BLM lynch mob surrounds soldier's home

And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?

Her personal space is not an issue and never is.
Her husband disagreed.
Why did he tell him to leave that way then? The white asshat was looking to mark his territory, and make sure the kid knew he wasn't welcome there...the white guy is a bully and thug and rightfully got charged, and should be punished
So much for benefit of the doubt.
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt...I don't know the motive for his assault...but he clearly assault him,. It wasn't self-defense, that's clear, it wasn't defense of others....the white guy didn't appear to be the guilt of the assault is pretty clear. I am giving him a benefit of the doubt as far as motive...but someone suggested the victim might suffer from mental disability....if that is true that goes the other way in my mind as far as punishment if convicted
If he is approaching the guy's wife it sure as hell is defense of others. I have slammed guys to the floor in front of the cops who brought them in, for doing that to nurses I work with, more than once. And I haven't been arrested for it yet.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
Know that isn't true---the black guy had had two run ins with police in that neighborhood. He's either tripping on drugs, trying to get people to go after him playing I's a picked on miniority who were doing nuffin but trying to cause trouble, and/or some sort of sexual deviant or other criminal.

Oh and fyi, his Michael Jackson speech pattern indicates pedophile.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
So then why move there? Obviously 99.9% are perfectly fine and happy. Are you always playing the victim card?
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?

Her personal space is not an issue and never is.
Her husband disagreed.

Well, that is his fault.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
So you are not even going to ask what, just go straight to punishing people?

That's pretty fucked up too, IMO.
Well he's charged already...and the video certainly supports a conviction of simple assault.

If the victim did have a mental disability....that simply just makes the punishment worse in my mind.
Can I have your address?

I got a fuckton of psyche patients I want to bus to your house. It will clear out my ER and you can deal with them for a change.
well i am not going to give you my address...but will give it to LEO when you drop them off. I won't be assaulting any that are walking down the shirt and possing no threat to me or anyone around me
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?

Her personal space is not an issue and never is.
Her husband disagreed.
Why did he tell him to leave that way then? The white asshat was looking to mark his territory, and make sure the kid knew he wasn't welcome there...the white guy is a bully and thug and rightfully got charged, and should be punished
So much for benefit of the doubt.
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt...I don't know the motive for his assault...but he clearly assault him,. It wasn't self-defense, that's clear, it wasn't defense of others....the white guy didn't appear to be the guilt of the assault is pretty clear. I am giving him a benefit of the doubt as far as motive...but someone suggested the victim might suffer from mental disability....if that is true that goes the other way in my mind as far as punishment if convicted
If he is approaching the guy's wife it sure as hell is defense of others. I have slammed guys to the floor in front of the cops who brought them in, for doing that to nurses I work with, more than once. And I haven't been arrested for it yet.
No he isn't...the video is clear he tells the guy to walk in the direct the woman is filming...tells him to leave that way. He possed no immediate threat to the wife...he wasn't even close enough to her to touch her, and was showing no signs of violence during the recorded interaction.

She would have of had to have a right to use self-defense, and she had no right based on the video, to use violence in the situation.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
Know that isn't true---the black guy had had two run ins with police in that neighborhood. He's either tripping on drugs, trying to get people to go after him playing I's a picked on miniority who were doing nuffin but trying to cause trouble, and/or some sort of sexual deviant or other criminal.

Oh and fyi, his Michael Jackson speech pattern indicates pedophile.
There is nothing in what you said that gave the man a right to assault him in the situation on the video. Nothing.

If he had prior run ins the man in the video wasn't aware of it...he clearly stated he had never seen the kid before.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?

Her personal space is not an issue and never is.
Her husband disagreed.

Well, that is his fault.
Maybe, maybe not.

Doesn't matter who was right or wrong anyway, because he was the wrong color.
He was always gonna be the bad guy.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
So you are not even going to ask what, just go straight to punishing people?

That's pretty fucked up too, IMO.
Well he's charged already...and the video certainly supports a conviction of simple assault.

If the victim did have a mental disability....that simply just makes the punishment worse in my mind.
Can I have your address?

I got a fuckton of psyche patients I want to bus to your house. It will clear out my ER and you can deal with them for a change.
well i am not going to give you my address...but will give it to LEO when you drop them off. I won't be assaulting any that are walking down the shirt and possing no threat to me or anyone around me
Spoken like a man who has never worked with crazy people.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?

Her personal space is not an issue and never is.
Her husband disagreed.
Why did he tell him to leave that way then? The white asshat was looking to mark his territory, and make sure the kid knew he wasn't welcome there...the white guy is a bully and thug and rightfully got charged, and should be punished
So much for benefit of the doubt.
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt...I don't know the motive for his assault...but he clearly assault him,. It wasn't self-defense, that's clear, it wasn't defense of others....the white guy didn't appear to be the guilt of the assault is pretty clear. I am giving him a benefit of the doubt as far as motive...but someone suggested the victim might suffer from mental disability....if that is true that goes the other way in my mind as far as punishment if convicted
If he is approaching the guy's wife it sure as hell is defense of others. I have slammed guys to the floor in front of the cops who brought them in, for doing that to nurses I work with, more than once. And I haven't been arrested for it yet.
No he isn't...the video is clear he tells the guy to walk in the direct the woman is filming...tells him to leave that way. He possed no immediate threat to the wife...he wasn't even close enough to her to touch her, and was showing no signs of violence during the recorded interaction.

She would have of had to have a right to use self-defense, and she had no right based on the video, to use violence in the situation.
You're not very knowledgeable about this stuff, are you?
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?

Her personal space is not an issue and never is.
Her husband disagreed.

Well, that is his fault.
Maybe, maybe not.

Doesn't matter who was right or wrong anyway, because he was the wrong color.
He was always gonna be the bad guy.
He's race has nothing to do with him being charged with assault...the fact he assaulted the guy does. I have no idea if it was part of the motive or not
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?

Her personal space is not an issue and never is.
Her husband disagreed.
Why did he tell him to leave that way then? The white asshat was looking to mark his territory, and make sure the kid knew he wasn't welcome there...the white guy is a bully and thug and rightfully got charged, and should be punished
So much for benefit of the doubt.
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt...I don't know the motive for his assault...but he clearly assault him,. It wasn't self-defense, that's clear, it wasn't defense of others....the white guy didn't appear to be the guilt of the assault is pretty clear. I am giving him a benefit of the doubt as far as motive...but someone suggested the victim might suffer from mental disability....if that is true that goes the other way in my mind as far as punishment if convicted
If he is approaching the guy's wife it sure as hell is defense of others. I have slammed guys to the floor in front of the cops who brought them in, for doing that to nurses I work with, more than once. And I haven't been arrested for it yet.
No he isn't...the video is clear he tells the guy to walk in the direct the woman is filming...tells him to leave that way. He possed no immediate threat to the wife...he wasn't even close enough to her to touch her, and was showing no signs of violence during the recorded interaction.

She would have of had to have a right to use self-defense, and she had no right based on the video, to use violence in the situation.
You're not very knowledgeable about this stuff, are you?
what do you think the standard for defense of others is?
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
Know that isn't true---the black guy had had two run ins with police in that neighborhood. He's either tripping on drugs, trying to get people to go after him playing I's a picked on miniority who were doing nuffin but trying to cause trouble, and/or some sort of sexual deviant or other criminal.

Oh and fyi, his Michael Jackson speech pattern indicates pedophile.
There is nothing in what you said that gave the man a right to assault him in the situation on the video. Nothing.

If he had prior run ins the man in the video wasn't aware of it...he clearly stated he had never seen the kid before.
The soldier was protecting his family and his neighborhood from an obvious threat..........

Quit fucking sick that you think the soldier is the bad guy-------The soldiers actions were justified and quit frankly in line with with what nature intended all males to do ----protect the defenseless from threats playing games. Males job is to deter other deviant males playing sick games and plotting attacks.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
So you are not even going to ask what, just go straight to punishing people?

That's pretty fucked up too, IMO.
Well he's charged already...and the video certainly supports a conviction of simple assault.

If the victim did have a mental disability....that simply just makes the punishment worse in my mind.
Can I have your address?

I got a fuckton of psyche patients I want to bus to your house. It will clear out my ER and you can deal with them for a change.
well i am not going to give you my address...but will give it to LEO when you drop them off. I won't be assaulting any that are walking down the shirt and possing no threat to me or anyone around me
Spoken like a man who has never worked with crazy people.
oh please...just because someone has a mental health disorder doesn't give you a right to assault them
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
Know that isn't true---the black guy had had two run ins with police in that neighborhood. He's either tripping on drugs, trying to get people to go after him playing I's a picked on miniority who were doing nuffin but trying to cause trouble, and/or some sort of sexual deviant or other criminal.

Oh and fyi, his Michael Jackson speech pattern indicates pedophile.
There is nothing in what you said that gave the man a right to assault him in the situation on the video. Nothing.

If he had prior run ins the man in the video wasn't aware of it...he clearly stated he had never seen the kid before.
The soldier was protecting his family and his neighborhood from an obvious threat..........

Quit fucking sick that you think the soldier is the bad guy-------The soldiers actions were justified and quit frankly in line with with what nature intended all males to do ----protect the defenseless from threats playing games. Males job is to deter other deviant males playing sick games and plotting attacks.
what was the obvious threat? I didn't see one in the video. I certainly have no issue with him confronting the guy, but he crossed the line when he put his hands on him. Nothing in the video justifies that.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
Know that isn't true---the black guy had had two run ins with police in that neighborhood. He's either tripping on drugs, trying to get people to go after him playing I's a picked on miniority who were doing nuffin but trying to cause trouble, and/or some sort of sexual deviant or other criminal.

Oh and fyi, his Michael Jackson speech pattern indicates pedophile.
There is nothing in what you said that gave the man a right to assault him in the situation on the video. Nothing.

If he had prior run ins the man in the video wasn't aware of it...he clearly stated he had never seen the kid before.
The soldier was protecting his family and his neighborhood from an obvious threat..........

Quit fucking sick that you think the soldier is the bad guy-------The soldiers actions were justified and quit frankly in line with with what nature intended all males to do ----protect the defenseless from threats playing games. Males job is to deter other deviant males playing sick games and plotting attacks.

Why was he arrested if that is the case? Hint: it wasn't!
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?
He walked in the direction the guy told him to go, she happened to be standing there videoing him

There is literally no defense of this asshat's least none on video.
I don't know, I'd like to know what caused the initial confrontation.
I don't disagree....if anything...the video is certainly not good for the white guy and his wife...they come across as a bunch of punks...and frankly hurts the rep of the US Military...hopefully whatever branch he's a member of takes some action...
Something caused this.... I'd like to know what.

Drills tend to be pretty good at keeping their composure, so whatever happened, it must have been pretty fucked up.
Sure something could have...or the white dude and his wife could have just been asshats...and who knows what caused that.

The video appears to simply show that
So you are not even going to ask what, just go straight to punishing people?

That's pretty fucked up too, IMO.
Well he's charged already...and the video certainly supports a conviction of simple assault.

If the victim did have a mental disability....that simply just makes the punishment worse in my mind.
Can I have your address?

I got a fuckton of psyche patients I want to bus to your house. It will clear out my ER and you can deal with them for a change.
well i am not going to give you my address...but will give it to LEO when you drop them off. I won't be assaulting any that are walking down the shirt and possing no threat to me or anyone around me
Spoken like a man who has never worked with crazy people.
oh please...just because someone has a mental health disorder doesn't give you a right to assault them
Actually it does------the crazy black guy is certainly a threat----------soldier did as males were intended and made it clear to the perceived threat that he had no business in the area and should leave the areas other people alone.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?

Her personal space is not an issue and never is.
Her husband disagreed.

Well, that is his fault.
Maybe, maybe not.

Doesn't matter who was right or wrong anyway, because he was the wrong color.
He was always gonna be the bad guy.
He's race has nothing to do with him being charged with assault...the fact he assaulted the guy does. I have no idea if it was part of the motive or not
The only reason why the soldier was charged is because he is white---and the crazy serial harasser is black. Oh and fyi, as soon as the crazy guy touched the child------------he earned the right to be touched back.
And of course the media is leaving pertinent info out of their report....something is fishy here...a US soldier does not see skin color...they shower with all colors and live with men of color...there has got to be a reason for this guy to go off and we are not hearing usual....

That is the stupidest shit I have ever heard, you don't have a clue so just keep your mouth shut.
Have you ever been in the military bitch?....
Have you thought that maybe it's not race, but the guy is just an out of control, asshat?
Out of control yes...but why?...just because?....we are not being told the whole story at least not yet....
I have no idea why. I asked that question earlier in this thread. I am sure there might be more. But the video doesn't look good for the white guy. The smaller guy, certainly comes across much more calm. I can't think of any reason that would justifiy the assault...not from the video
He comes across as being very passive aggressive; he knew his presence was agitating the people and just for spite, refused to walk away.

Most violence comes with instructions; if a big guy tells you to walk away or else, you need to accept that you are ignoring an opportunity to avoid violence if you refuse to do so.
Make your choice and own it; don't try to weasel out of your own responsibility and only blame the other guy.
it’s his fault people can’t handle someone walking down a the street?

sorry the guy being violent s the person at fault.
I've dealt with a lot of situations like this, and I've known lots of NCOs and Drill Sergeants..... there was more going on here prior to what was shown on the video.

And he didn't touch him until the guy began walking towards the woman he said was his wife. Pretty reasonable reaction, under the circumstances.

Reasonable? Did you see something no one else did? You do know that a sidewalk runs two directions.
Did you not see that part?

Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?

Where was she standing? On the fucking sidewalk or right next to it!
And answer the question.

Read your own post!

You said, "Do you let strange men physically close the distance with your wife during a dispute, yes or no?"

What the fuck did you expect the guy to do, sprout wings and fly away?
No, he moved right at her..... in what universe is that okay, and something a man is not supposed to prevent?

Why are you trying to pretend that didn't happen?

Her personal space is not an issue and never is.
Her husband disagreed.
Why did he tell him to leave that way then? The white asshat was looking to mark his territory, and make sure the kid knew he wasn't welcome there...the white guy is a bully and thug and rightfully got charged, and should be punished
So much for benefit of the doubt.
I am giving him the benefit of the doubt...I don't know the motive for his assault...but he clearly assault him,. It wasn't self-defense, that's clear, it wasn't defense of others....the white guy didn't appear to be the guilt of the assault is pretty clear. I am giving him a benefit of the doubt as far as motive...but someone suggested the victim might suffer from mental disability....if that is true that goes the other way in my mind as far as punishment if convicted
If he is approaching the guy's wife it sure as hell is defense of others. I have slammed guys to the floor in front of the cops who brought them in, for doing that to nurses I work with, more than once. And I haven't been arrested for it yet.
No he isn't...the video is clear he tells the guy to walk in the direct the woman is filming...tells him to leave that way. He possed no immediate threat to the wife...he wasn't even close enough to her to touch her, and was showing no signs of violence during the recorded interaction.

She would have of had to have a right to use self-defense, and she had no right based on the video, to use violence in the situation.
You're not very knowledgeable about this stuff, are you?
what do you think the standard for defense of others is?
Depends on the circumstances, which we don't know, but from the video, it looks like he has a case.

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