Bob Bergdahl now tweeting for more Guantanamo releases

Hey, anybody hear yet, the Boise POW-MIA club is pissed Better watch out!
Not many Americans posting obviously; the Constitution, right to trial...all a nullity with most.
dAddy burgdahl has also tweeteds links to pro jihad anti american sites
calling for death to american soldiers

Hailey idaho is basicaally sun valley idaho
extremely liberal. mosty rich yukky mucks and hollywood types live there
Guantanamo was set up to be a prison where prisoners have no rights. What kind of sick soulless country does that? Like Cuba is somehow not a part of this world so international human rights laws don't apply there.

Why the fuck aren't Americans calling for politicians' blood until that place is closed? Do you support having prisoners in a foreign Communist country only for the fact that you don't know where else to put them? You won't give them their rights to trial in court or to face their accusers. You just lock them up on a Communist island and then shove a hose down their throat to force-feed them when they decide that they would rather starve and die than live another YEAR chained to the ground with a bag over their head for defending their countries from a lying, torturing, mass murdering, raping, pillaging, marauding foreign army.

Every Guantanamo prisoner should be given a lawyer, a trial, and a pardon or conviction based on the facts of their cases, like anyone else on Earth ever.
I would prefer they be given a firing squad.

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