Blago Fallout, NOT Obama Bashing


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
it may seem like that to the Obamabots, but reality folks, yeah it's a freaking blog:

Althouse: What's the matter with Illinois?


What's the matter with Illinois?
That was the gist of a question for Barack Obama at his press conference just now.

All but one of the questions were about the Blagojevich scandal -- even though O's topic of the day was health care. (He introduced Tom Daschle as his pick for HHS secretary.)

He didn't answer that question, unsurprisingly. Not that he called it out of bounds. He just followed a strategy -- as he did for all the Blagojevich questions -- of saying, essentially, I'm one of the good guys and Blagojevich is one of the bad guys.

Why do bad things seem to keep coming from Illinois government? You'll have to accept as the answer that there is also good from Illinois, and he is on the side of the good.

ADDED: The news conference is detailed here:
He was asked how the governor got the impression that neither Mr. Obama nor his senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, a possible pick for the Senate seat, were “willing to play ball and why he said those unrepeatable things about you.” A second part of the question referred to the previous governor of Illinois who is “still moldering” in federal prison, raising the question: What’s wrong with Illinois?

Mr. Obama said he could not speculate what was going on in the governor’s mind.

And he repeated what he said a few minutes ago, that he believes there are two different views of politics. One involves sacrifice and public service, the other is that politics is a business, “you’re wheeling and dealing and what’s in it for me?” He noted that there are good politicians in Illinois.

If the allegations against the governor are true, he said, “this is sort of the far end of the spectrum, that business mentality of politics.”

He added that his own campaign was about changing that view of politics. “You can get elected by playing it straight,” he said. “You can get elected by doing the right thing.”
Labels: Blagojevich, Daschle, health, Illinois, Obama


Blog or not, the questions will remain until addressed.
Agree, but if Obama wasn't from Illinois how many people would give a crap for more than 48 hours?

pity, too few. Corruption corrupts. Just ask anyone in LA, IL, or NJ.
pity, too few. Corruption corrupts. Just ask anyone in LA, IL, or NJ.

I'm taking a course at present and one of the other guys is a Chicago architect. He basically says exactly what you just did. But he would not agree that LA or NJ are anywhere near as corrupt as Chicago. Th stories he tells about what are basically legalized kickbacks are simply astonishing.
Why is it that when I start reading this whole Obama, Blagojevich, Rezko crap that it almost feels like I'm watching a good mobster movie?
I'm taking a course at present and one of the other guys is a Chicago architect. He basically says exactly what you just did. But he would not agree that LA or NJ are anywhere near as corrupt as Chicago. Th stories he tells about what are basically legalized kickbacks are simply astonishing.

I lived in Chitown for 15 years. If they put a stop to all the corruption, the city would come to a standstill.
Seriously, I think it's Obama's protests that he isnt involved drawing most of the attention to him. I mean no one is thinking about Obama in this scandal till the guy comes out and denies his involvement. I mean no ones accused you of anything so why are you denying it?

I think Obama's creating more problems for himself than anyone else.
I lived in Chitown for 15 years. If they put a stop to all the corruption, the city would come to a standstill.

Indeed. It's what makes this city 'work.' The obvious corruption though, that will cost Chicago the Olympics.
Seriously, I think it's Obama's protests that he isnt involved drawing most of the attention to him. I mean no one is thinking about Obama in this scandal till the guy comes out and denies his involvement. I mean no ones accused you of anything so why are you denying it?

I think Obama's creating more problems for himself than anyone else.

Well the scandal does involve his vacant senate seat. Not too mention Fitzgerald also had to go out of the way to announce that there is no accusations against Obama himself.
North Dakota tops analysis of corruption

On a per-capita basis, however, Illinois ranks 18th for the number of public corruption convictions the federal government has won from 1998 through 2007, according to a USA TODAY analysis of Department of Justice statistics.

Louisiana, Alaska and North Dakota all fared worse than the Land of Lincoln in that analysis.

North Dakota tops analysis of corruption -
Seriously, I think it's Obama's protests that he isnt involved drawing most of the attention to him. I mean no one is thinking about Obama in this scandal till the guy comes out and denies his involvement. I mean no ones accused you of anything so why are you denying it?

I think Obama's creating more problems for himself than anyone else.


The accusations and insinuations started the moment the scandal broke.

And that's all they are, too.

Baseless politically motivated insinuations.

More politics by character assassination.

Typical Republican mudslinging BS.
Seriously, I think it's Obama's protests that he isnt involved drawing most of the attention to him. I mean no one is thinking about Obama in this scandal till the guy comes out and denies his involvement. I mean no ones accused you of anything so why are you denying it?

I think Obama's creating more problems for himself than anyone else.

and if he stayed silent, those on the right would say it was because he didn't want to perjure himself by denying his involvement. I do believe that he was asked for a statement.

I happen to agree with him that he shouldn't be commenting on the ongoing investigation. He's a national figure and last time I checked blago is still going to need to be placed on trial for these crimes. How will they find an impartial jury if the President of the United States makes a public statement about his guilt and how he thinks it should be handled?
it may seem like that to the Obamabots, but reality folks, yeah it's a freaking blog:

Althouse: What's the matter with Illinois?

Blog or not, the questions will remain until addressed.

Either the Obama camp took a call from the Ill. governor and told him to piss-off or they didn't take a call thereby telling him to piss-off. When the answer is the same why would questions remain? Who do they remain for?

The accusations and insinuations started the moment the scandal broke.

And that's all they are, too.

Baseless politically motivated insinuations.

More politics by character assassination.

Typical Republican mudslinging BS.

What accusations and insinuations? Every new report I've heard about this scandal has gone out the way to point out that OBama isn't implicated. So, what the hell are you talking about, Ed?
More like typical political mudslinging, but whatever.

Interesting news here. Yesterday at Obama's press conference, noticeably absent were Emanuel and Axlerod. Of course, only the reporters could notice, as they are usually off camera. Thus, lots of questions about where they were, as they are always 'there.'

Emanuel was found and claimed he couldn't be more than one thing at a time and this time he was going to be 'father.' LOL! This guy can juggle tens of things at a time, which is how he got where he is:

Rahm ducks reporters' questions on Blago :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: 44: Barack Obama

Is Emanuel the adviser on gov tape?
MUM | Obama's chief of staff refuses to answer the question

December 11, 2008
President-elect Barack Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, refused to take questions from reporters this morning about whether he was the Obama “advisor” named in the criminal complaint against Gov. Rod Blagojevich...

...Emanuel was uncharacteristically absent from Obama’s news conference this morning. He was spotted two hours later in the lobby of Chicago’s City Hall. He was there to listen to his two children performing in a concert with their school, Anshe Emet.

A Sun-Times reporter pressed him to comment about whether he was the emissary named in the criminal complaint.

“You’re wasting your time,” Emanuel said. “I’m not going to say a word to you. I’m going to do this with my children. Dont do that. I’m a father. I have two kids. I’m not going to do it.”

Asked, “Can’t you do both?” Emanuel replied, “I’m not as capable as you. I’m going to be a father. I’m allowed to be a father,” and he pushed the reporter’s digital recorder away....

The Tribune has an 'exclusive' on JJ jr, looks like he will be going down too:

Blagojevich fundraiser held by Jackson allies Saturday --

Blagojevich fundraiser held by Jackson allies Saturday

By David Kidwell, John Chase and Dan Mihalopoulos

Tribune reporters

December 12, 2008

As Gov. Rod Blagojevich was trying to pick Illinois' next U.S. senator, businessmen with ties to both the governor and U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. discussed raising at least $1 million for Blagojevich's campaign as a way to encourage him to pick Jackson for the job, the Tribune has learned.

Blagojevich made an appearance at an Oct. 31 luncheon meeting at the India House restaurant in Schaumburg sponsored by Oak Brook businessman Raghuveer Nayak, a major Blagojevich supporter who also has fundraising and business ties to the Jackson family, according to several attendees and public records.

Two businessmen who attended the meeting and spoke to the Tribune on the condition of anonymity said that Nayak and Blagojevich aide Rajinder Bedi privately told many of the more than two dozen attendees the fundraising effort was aimed at supporting Jackson's bid for the Senate.

Among the attendees was a Blagojevich fundraiser already under scrutiny by federal investigators, Joliet pharmacist Harish Bhatt.

That meeting led to a Blagojevich fundraiser Saturday in Elmhurst, co-sponsored by Nayak and attended by Jesse Jackson Jr.'s brother, Jonathan, as well as Blagojevich, according to several people who were there. Nayak and Jonathan Jackson go back years and the two even went into business together years ago as part of a land purchase on the South Side.

Blagojevich and the congressman met to discuss the Senate seat on Monday, one day before federal prosecutors arrested Blagojevich and charged him with trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama. As part of the charges, prosecutors alleged that Blagojevich was considering awarding the seat to a politician identified as "Senate Candidate 5" because emissaries for that candidate were promising to raise as much as $1.5 million for Blagojevich's campaign fund....
More like typical political mudslinging, but whatever.

Interesting news here. Yesterday at Obama's press conference, noticeably absent were Emanuel and Axlerod. Of course, only the reporters could notice, as they are usually off camera. Thus, lots of questions about where they were, as they are always 'there.'

Emanuel was found and claimed he couldn't be more than one thing at a time and this time he was going to be 'father.' LOL! This guy can juggle tens of things at a time, which is how he got where he is:

do you ever get tired of being a partisan hack Annie?

are you saying that emanuel has the ability to be in two places at once? maybe he can show us that trick at some point cuz I'd love t figure out how to go to work and stay in bed sleeping at the same time.
Silence is right Annie, you really should stop pretending to be this "moderate" independent poster, who is simply posting news stories and information out of a deep seated concern for clean government.

Were you wandering around the board complaining about all the proven corruption in the Bush adminstration, and GOP? From scooter libby, to stephen Griles, to Tom Delay, to Ted Stevens, to Jack Abramoff?

I doubt it. Your respect for the rule of law only seems apparent when Democrats are arrested, and you are strangely silent or defensive when republican corruption is exposed.

Why not just admit your a partisan hack? I'm not embarrassed to admit I'm a liberal partisan, but I don't like corrupt government officials of either party. I'm never going to defend Blagovich, or make excuses for him, the way you and Cons backpedaled and downplayed Libby or Tom Delay.

I'm totally happy Blagovich got caught, and I hope he is convicted and receives a nice long prison sentence.

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