Blonde Black Bear Sighted in Michigan UP

We have two wild chickens, though they are not technically chickens, they are a little smaller, and are called ruffed grouse...they act just like chickens but live somewhere in the woods. Two come every day, a few times a day to eat some deer corn. Matt and I have grown very fond of them...matt had a pet chicken when young that was in love with Matt's dad and would run from wherever it was, to greet his dad and wait to be petted and scratched, when his dad got home. Big Red was her name.

Anyway we had a arctic front, the temp got to -19, 19 below zero three weeks ago, and they had not teturned, we were very sad, because we thought they were dead!! :( that they did not make it through the freeze.

But yesterday...they both returned and Matt spotted them eating the deer corn...what a relief!

We have no idea where they went or how they survived.
I have a flock of "wild chickens".


They're really pretty. They have hair colors.

They also don't "bawk" much. Actually not at all when they're making their rounds. They do this locate each other thing sometimes.

It's annoying, but I've heard worse.
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