Proof means there is no scope for doubt, no basis for doubt. Not quite proof of God, but I regard it as proven that the existence of the universe can not have a scientific explanation, we can prove that something other than laws was involved (because until laws exist nothing can happen yet we know something happened).
By all means accept theories as truths if you want but that's simply belief, that's what a belief is. You speak of gravitation and that's a superb example that underlines what I'm saying. For several hundred years people accepted Newton's theory of universal gravitation as being a truth, there was no doubt, it was never questioned, it was regarded as a perfect theory fully supported by experimental tests.
But Newton's theory was wrong and that only began to emerge in the very late 19th century when the motion of the perihelion of Mercury's orbit was found to not accord with Newton's mathematical theory. The observations of Mercury eventually disproved Newton's theory yet it had been accepted as a true!
What was attributed to God? can you give some examples of these "many things"?
You miss the point (many do) in that we cannot rely on "eventually" here. Look at the number π do you think we might one day eventually find two integers that allows us to show that π is rational? Do you think you could try hard and for long enough and find a rational representation of π ?