BLM and the KKK what's the difference?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
I know, outrageous comparison. Both where racial driven and popular in their time. So many comparisons to either its mind boggling. Um lets see here many blacks killed by other blacks? How many blacks intimidated by black drug pushers? How many innocent blacks murdered by other blacks? Oh lets not mention the police brutality, BLM. Police brutality and getting hit by lightning are huge threats to the black community.
I know, outrageous comparison. Both where racial driven and popular in their time. So many comparisons to either its mind boggling. Um lets see here many blacks killed by other blacks? How many blacks intimidated by black drug pushers? How many innocent blacks murdered by other blacks? Oh lets not mention the police brutality, BLM. Police brutality and getting hit by lightning are huge threats to the black community.
So much stupid in this post. Not sure where to start. Maybe the best way to approach such an ignorant pile of shit is to summarize the mission of BLM:

"To oppose state violence against and criminalization of black people"

it's not their job or responsibility to protest what stupid assholes think they should protest. When someone says, "Save the whales!", do you bitch that whales also kill each other? I would call your streaming pile of shit post a "racist dog whistle", but it's more like a tornado siren.
I know, outrageous comparison. Both where racial driven and popular in their time. So many comparisons to either its mind boggling. Um lets see here many blacks killed by other blacks? How many blacks intimidated by black drug pushers? How many innocent blacks murdered by other blacks? Oh lets not mention the police brutality, BLM. Police brutality and getting hit by lightning are huge threats to the black community.
So much stupid in this post. Not sure where to start. Maybe the best way to approach such an ignorant pile of shit is to summarize the mission of BLM:

"To oppose state violence against and criminalization of black people"

it's not their job or responsibility to protest what stupid assholes think they should protest. When someone says, "Save the whales!", do you bitch that whales also kill each other? I would call your streaming pile of shit post a "racist dog whistle", but it's more like a tornado siren.


BLM is a racist hate group that is the terrorist wing of the democrat party. In contrast the KKK was a racist hate group that was the terrorist wing of the democrat party.

See the difference?
I know, outrageous comparison. Both where racial driven and popular in their time. So many comparisons to either its mind boggling. Um lets see here many blacks killed by other blacks? How many blacks intimidated by black drug pushers? How many innocent blacks murdered by other blacks? Oh lets not mention the police brutality, BLM. Police brutality and getting hit by lightning are huge threats to the black community.
So much stupid in this post. Not sure where to start. Maybe the best way to approach such an ignorant pile of shit is to summarize the mission of BLM:

"To oppose state violence against and criminalization of black people"

it's not their job or responsibility to protest what stupid assholes think they should protest. When someone says, "Save the whales!", do you bitch that whales also kill each other? I would call your streaming pile of shit post a "racist dog whistle", but it's more like a tornado siren.
So they oppose something that is not happening.

Maybe they should oppose ignorance in their own communities.
It is a comparison that is kind of pathetic. BLM tries to focus on racial injustice, including inequities, such as poverty that are more significant drivers of crime than race. You certainly don’t have to agree with them but comparing them at all to the KKK smacks of a desperation to demonize.
I know, outrageous comparison. Both where racial driven and popular in their time. So many comparisons to either its mind boggling. Um lets see here many blacks killed by other blacks? How many blacks intimidated by black drug pushers? How many innocent blacks murdered by other blacks? Oh lets not mention the police brutality, BLM. Police brutality and getting hit by lightning are huge threats to the black community.
So much stupid in this post. Not sure where to start. Maybe the best way to approach such an ignorant pile of shit is to summarize the mission of BLM:

"To oppose state violence against and criminalization of black people"

it's not their job or responsibility to protest what stupid assholes think they should protest. When someone says, "Save the whales!", do you bitch that whales also kill each other? I would call your streaming pile of shit post a "racist dog whistle", but it's more like a tornado siren.
Now for the truth...
Black Lives Matter Founder Admit They Are “Trained Marxists”
There is that word again, straight out of the founders mouth. MARXISM....and what is the agenda of MARXISM? Come on boys and girls you know the answer...

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the economic and political theory and practice originated by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that holds that actions and human institutions are economically determined, that the class struggle is the basic agency of historical change, and that capitalism will ultimately be superseded by communism

I know, outrageous comparison. Both where racial driven and popular in their time. So many comparisons to either its mind boggling. Um lets see here many blacks killed by other blacks? How many blacks intimidated by black drug pushers? How many innocent blacks murdered by other blacks? Oh lets not mention the police brutality, BLM. Police brutality and getting hit by lightning are huge threats to the black community.
Both are terrorist groups
It is a comparison that is kind of pathetic. BLM tries to focus on racial injustice, including inequities, such as poverty that are more significant drivers of crime than race. You certainly don’t have to agree with them but comparing them at all to the KKK smacks of a desperation to demonize.
Good point. Except I have people bringing up the KKK as examples of hate groups we need to fear...Accept KKK hasn't killed any blacks for over 40 years the BLM riots, the shootings in Chicago, the Chaz shootings in Seattle have killed more unarmed black males in a month than cops have last year. So. what the hell does BLM really represent?
I know, outrageous comparison. Both where racial driven and popular in their time. So many comparisons to either its mind boggling. Um lets see here many blacks killed by other blacks? How many blacks intimidated by black drug pushers? How many innocent blacks murdered by other blacks? Oh lets not mention the police brutality, BLM. Police brutality and getting hit by lightning are huge threats to the black community.
Difference? Color.
Black lives matter implies no one else matters. Its a touch arrogant and narcissistic at the same time. In history nobody else has ever suffered misjustices or pain, just blacks. Really?
No it doesn’t.

there are many groups dedicated to helping those of certain ethnic groups, religions, etc. That doesn’t mean they think no one else matters.
The media hasn't said damned thing about the black on black shootings in CHAZ or why it was broken up, they keep spouting this "white cops bad" mantra dredging up a 9 month questionable police shooting in Aurora Colorado...fucking 9 months ago!
Black lives matter implies no one else matters. Its a touch arrogant and narcissistic at the same time. In history nobody else has ever suffered misjustices or pain, just blacks. Really?
No it doesn’t.

there are many groups dedicated to helping those of certain ethnic groups, religions, etc. That doesn’t mean they think no one else matters.
Right all these scum bags calling for white people to die says other wise, ya proven liar.
I know, outrageous comparison. Both where racial driven and popular in their time. So many comparisons to either its mind boggling. Um lets see here many blacks killed by other blacks? How many blacks intimidated by black drug pushers? How many innocent blacks murdered by other blacks? Oh lets not mention the police brutality, BLM. Police brutality and getting hit by lightning are huge threats to the black community.
The Klan occupied positions within the various justice systems so that when they went out to burn crosses, killing little girls by bombing churches, killing black people, predominantly men by lynching them or burning out affluent black communities and running their residents away form their homes, they were pretty much assured that they would face no repercussions.

Whatever you think of BLM's they're not in a position to absolve other black people of any crimes they may have committed although protesting is a constitutionally protect right while lynching, murder, arson, and bombings are all major crimes of violence.

There is no comparison between BLM and the KKK and for you to suggest otherwise is just a demonstration of your white rage.
KKK is practically dead , but they had a huge influence after the 1918 movie "Birth of a nation". Politicians that despised their games ended up allying with them out of political expediency. Sound familiar?
I know, outrageous comparison. Both where racial driven and popular in their time. So many comparisons to either its mind boggling. Um lets see here many blacks killed by other blacks? How many blacks intimidated by black drug pushers? How many innocent blacks murdered by other blacks? Oh lets not mention the police brutality, BLM. Police brutality and getting hit by lightning are huge threats to the black community.
You do realize that what you are describing is the institutionalized racism the BLM movement is dedicated to fighting, right?
Popularity of the KKK in say 1916 or the BLM in 2020 is rather comparable. Politicians acquiesced to whatever is popular, not what is moral or right.

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