Black Women must resist temptations for Interracial marriage.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!
I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!

hahahahahah... what a loony, black women need to eat as well you know and the kids need clothes:lol:.
hahahahahah... what a loony, black women need to eat as well you know and the kids need clothes:lol:.

Nah! He's just miffed that the truth is out about black men!

I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!

You are a RACIST shit.
I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!


This reminds me of that Obama's Mama video someone posted here.
I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!
You mean like the torment our President Elect is going through? :cuckoo:
I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!

we are all individuals and will always act based on that fact. It's crazy to expect people to think with a group mentality. No race has or will ever achieve unity.
I love the idea that this idiot feels he is entitled to tell other people who to love & marry simply because they have the same hue of skin coloration.
I love the idea that this idiot feels he is entitled to tell other people who to love & marry simply because they have the same hue of skin coloration.

Besides-- I can't keep those black women off me. "Once you go black you never go back" :lol:
this guy has the same bigoted argument in every thread he is in....the only difference between this guy and a klan member is,when they pull his hood off,he is black.....
I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!

You have got to be old, because interracial kids don't have a problem like they did back in my day.

And black men date white women a lot more than the opposite. But I guess that's making more black babies and that you are cool with.

Trust me, I live in/near the hood and there is no way blacks are going to go away, unless we all go away. And black people have a much bigger problem with their kind dating whites, especially when it comes to black women dating white men. I date black women. Black men say, "oh hell no!" when they see us. Can you imagine how racist that would sound if I ever did that to a white girl with a black guy? Blacks are starting to be more racist than whites.

There are all black neighborhoods in a lot of cities where white people do not dare go. But there are very few suburbs where blacks aren't flocking to. So blacks will delute the white race and at the same time keep those inner cities BLACK.

The day inner cities/ghettos stop being 99.9% black is the day you maybe need to worry about the black race being deluted. Until then, don't worry about it.

Or are the latino's off limits too? I'm always fascinated by this reverse racism stuff.
Black Women must resist temptations for Interracial marriage.

I hate to break this to you 52, but this skinny white boy has dated a number of Black girls in his life.

Sweet ladies.

But most of those could resist anything.... but temptation.
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I hate to break this to you 52, but this skinny white boy has dated a number of Black girls in his life.

Sweet ladies.

But most of those could resist anything.... but temptation.

Ha! I have dated 4 lovely black women in my life. All HOT!

I don't like it that black men think its ok to be disrespectful to us on a date but it isn't ok or acceptable for me to give a white woman/black guy a hard time when i see them walking down the street.

I think black people are more racist than whites. Even Chris Rock says so. He says, "who's more racist? black people are because we hate N*$*rs too."

Does anyone even notice anymore if a kid is bi-racial? *shrug*

The only time I think of a kid as bi-racial is when their white mom is carrying them and they are clearly black. Or visa versa.

But no. If I see a light skinned black or a dark skinned white, I don't say, "oh he's bi-racial.

I love it that liberals wouldn't mind if one day we all melted together into one race and at the same time, this is a racists worst nightmare. :lol:
I'm completely in favor of bringing the worst nightmares of idiot racists into existence. Next thing you know, white folks will be moving in next door, bringing down your property values.
I ask all black women in America, not to be seduced into interracial unions with
men from outside their race. You are the mothers for the Black race.Don't be brainwahsed into thinking that you can love someone from outside the Black race, who is responsible for you not being able to find suitable Black male to marry. You Black women must realize, that the American society,since the days of slavery, is designed to separate the Black man from the Black woman. Don't
listen to statements like,"oh we are all the same" or "Love is colorblind", these are all lies to seduce you into assisting our oppressors,in the destruction of the
Black race.Don't sellout the Black race by marrying a man who is not BLACK!
Think of children of mixed race parents, and the torment they will endure for the rest of their lives.Marry black, no matter what.The Black race is counting on you Black Women, stop the Sellout of your race and your people.!

I say Black Women of America, help yourselves to all the white men you want. That leaves more black men for us white chicks.
[ame=""]YouTube - White Boys/Black Boys - Hair[/ame]

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