BLM lynch mob surrounds soldier's home

Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.
What's wrong with you jungle bunnies?

Tough ass redneck on the internet, wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a jungle bunny to his face. Coward ass punk.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.

A boot licker defending a boot licker. Whoop dee damn do.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.
What's wrong with you jungle bunnies?

Tough ass redneck on the internet, wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a jungle bunny to his face. Coward ass punk.

You're the coward calling everybody white a racist. Spearchucker.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.

A boot licker defending a boot licker. Whoop dee damn do.
Why don't you call him an Uncle Tom. You know that's what he is in your tribe.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.

A boot licker defending a boot licker. Whoop dee damn do.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.
What's wrong with you jungle bunnies?

Tough ass redneck on the internet, wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a jungle bunny to his face. Coward ass punk.

You're the coward calling everybody white a racist. Spearchucker.

That is what you are, cocksucka.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.

A boot licker defending a boot licker. Whoop dee damn do.
Why don't you call him an Uncle Tom. You know that's what he is in your tribe.

Boot licker works fine.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.

A boot licker defending a boot licker. Whoop dee damn do.
Why don't you call him an Uncle Tom. You know that's what he is in your tribe.

Boot licker works fine.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.
What's wrong with you jungle bunnies?

Tough ass redneck on the internet, wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a jungle bunny to his face. Coward ass punk.

You're the coward calling everybody white a racist. Spearchucker.

That is what you are, cocksucka.

Poor baby.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
Then you didn't pay attention.
Pentland went out there because this kid was arguing with his neighbor who did not know him.
Pentland went out to see what was happening. This kid then became belligerent. I have no idea what his motives were, or why he insisted on standing there for no reason. Pentland is a big dude. He could literally and easily pound the little runt into a fine powder. I know for damn sure if he was this angry at me, my fault or not my fault... I would move along. And why this kid kept pushing Pentlands buttons is odd.
Having said that, technically, Pentland committed an assault by pushing him. Even though, Pentland is morally right to do so because the smart ass kid started to argue to his wife. What moron starts arguing with a man's wife right in front of him??
So the little bitch pressed charges.

Meanwhile.... blacks are murdered by other blacks by the dozen a day.
No protest or concern about that... no... a white man pushed a black person. Way more offensive.
Fucking idiots.
What a fricken bigot. He did none of the things you said, This turds wife started in on him before he responded. He was being attacked for walking in a white neighborhood for being black. I wan't to see this pig charged for assault and put away to protect the public from this ass hole bigot. What a wimp, you would run the first time a guy that looks tough tells you to move. Real hero man. This black person has more balls then you and is willing to stand up for his rights. All you bigots are the same.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.
What's wrong with you jungle bunnies?

Tough ass redneck on the internet, wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a jungle bunny to his face. Coward ass punk.

You're the coward calling everybody white a racist. Spearchucker.
We aren't calling every white man a racist , we are white, why would we do that bigot?
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.
What's wrong with you jungle bunnies?

Tough ass redneck on the internet, wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a jungle bunny to his face. Coward ass punk.

all bigots should be thrown out of this forum
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.

A boot licker defending a boot licker. Whoop dee damn do.
all bigots should be thrown out of this forum
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
Then you didn't pay attention.
Pentland went out there because this kid was arguing with his neighbor who did not know him.
Pentland went out to see what was happening. This kid then became belligerent. I have no idea what his motives were, or why he insisted on standing there for no reason. Pentland is a big dude. He could literally and easily pound the little runt into a fine powder. I know for damn sure if he was this angry at me, my fault or not my fault... I would move along. And why this kid kept pushing Pentlands buttons is odd.
Having said that, technically, Pentland committed an assault by pushing him. Even though, Pentland is morally right to do so because the smart ass kid started to argue to his wife. What moron starts arguing with a man's wife right in front of him??
So the little bitch pressed charges.

Meanwhile.... blacks are murdered by other blacks by the dozen a day.
No protest or concern about that... no... a white man pushed a black person. Way more offensive.
Fucking idiots.
What a fricken bigot. He did none of the things you said, This turds wife started in on him before he responded. He was being attacked for walking in a white neighborhood for being black. I wan't to see this pig charged for assault and put away to protect the public from this ass hole bigot. What a wimp, you would run the first time a guy that looks tough tells you to move. Real hero man. This black person has more balls then you and is willing to stand up for his rights. All you bigots are the same.
Then again you haven't paid attention.
He was not just walking by and Pentalnd decided to run out of his house and harass him. It all started with the kid arguing with a neighbor. Pentlands wife told him some young kid is out there yelling at so and so. So he went out.
Also reported, this isn't the first time the kid has started trouble in the neighborhood before.
Why was this little bitch pentland bothering, and then assaulting, a pedestrian whom he clearly does not know? Clearly this is pentland's fault. He put his hands on this kid for no reason. pentland's "wife" is no better. pentland acts like he was raised by a pair of animals. It usually is the parents' fault.
Then you didn't pay attention.
Pentland went out there because this kid was arguing with his neighbor who did not know him.
Pentland went out to see what was happening. This kid then became belligerent. I have no idea what his motives were, or why he insisted on standing there for no reason. Pentland is a big dude. He could literally and easily pound the little runt into a fine powder. I know for damn sure if he was this angry at me, my fault or not my fault... I would move along. And why this kid kept pushing Pentlands buttons is odd.
Having said that, technically, Pentland committed an assault by pushing him. Even though, Pentland is morally right to do so because the smart ass kid started to argue to his wife. What moron starts arguing with a man's wife right in front of him??
So the little bitch pressed charges.

Meanwhile.... blacks are murdered by other blacks by the dozen a day.
No protest or concern about that... no... a white man pushed a black person. Way more offensive.
Fucking idiots.
What a fricken bigot. He did none of the things you said, This turds wife started in on him before he responded. He was being attacked for walking in a white neighborhood for being black. I wan't to see this pig charged for assault and put away to protect the public from this ass hole bigot. What a wimp, you would run the first time a guy that looks tough tells you to move. Real hero man. This black person has more balls then you and is willing to stand up for his rights. All you bigots are the same.
Then again you haven't paid attention.
He was not just walking by and Pentalnd decided to run out of his house and harass him. It all started with the kid arguing with a neighbor. Pentlands wife told him some young kid is out there yelling at so and so. So he went out.
Also reported, this isn't the first time the kid has started trouble in the neighborhood before.
No you pay attention, who should I believe a bigot here or the cops who investigated the incident that said he did nothing previously to cause this bigots hate attack. All you bigots are the same , you think it's ambiguous whether you are bigots or not, it's not it is as clear as the day.
The idea that we should believe you bigots and not the police that are investigating this is nuts, but every bigot who hears you haters lies will push it around as being proof/ That's what makes you all bigots.

As an American, I believe that every body should walk our streets in freedom. I do not agree that everyone should carry a gun and "stand their ground," which could have resulted with pentland being shot to death by the person he accosted on the sidewalk.

As a citizen of the republic, I believe everyone should be able to travel any public property in peace, be able to defend themselves from danger and have their private property respected.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.
What's wrong with you jungle bunnies?

Tough ass redneck on the internet, wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a jungle bunny to his face. Coward ass punk.

all bigots should be thrown out of this forum

You're the bigot, dumbass.
Reverse the situation.
Have a white man walk down the street of an all black neighborhood.
He'd be lucky not to be beat up, robbed, and even shot. ... :cool:

Well we see what happens to black men in white neighborhoods.
At least I can drive down the street in a white neighborhood. Every time I drove down the street in a black neighborhood you people were holding a convention in the middle of the street and blocked traffic. Idiots.

The problem was probably that big Confederate flag flying on the back of your truck.
What's wrong with you jungle bunnies?

Tough ass redneck on the internet, wouldn't have the balls to call a black man a jungle bunny to his face. Coward ass punk.

all bigots should be thrown out of this forum

You're the bigot, dumbass.
What a Bozo statement, No logic, no sense, no reason, no brains. All bigots should be thrown out of these forums. They are a total waste.

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