BLM leader endorses Trump. Says Democrat party is racist.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
This, right here, is Exhibit A on why dimocraps are, 1) Uninformed and stupid, and, 2) the scum of the Earth.

The few that don't know what scum they and their party is won't respond to this very interesting news because they're stupid and capable of only parroting what they hear on TV, and the ones that are too partisan won't respond because -- It's true.

This is why I gave up on trying to change, save or otherwise enlighten scum of the Earth dimocraps. They're either too stupid or downright criminal. And, none of them are worth the trouble. You save them and next thing you know, they want to move in next door. No thanks.

But thanks for the news.

PS: Could this be a ruse?
The party of subhuman shit is going extinct.

Fix the election theft and they'll never be heard from again.

Deep state DINO.
The dimocrap scum party has always been racist. Early on, they hated and tried to eliminate Native Americans from the Country. Look it up.

Then, the dimocrap FILTH party were the ones that controlled the Southern Slave States. They even started the worst War in American History to maintain their racist regime. A Manoral Society. A disease. An Abomination to Humanity.

They stayed Anti-Black racist all through the Great Depression but with FDR throwing them little tidbits on the ground as they marched to power.

LBJ removed the Man from the Black Household with his Great Society and Welfare Rules. FACT. Look it up.

This made Black women, to this day, THE most wokey-woke-woke humans on the Planet, totally dependent on goobermint for -- Everything.

Black Men were aware of what was going on but they didn't care much at the time. They just bounced from one Baby-Mama's pad to another. "Where you stayin', man?" To this day, they don't 'live' anywhere, they 'stay' somewhere.

Enough on the Black problem; totally and absolutely 100% created and exacerbated by dimocrap FILTH. But at least Black Men, some Black "Men" are getting tired of it. They still have problems with who to blame. Some of them.

Now, dimocrap FILTH Hate Whites, where they used to Hate Blacks. But that's been going on for 50 years. Nothing new there. Just recently, we've seen through their lying guise and discovered -- They're also Anti-Semitic!!?! Surprise!

The dimocrap FILTH party is just simply a Hate Group. They should be destroyed. And not nicely, either. The one thing I hold against Lincoln is -- He didn't do that when he had the chance. But, a dimocap scumbag did murder him so he's got an excuse.

I bet if we could force people to where a shirt with who they voted for in the last election, there'd be a lot less dimocraps shitting on streets of this Country.

Not trying to start something when I say, "dimocraps are the scum of the Earth''. It's just a fact.

And NOT just the politicians. There have always been, and will ALWAYS be, people like Sponge Brains Shits Pants and Nazi Pelousy, and George Wallace and Bull Connor, etc.

Buts none of them rode into town on the top of a Panzer. People voted for them.

The question is, WHY? Why the FUCK would a rational human being vote for these scum?

The only answer is, they must be scum too
The dimocrap scum party has always been racist. Early on, they hated and tried to eliminate Native Americans from the Country. Look it up.

How early on?

Then, the dimocrap FILTH party were the ones that controlled the Southern Slave States. They even started the worst War in American History to maintain their racist regime. A Manoral Society. A disease. An Abomination to Humanity.

Southern strategy. Parties switched despite what Prager U and the 2000 mules liar guy say.

They stayed Anti-Black racist all through the Great Depression but with FDR throwing them little tidbits on the ground as they marched to power.

You mean blocked republican racist policies?

LBJ removed the Man from the Black Household with his Great Society and Welfare Rules. FACT. Look it up.

Yeah. The civil rights act really pissed off the southern racist.

This made Black women, to this day, THE most wokey-woke-woke humans on the Planet, totally dependent on goobermint for -- Everything.

No they aren't. Why do hate black women? Most are hard working adults.

Black Men were aware of what was going on but they didn't care much at the time. They just bounced from one Baby-Mama's pad to another. "Where you stayin', man?" To this day, they don't 'live' anywhere, they 'stay' somewhere.

Lol. Reading you speak on behalf of what black people thought is hilarious.

Enough on the Black problem; totally and absolutely 100% created and exacerbated by dimocrap FILTH. But at least Black Men, some Black "Men" are getting tired of it. They still have problems with who to blame. Some of them.

It will be a long time before blacks trust racist republican vermin.

Now, dimocrap FILTH Hate Whites, where they used to Hate Blacks. But that's been going on for 50 years. Nothing new there. Just recently, we've seen through their lying guise and discovered -- They're also Anti-Semitic!!?! Surprise!

Lol. That's a cute narrative.

The dimocrap FILTH party is just simply a Hate Group. They should be destroyed. And not nicely, either. The one thing I hold against Lincoln is -- He didn't do that when he had the chance. But, a dimocap scumbag did murder him so he's got an excuse.

If Lincoln had done it, we wouldn't have all these republican racist vermin running around.

I bet if we could force people to where a shirt with who they voted for in the last election, there'd be a lot less dimocraps shitting on streets of this Country.

Is that what they do in Russia?

Not trying to start something when I say, "dimocraps are the scum of the Earth''. It's just a fact.


And NOT just the politicians. There have always been, and will ALWAYS be, people like Sponge Brains Shits Pants and Nazi Pelousy, and George Wallace and Bull Connor, etc.

Sorry. I don't speak trumpanzee.

Buts none of them rode into town on the top of a Panzer. People voted for them.


The question is, WHY? Why the FUCK would a rational human being vote for these scum?

Because they like their policy positions and they aren't racist vermin like many Trump humpers.

The only answer is, they must be scum too
You think it's scummy to vote against racists Republican vermin.

Why am I not surprised?
How early on?

Southern strategy. Parties switched despite what Prager U and the 2000 mules liar guy say.

You mean blocked republican racist policies?

Yeah. The civil rights act really pissed off the southern racist.

No they aren't. Why do hate black women? Most are hard working adults.

Lol. Reading you speak on behalf of what black people thought is hilarious.

It will be a long time before blacks trust racist republican vermin.

Lol. That's a cute narrative.

If Lincoln had done it, we wouldn't have all these republican racist vermin running around.

Is that what they do in Russia?


Sorry. I don't speak trumpanzee.


Because they like their policy positions and they aren't racist vermin like many Trump humpers.

You think it's scummy to vote against racists Republican vermin.

Why am I not surprised?
Typical stupid dimocrap. Arguing about something he/it has absolutely no knowledge of.

Andrew Jackson founded the modern dimocrap scum party. He was a known Indian-Hater that pushed for, and signed into Law, the Indian Removal Act

You are just simply too stupid to waste my time on.

Go tag a synagogue, dimocrap
Typical stupid dimocrap. Arguing about something he/it has absolutely no knowledge of.

Andrew Jackson founded the modern dimocrap scum party. He was a known Indian-Hater that pushed for, and signed into Law, the Indian Removal Act

You are just simply too stupid to waste my time on.

Go tag a synagogue, dimocrap
Typical of Trump humping vermin.

Selective history cherry picked to facilitate a desired narrative.

Tell Vlad that shit works may work on vapid trumpers but independents are not easily manipulated.
Typical of Trump humping vermin.

Selective history cherry picked to facilitate a desired narrative.

Tell Vlad that shit works may work on vapid trumpers but independents are not easily manipulated.
hahaha the parties switched? what GOP policies did the Dems adopt? What Demaklan parties did the GOP adopt?

quite drinking the are, and have always been the party of oppression

Black Lives Matter Leader Sees the Light and Reveals Why He is Backing Donald Trump for President Next Year​


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