Blood sucking radical right wing extremist


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Are sucking the blood out of hard working Americans, the elderly, children, students, disabled, unemployed and military and giving transfusions to millionaires. They are cutting public jobs, benefits and freezing wages, cutting employment benefits, programs that benefit the elderly, children and disabled and giving all kind of tax cuts to millionaires.
When you cut jobs, you cut revenue that goes into the economy. Even welfare benefits an food stamps put money into the economy. Welfare benefits are spent and food stamps buys food. All these RRWE government cuts and pay cuts and tax cuts for millionaires means less revenue into the economy.
Yes, the rich do create jobs. Jobs over seas because they are greedy and tax cuts or not enough for them to keep jobs here and hire Americans.
RRWE are sucking the life out of Americans. Against abortions but aborting Americans with wanting to repeal obamacare which insures 40 million Americans that do not have healthcare thus saving lives.
Americans are on life support and RRWE are pulling he plug. How many jobs have the tax cuts created? How much money was saved by withholding COLO for the elderly on Social Security for the past two year. “If it don’t work, stop doing it.”
Wait a minute LOL. Democrats gained the majority in the House and Senate midway into Bush's last term. Fanny Mae collapsed under the democrat congressional majority while they were allegedly saving America from the scourge of steroid use in Baseball. Democrats held the whole freaking enchilada for two years and we saw the brillient "cash for clunkers" plan and a communist appointed to the green jobs board only there ain't no green jobs. Look around, democrats still control the senate and the president is still a radical left winger. Quit whining about the House majority and ask the president what the hell he is doing.
I can't much speak to issues regarding the military, other than what we got in paltry benefits back in the 60's when my dad passed away. He served in the army in the 1940's. Died at the ripe young age of 54 leaving 7 kids and a mountain of debt.

But your points about elderly, children, students, disabled, and unemployed I can identify with. These are but a few of the travails that my family dealt with including drug abuse and mental illness. Oh- and homelessness. And out of us seven kids, my little sister is the only one that never spent time in jail.

I post this because I want you to understand something from my point of view. Nobody ever "sucked the life out of" my family. Don't get me wrong, it was tough. It was fucking hell.

But through it all, we were and have always been Republicans. We accepted what we had and dealt with it. We didn't bitch and moan about what we didn't have, and we sure as hell didn't envy what other people did have. We rode it out, paid our bills and our taxes, we did without the very basic necessities like food.

I remember when my older brother was eating a sandwich- a half folded piece of bread. It was in fact just butter on bread. I asked "hey what you got there?" and he looked at it and said "oh it's roast beef, tomato, lettuce and mayo". A wish sandwich. Yeah we ate lots of those.

So you go on wishing for your government sandwiches. I bet there's a lot of crow meat in them.
And the only folks of today that are getting their lives "sucked out" are just suckers.

I'm into living and surviving and I've been doing it my whole life. On my own terms.
I'm not done with you yet, Lady.

Welfare and foodstamps... never heard of 'em when I was a kid. Was that shit even available in the '60s? If it was we never saw it. I admit, I was only 12 then but my guess is that my mother refused it on principal. Principal- are Democrats even familiar with that word? How about dignity and self-worth?

Principal, dignity and self-worth. Words that don't exist in the minds of liberals and democrats today.

Go pick up a shovel, dig a hole, bear some sweat. Feel some pain without crying. Cry without asking.
This Republican did plenty of all that so you could sit on your ass and beg. Begging isn't for me and it never was.
Begging, bastard Liberal chum. Give me what I don't have. Allow me to take away from the better folk.
The betterment of myself is guaged by the profit of others.
What a sorry pathetic existence.

Here's where this Republican learned the true value of wealth:

Years ago when I was flat-ass broke at Christmas- I let my wife know it. Nothing under the tree this year, honey.

As she cradled our 3 month old baby she said "we got each other and this beautiful baby- who needs money?"

You got nothing and you earned it. I had nothing and I loved it. I ask for nothing, you ask for everything. I take nothing and make it into a wonderful something. You ask for something for nothing and believe you've earned it. GET OFF MY FUCKING BACK.

Are sucking the blood out of hard working Americans, the elderly, children, students, disabled, unemployed and military and giving transfusions to millionaires. They are cutting public jobs, benefits and freezing wages, cutting employment benefits, programs that benefit the elderly, children and disabled and giving all kind of tax cuts to millionaires.
When you cut jobs, you cut revenue that goes into the economy. Even welfare benefits an food stamps put money into the economy. Welfare benefits are spent and food stamps buys food. All these RRWE government cuts and pay cuts and tax cuts for millionaires means less revenue into the economy.
Yes, the rich do create jobs. Jobs over seas because they are greedy and tax cuts or not enough for them to keep jobs here and hire Americans.
RRWE are sucking the life out of Americans. Against abortions but aborting Americans with wanting to repeal obamacare which insures 40 million Americans that do not have healthcare thus saving lives.
Americans are on life support and RRWE are pulling he plug. How many jobs have the tax cuts created? How much money was saved by withholding COLO for the elderly on Social Security for the past two year. “If it don’t work, stop doing it.”


Are sucking the blood out of hard working Americans, the elderly, children, students, disabled, unemployed and military and giving transfusions to millionaires. They are cutting public jobs, benefits and freezing wages, cutting employment benefits, programs that benefit the elderly, children and disabled and giving all kind of tax cuts to millionaires.
When you cut jobs, you cut revenue that goes into the economy. Even welfare benefits an food stamps put money into the economy. Welfare benefits are spent and food stamps buys food. All these RRWE government cuts and pay cuts and tax cuts for millionaires means less revenue into the economy.
Yes, the rich do create jobs. Jobs over seas because they are greedy and tax cuts or not enough for them to keep jobs here and hire Americans.
RRWE are sucking the life out of Americans. Against abortions but aborting Americans with wanting to repeal obamacare which insures 40 million Americans that do not have healthcare thus saving lives.
Americans are on life support and RRWE are pulling he plug. How many jobs have the tax cuts created? How much money was saved by withholding COLO for the elderly on Social Security for the past two year. “If it don’t work, stop doing it.”

You are a flamming idiot.
Yeah we know all that, along with Harry Reid's (D-NV) remark that new Government regulations actually increase employment by forcing industry to hire more people to deal with the additional regulations. Sort of like choking to death on a chocolate bar.

Are sucking the blood out of hard working Americans, the elderly, children, students, disabled, unemployed and military and giving transfusions to millionaires. They are cutting public jobs, benefits and freezing wages, cutting employment benefits, programs that benefit the elderly, children and disabled and giving all kind of tax cuts to millionaires.
When you cut jobs, you cut revenue that goes into the economy. Even welfare benefits an food stamps put money into the economy. Welfare benefits are spent and food stamps buys food. All these RRWE government cuts and pay cuts and tax cuts for millionaires means less revenue into the economy.
Yes, the rich do create jobs. Jobs over seas because they are greedy and tax cuts or not enough for them to keep jobs here and hire Americans.
RRWE are sucking the life out of Americans. Against abortions but aborting Americans with wanting to repeal obamacare which insures 40 million Americans that do not have healthcare thus saving lives.
Americans are on life support and RRWE are pulling he plug. How many jobs have the tax cuts created? How much money was saved by withholding COLO for the elderly on Social Security for the past two year. “If it don’t work, stop doing it.”

My parents used to be strictly democrat...YEARS ago. If they were alive today i know they would have switched parties in an instant! They would be so embarassed the way the dem's today believe and act. My father was born poor, worked hard all his life, and would never ask for a handout of any kind. We never went without anything we "needed" when growing up, but we also never spent money on crap we didn't need. I don't remember once while growing up that my parents ever took a loan for anything...if they didn't have the cash they didn't get it until they had it.

I know there are many good hard working people out there that have no jobs now. And i believe when people are struggling like this they do need help and i'm all for it. As long as they are also looking for work and trying to make a difference in their lives. But what we see most of the time are people that want to sit on their asses and have the govt hand everything to them. I live in Michigan, one of the hardest hit states when it comes to job losses...but there are still alot of jobs out there. Maybe not the kind of work most people would want to do, but when things are tough they shouldn't be whining about it. They should be thankful for whatever they can find. It's not up to our government to hold our hands.

Are you REALLY a LILOLADY? Or are you just a young punk that hangs out with the OWS? You sound just as stupid as they are!
I'm not done with you yet, Lady.

Welfare and foodstamps... never heard of 'em when I was a kid. Was that shit even available in the '60s? If it was we never saw it. I admit, I was only 12 then but my guess is that my mother refused it on principal. Principal- are Democrats even familiar with that word? How about dignity and self-worth?

Principal, dignity and self-worth. Words that don't exist in the minds of liberals and democrats today.

Go pick up a shovel, dig a hole, bear some sweat. Feel some pain without crying. Cry without asking.
This Republican did plenty of all that so you could sit on your ass and beg. Begging isn't for me and it never was.

Bullshit, H!
You were 12?
You can remember.

Hell, when Cammpbbell was 9 he knew who was voting Republican in his neighborhood.

What's your hang-up?

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