a dishonest man, and a Subversive, Marxist Traitor, and does not even devote one paragraph to The Dirty Dossier and the crimes committed in association with it.

He'll completely gloss over it, and gloss over Comey, McCabe's, Yates, Strozk's, Clinton's Obama's et al wrong doings.
Then you have nothing to worry about, and all the effort Trump has put into obstructing justice was unnecessary.
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for lying to The FBI, then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial investigation, then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.

When he releases his report, if all that isn't addressed, you might have reason to complain, but he hasn't released his report yet. You have no idea what it will say.

Question is, WILL YOU protest The Mueller Report if he exonerates Clinton and Obama from colluding with Russia via The Dirty Dossier to alter the outcome of our elections and attack The Office Of The Presidency, by completely ignoring those most obvious of facts as if they never occurred?

I'm laying a bet, Mueller is a crook, a dishonest man, and a Subversive, Marxist Traitor, and does not even devote one paragraph to The Dirty Dossier and the crimes committed in association with it.

He'll completely gloss over it, and gloss over Comey, McCabe's, Yates, Strozk's, Clinton's Obama's et al wrong doings.

You've put a lot of hope in that dossier, haven't you? Sadly for you, I doubt it had much to do with all the info that Mueller has gathered, but when his Mueller's report is released, if it is all based only on that one piece of information, you might have a right to complain. I suspect there has been a lot more evidence found, and that one document is just one of many. Hardly worth mentioning either way.
Then you have nothing to worry about, and all the effort Trump has put into obstructing justice was unnecessary.
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for lying to The FBI, then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial investigation, then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.

When he releases his report, if all that isn't addressed, you might have reason to complain, but he hasn't released his report yet. You have no idea what it will say.

Question is, WILL YOU protest The Mueller Report if he exonerates Clinton and Obama from colluding with Russia via The Dirty Dossier to alter the outcome of our elections and attack The Office Of The Presidency, by completely ignoring those most obvious of facts as if they never occurred?

I'm laying a bet, Mueller is a crook, a dishonest man, and a Subversive, Marxist Traitor, and does not even devote one paragraph to The Dirty Dossier and the crimes committed in association with it.

He'll completely gloss over it, and gloss over Comey, McCabe's, Yates, Strozk's, Clinton's Obama's et al wrong doings.

You've put a lot of hope in that dossier, haven't you? Sadly for you, I doubt it had much to do with all the info that Mueller has gathered, but when his Mueller's report is released, if it is all based only on that one piece of information, you might have a right to complain. I suspect there has been a lot more evidence found, and that one document is just one of many. Hardly worth mentioning either way.
I've put ZERO hope in The Dossier. But Obama, Clinton, Comey, Mueller et al pinned their entire futures on it and used it to launch a soft COUP.

If Mueller is not part of that COUP, he will eviscerate those persons who defrauded The FISA Court and used Russian Propaganda to try to alter the outcome of our election and to attack our Democracy.

If it is a fair and open and non political investigation then indictments should be coming down on anyone involved in the financing and distribution of The Dossier.
What is your opinion on Clinton and Obama paying Russia for 'Dirt on Trump" which they received from Skirpal (RUS) and Steele (GBR) (Foreign Intelligence Agents), and then The FBI and DOJ knowingly taking Russian Propaganda that they knew was false, used it to file false affidavits in a FISA Court to obtain a Wire Tap on The Trump Campaign so Obama and Hillary Clinton could spy on a rival Presidential Candidate during The Election?
Wow. Every word of your premise is false.

You poor thing. You've drunk an industrial sized barrel of piss.

Then you have nothing to worry about, and all the effort Trump has put into obstructing justice was unnecessary.
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for lying to The FBI, then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial investigation, then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.

When he releases his report, if all that isn't addressed, you might have reason to complain, but he hasn't released his report yet. You have no idea what it will say.

Question is, WILL YOU protest The Mueller Report if he exonerates Clinton and Obama from colluding with Russia via The Dirty Dossier to alter the outcome of our elections and attack The Office Of The Presidency, by completely ignoring those most obvious of facts as if they never occurred?

I'm laying a bet, Mueller is a crook, a dishonest man, and a Subversive, Marxist Traitor, and does not even devote one paragraph to The Dirty Dossier and the crimes committed in association with it.

He'll completely gloss over it, and gloss over Comey, McCabe's, Yates, Strozk's, Clinton's Obama's et al wrong doings.

You've put a lot of hope in that dossier, haven't you? Sadly for you, I doubt it had much to do with all the info that Mueller has gathered, but when his Mueller's report is released, if it is all based only on that one piece of information, you might have a right to complain. I suspect there has been a lot more evidence found, and that one document is just one of many. Hardly worth mentioning either way.
I've put ZERO hope in The Dossier. But Obama, Clinton, Comey, Mueller et al pinned their entire futures on it and used it to launch a soft COUP.

If Mueller is not part of that COUP, he will eviscerate those persons who defrauded The FISA Court and used Russian Propaganda to try to alter the outcome of our election and to attack our Democracy.

If it is a fair and open and non political investigation then indictments should be coming down on anyone involved in the financing and distribution of The Dossier.

It's already been shown that the investigation began before the dossier even existed, and that dossier could only be used once in the long list of new evidence continually required to continue that investigation. Yes, you have all your hopes pinned to that one document. It just doesn't seem to be that important compared to all the other evidence found.
Then you have nothing to worry about, and all the effort Trump has put into obstructing justice was unnecessary.
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for lying to The FBI, then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial investigation, then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.

When he releases his report, if all that isn't addressed, you might have reason to complain, but he hasn't released his report yet. You have no idea what it will say.
it is what he said. he said if it isn't in his report. right?
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for lying to The FBI, then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial investigation, then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.

When he releases his report, if all that isn't addressed, you might have reason to complain, but he hasn't released his report yet. You have no idea what it will say.

Question is, WILL YOU protest The Mueller Report if he exonerates Clinton and Obama from colluding with Russia via The Dirty Dossier to alter the outcome of our elections and attack The Office Of The Presidency, by completely ignoring those most obvious of facts as if they never occurred?

I'm laying a bet, Mueller is a crook, a dishonest man, and a Subversive, Marxist Traitor, and does not even devote one paragraph to The Dirty Dossier and the crimes committed in association with it.

He'll completely gloss over it, and gloss over Comey, McCabe's, Yates, Strozk's, Clinton's Obama's et al wrong doings.

You've put a lot of hope in that dossier, haven't you? Sadly for you, I doubt it had much to do with all the info that Mueller has gathered, but when his Mueller's report is released, if it is all based only on that one piece of information, you might have a right to complain. I suspect there has been a lot more evidence found, and that one document is just one of many. Hardly worth mentioning either way.
I've put ZERO hope in The Dossier. But Obama, Clinton, Comey, Mueller et al pinned their entire futures on it and used it to launch a soft COUP.

If Mueller is not part of that COUP, he will eviscerate those persons who defrauded The FISA Court and used Russian Propaganda to try to alter the outcome of our election and to attack our Democracy.

If it is a fair and open and non political investigation then indictments should be coming down on anyone involved in the financing and distribution of The Dossier.

It's already been shown that the investigation began before the dossier even existed, and that dossier could only be used once in the long list of new evidence continually required to continue that investigation. Yes, you have all your hopes pinned to that one document. It just doesn't seem to be that important compared to all the other evidence found.
no, that can't be true, the president of these United States claimed it was impossible for the Russians to influence our elections. Obammy!!!!
Then you have nothing to worry about, and all the effort Trump has put into obstructing justice was unnecessary.
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for "Lying to The FBI", then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial "investigation", then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, "The Insurance Policy and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.
Simple question, please provide a simple answer. Let’s remove all the other noise and use a very basic hypothetical. Let’s say the FBI is investigating a president or friends of a president and the president fires the head of the FBI for the sole reason of not dropping the investigation. If that happened would you have any problem with that?
Mark Felt broke the law when he outed Nixon.

But the central tenant of the "dawwty dossaeah" is Putin helped Trump. Not news.
The central tenant of The Dirty Dossier is that it was a smear campaign launched against Trump. If Putin wanted to help Trump, he would have produced a Dirty Dossier on Clinton. Plenty of dirt on her. And I am sure you'd be fine if Trump paid for this "dirt" on Clinton, right?

It is news if Mueller completely ignores the scam propaganda that got him appointed as a scam special council in search of a crime no one could name or produce evidence for.

So Mueller is either a Scam Artist or an Honest Lawman who has made a lot of mistakes in his career. Refusing to investigate The Russian Dossier will be clear evidence of which one he is.

Refusing to address it in his "so called" report is damning evidence worthy of Hell Fire and Brimstone raining down on his head.

It is Mueller's own actions and words that will condemn him.

Like the Good Book says: The Evil are Ensnared by their own Misdeeds.

So will be Mueller's fate.

He will be proven an honest man or a Treasonous Bastard by his own actions or lack thereof.
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Then you have nothing to worry about, and all the effort Trump has put into obstructing justice was unnecessary.
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for "Lying to The FBI", then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial "investigation", then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, "The Insurance Policy and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.
Simple question, please provide a simple answer. Let’s remove all the other noise and use a very basic hypothetical. Let’s say the FBI is investigating a president or friends of a president and the president fires the head of the FBI for the sole reason of not dropping the investigation. If that happened would you have any problem with that?

But that is not what Comey was fired for. Comey was fired for dishonorable actions while head of the FBI and upon recommendation of Rod Rosenstein.

You sound like the kind of guy that would launch an investigation in search of a crime that does not exist based upon hypothetical questions and Russian Propaganda paid for by one's political enemies.
Dossier claims Putin has compromising information on Trump

Looks spot on
Then you have nothing to worry about, and all the effort Trump has put into obstructing justice was unnecessary.
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for "Lying to The FBI", then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial "investigation", then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, "The Insurance Policy and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.
Simple question, please provide a simple answer. Let’s remove all the other noise and use a very basic hypothetical. Let’s say the FBI is investigating a president or friends of a president and the president fires the head of the FBI for the sole reason of not dropping the investigation. If that happened would you have any problem with that?

But that is not what Comey was fired for. Comey was fired for dishonorable actions while head of the FBI and upon recommendation of Rod Rosenstein.

You sound like the kind of guy that would launch an investigation in search of a crime that does not exist based upon hypothetical questions and Russian Propaganda paid for by one's political enemies.
What about my request for a simple answer to a simple question did you not understand? Take trump and this situation out of it and tell me what you think. If a president fired the guy who was leading an investigation against him because he wouldn’t drop the investigation, what would you think?
Mark Felt broke the law when he outed Nixon.

But the central tenant of the "dawwty dossaeah" is Putin helped Trump. Not news.
The central tenant of The Dirty Dossier is that it was a smear campaign launched against Trump. If Putin wanted to help Trump, he would have produced a Dirty Dossier on Clinton. Plenty of dirt on her. And I am sure you'd be fine if Trump paid for this "dirt" on Clinton, right?

It is news if Mueller completely ignores the scam propaganda that got him appointed as a scam special council in search of a crime no one could name or produce evidence for.

So Mueller is either a Scam Artist or an Honest Lawman who has made a lot of mistakes in his career. Refusing to investigate The Russian Dossier will be clear evidence of which one he is.

Refusing to address it in his "so called" report is damning evidence worthy of Hell Fire and Brimstone raining down on his head.

It is Mueller's own actions and words that will condemn him.

Like the Good Book says: The Evil are Ensnared by their own Misdeeds.

So will be Mueller's fate.

He will be proven an honest man or a Treasonous Bastard by his own actions or lack thereof.
That's what YOU say is the central tenet. So far it's proven correct on Russian interference for Trump, but the rumors of personal sex stuff is probably just rumors.

But there's no legal prohibition information obtained legally even if the source broke the law in getting it. See Organized Crime.
Then you have nothing to worry about, and all the effort Trump has put into obstructing justice was unnecessary.
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for "Lying to The FBI", then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial "investigation", then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, "The Insurance Policy and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.
Simple question, please provide a simple answer. Let’s remove all the other noise and use a very basic hypothetical. Let’s say the FBI is investigating a president or friends of a president and the president fires the head of the FBI for the sole reason of not dropping the investigation. If that happened would you have any problem with that?

But that is not what Comey was fired for. Comey was fired for dishonorable actions while head of the FBI and upon recommendation of Rod Rosenstein.

You sound like the kind of guy that would launch an investigation in search of a crime that does not exist based upon hypothetical questions and Russian Propaganda paid for by one's political enemies.
What about my request for a simple answer to a simple question did you not understand? Take trump and this situation out of it and tell me what you think. If a president fired the guy who was leading an investigation against him because he wouldn’t drop the investigation, what would you think?
Pfft, an honest and straight answer from Tree. LOL
I'm not worried about anything. And a President cannot obstruct justice by firing an FBI director for breaking the law, violating procedures and policies of an agency he was supposed to be heading. To obstruct Justice, there must be a crime committed by The President. No such crime was ever defined or named.

What I want to see is a type of proof that The Mueller Investigation is NOT A WITCH HUNT and that Mueller is NOT A FRAUD.

And the only way that can be done is by him addressing The Dirty Dossier in his report. How it was used, How it was paid for, how false affidavits were filed in a FISA Court using Russian Propaganda that The FBI, and DOJ knew were false. How that lead to Clinton and Obama spying on The Trump Campaign in the hopes of using espionage to defeat Trump in our election.

If one can be accused of a petty Process Crime for lying to The FBI, then what does one charge The FBI and DOJ with for "Lying to a FISA Court?"

If we are going to have a fair and impartial investigation, then Mueller has to address all of the crimes and treachery associated with The Dirty Dossier, and even indict those involved with it.

Otherwise he is a fraud, and his investigation is nothing but a cover-up for a COUP.

When he releases his report, if all that isn't addressed, you might have reason to complain, but he hasn't released his report yet. You have no idea what it will say.

Question is, WILL YOU protest The Mueller Report if he exonerates Clinton and Obama from colluding with Russia via The Dirty Dossier to alter the outcome of our elections and attack The Office Of The Presidency, by completely ignoring those most obvious of facts as if they never occurred?

I'm laying a bet, Mueller is a crook, a dishonest man, and a Subversive, Marxist Traitor, and does not even devote one paragraph to The Dirty Dossier and the crimes committed in association with it.

He'll completely gloss over it, and gloss over Comey, McCabe's, Yates, Strozk's, Clinton's Obama's et al wrong doings.

You've put a lot of hope in that dossier, haven't you? Sadly for you, I doubt it had much to do with all the info that Mueller has gathered, but when his Mueller's report is released, if it is all based only on that one piece of information, you might have a right to complain. I suspect there has been a lot more evidence found, and that one document is just one of many. Hardly worth mentioning either way.
I've put ZERO hope in The Dossier. But Obama, Clinton, Comey, Mueller et al pinned their entire futures on it and used it to launch a soft COUP.

If Mueller is not part of that COUP, he will eviscerate those persons who defrauded The FISA Court and used Russian Propaganda to try to alter the outcome of our election and to attack our Democracy.

If it is a fair and open and non political investigation then indictments should be coming down on anyone involved in the financing and distribution of The Dossier.

It's already been shown that the investigation began before the dossier even existed, and that dossier could only be used once in the long list of new evidence continually required to continue that investigation. Yes, you have all your hopes pinned to that one document. It just doesn't seem to be that important compared to all the other evidence found.
Just an FYI, the dossier was roughly based on an earlier document, then updated. For example, Michael Cohen never went to Prague, yet the dossier placed him there. They apparently mined and used NSA data for the wrong Michael Cohen. The dossier is full of mistakes, that the FISA Court would never be aware of if Hillary had won. The fact that Trump won created the need for the mega-distraction of the Mueller Investigation. If you want the details please find 28 minutes to see this video
Dan Bongino

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