Black White Racism only benefits Liberal leaders.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
It doesn't benefit Black people. It doesn't benefit White people. Don't allow the Media to control you as they serve their masters. You are smarter than that.

The problem isn't that media calls attention to the fact that there are racists. The problem is that there are racists.
It doesn't benefit Black people. It doesn't benefit White people. Don't allow the Media to control you as they serve their masters. You are smarter than that.


Sad thing is most know what the media stands for today...they threw everything but the kitchen sink at Trump and he still kicked their ass.
It doesn't benefit Black people. It doesn't benefit White people. Don't allow the Media to control you as they serve their masters. You are smarter than that.


Sad thing is most know what the media stands for today...they threw everything but the kitchen sink at Trump and he still kicked their ass.

It helped that The Hag was a WHOREABLE candidate dragged doen by the legacy of The Clinton Crime Family Foundation.
The problem isn't that media calls attention to the fact that there are racists. The problem is that there are racists.

The problem is that the Media chooses to amplify any Racial Issue while ignoring critical issues like government waste, fraud and abuse, the corruption of the Political Elites, the drug epidemic, the myriad of health care issues in the country, the refugee crisis and why the Middle East does nothing to help them and dumps them on us. And why China is not called out for providing missiles, launchers, and whatever else North Korea wants. That's a sample there are many more issues the media could and should cover. But they ignore them at the bidding of their masters.

The problem is absolutely the fact that media calls attention to racists because they create the illusion that the racial conflict they show over and over and over is representative of America. That is false, but it is what their Liberal masters want us to believe.

It doesn't benefit Black people. It doesn't benefit White people. Don't allow the Media to control you as they serve their masters. You are smarter than that.

Is that why Republicans won? Because the racist B's benefits us liberals?

Steve bannon and Russia flooded the internet with fake news.

Liars warning people about liars
The problem isn't that media calls attention to the fact that there are racists. The problem is that there are racists.

The problem is that the Media chooses to amplify any Racial Issue while ignoring critical issues like government waste, fraud and abuse, the corruption of the Political Elites, the drug epidemic, the myriad of health care issues in the country, the refugee crisis and why the Middle East does nothing to help them and dumps them on us. And why China is not called out for providing missiles, launchers, and whatever else North Korea wants. That's a sample there are many more issues the media could and should cover. But they ignore them at the bidding of their masters.

The problem is absolutely the fact that media calls attention to racists because they create the illusion that the racial conflict they show over and over and over is representative of America. That is false, but it is what their Liberal masters want us to believe.

the Media chooses to amplify any Racial Issue while ignoring critical issues like government waste, fraud and abuse, the corruption of the Political Elites, the drug epidemic, the myriad of health care issues in the country, the refugee crisis and why the Middle East does nothing to help them and dumps them on us.

I've spent some 30+ years designing and implementing technical, financial and economic solutions for myriad kinds of organizations. Without exception, the key to success has been and will forever be the people, not the brilliance, mediocrity or weakness of the "technical" solution itself....The people who are tasked with implementing it and motivating other people to do so.

Thus, I repeat. The problem is that there are racists. When the people of the nation are discordant due to racial divisiveness as we've of late seen succored, all that other stuff is doomed as well to fail.


You do that....Good luck. I hope it works.

I demand better people.
  • If one is a theist, most especially a Christian, live a life of Christ to find one's way toward living without racism. Do unto others as one'd have others do unto oneself.
  • If one is an atheist, develop one's intellect to know the irrationality and cowardice of racism and in turn commit to eradicating from one's being and denouncing and decrying it every time one encounters.
People can and do change, and we know that because in the course of American history, on the matter of race, many have.
That you disparage him thus does not to those of us who see the post that apparently alone catalyzed your doing so think you have any legitimate basis for doing so.

I don't know a damn thing about JimBowie1958, but I can see the meme he posted doesn't militate for thinking he's a "n*gger lover." I can, however, see that you are one of too many imbecilic and putrid wastes of skin who comprise the cesspool of filth metastasizing and maligning in the fabric of American society and culture that will only be "cured" when America is "born anew," its death, like that of the host of a parasite, having taken miscreants like you and your fiendish ilk with it.
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I agree with the central theme of your meme comments, but not with its subtext.
The racial division in this country has long benefited only the Oligarchs, and that is the subtext I see in it and it is, IMO, exactly correct.
We agree on the subtext of the meme.

Sitting as I do among the senior management of a global firm, and having run my own firm, I suspect you'd likely consider me among the so-called oligarchs. Without acceding to that epithet, I can assure you that racial divisiveness does the opposite of benefit our objectives. Indeed, with moral/ethical bankruptcy of racial intransigence in the hearts and minds of our people, we quite literally would go bankrupt.
That you disparage him thus does not to those of us who see the post that apparently alone catalyzed your doing so think you have any legitimate basis for doing so.

I don't know a damn thing about JimBowie1958, but I can see the meme he posted doesn't militate for thinking he's a "n*gger lover." I can, however, see that you are one of too many imbecilic and putrid wastes of skin who comprise the cesspool of filth metastasizing and maligning the fabric of American society and culture that will only be "cured" when America is "born anew," its death, like that of the host of a parasite, taking miscreants like you and your fiendish ilk with it.
'88' (for Heil Hitler) is apparently a very frustrated person, and he is right in that I do have God's love even for white 'n1ggers' like him.

These kinds of racists have something eating at them on the inside that cant be stopped and so they give it voice as hate for the first thing that they see different than they are.

But really they just hate themselves for being the losers in the genetic lottery and winding up poor, dull witted, small, ugly and afraid of nearly everything and so they hate.

I have seen about a dozen people like him straighten their lives out and in every case it was when they found faith in Jesus Christ. They were all culturally 'Christian' in that 'My Pappy was a Christian' reflexive thing, but once they truly came to comprehend that God sent His Son to die for the sins of us all and that Jesus loves even miserable wretches like him, it seems to melt them down and they repent.

Of course that requires a level of honesty and humility that ole 88 doesnt have, I am fairly sure, but some of them are capable of growing as human beings, believe it or not.
I suspect you'd likely consider me among the so-called oligarchs.
No, with all due respect, if you need to punch a clock, white collar or blue collar, you are not an Oligarch.

These are the kind of people with starter castles all over the globe and hundreds of people working for them personally that they dont even know very well. They dont worry about taxes and fines because they have too many friends in Congress to fix things for them.

Five Oligarchs Whose Names You Need to Know

Nelson Rockefeller was an Oligarch, as are the Koch brothers, Donald trump is not.
That you disparage him thus does not to those of us who see the post that apparently alone catalyzed your doing so think you have any legitimate basis for doing so.

I don't know a damn thing about JimBowie1958, but I can see the meme he posted doesn't militate for thinking he's a "n*gger lover." I can, however, see that you are one of too many imbecilic and putrid wastes of skin who comprise the cesspool of filth metastasizing and maligning the fabric of American society and culture that will only be "cured" when America is "born anew," its death, like that of the host of a parasite, taking miscreants like you and your fiendish ilk with it.
'88' (for Heil Hitler) is apparently a very frustrated person, and he is right in that I do have God's love even for white 'n1ggers' like him.

These kinds of racists have something eating at them on the inside that cant be stopped and so they give it voice as hate for the first thing that they see different than they are.

But really they just hate themselves for being the losers in the genetic lottery and winding up poor, dull witted, small, ugly and afraid of nearly everything and so they hate.

I have seen about a dozen people like him straighten their lives out and in every case it was when they found faith in Jesus Christ. They were all culturally 'Christian' in that 'My Pappy was a Christian' reflexive thing, but once they truly came to comprehend that God sent His Son to die for the sins of us all and that Jesus loves even miserable wretches like him, it seems to melt them down and they repent.

Of course that requires a level of honesty and humility that ole 88 doesnt have, I am fairly sure, but some of them are capable of growing as human beings, believe it or not.
But really they just hate themselves for being the losers in the genetic lottery and winding up poor, dull witted, small, ugly and afraid of nearly everything and so they hate.

I believe you are correct.

Of course that requires a level of honesty and humility that ole 88 doesnt have, I am fairly sure, but some of them are capable of growing as human beings, believe it or not.

I am sure they can. I and my closest friend on the planet are descended from Southern plantation owners. Most members of our families have discarded that racist crap. Interestingly, and to one of the points you made in the passage I quoted prior to the one immediately above, those of us who have have done also have enjoy the sort of financial ease of which most but only dream. I attribute the difference to the race-inspired hate, the racism, for the one thing about all of us -- racist or not -- is that we all are very capable individuals who've not wanted for opportunity.

We were all born to the same family. We all went the best schools. Yet some of my kin are mediocrities, and the rest are nothing of the sort. The presence and absence of deep-seated hatred, and the respective consequences thereof is, as far as I can see, which is quite far inasmuch as they are my relatives, the main thing that distinguishes those of us who've thrived from those of us who've merely "gotten by."

  • Another illustrative data point....Though I, my brother, and closest cousins gained admittance and matriculated to one of the country's top 15 colleges/universities, not one of the racists (three) among us graduated from one. I know that's not a lot of people and a lot of data points, but it is nonetheless striking. Indeed, it's something I hadn't really noticed until composing this post.
I and my closest friend on the planet are descended from Southern plantation owners. Most members of our families have discarded that racist crap. Interestingly, and to one of the points you made in the passage I quoted prior to the one immediately above, those of us who have have done also have enjoy the sort of financial ease of which most but only dream. I attribute the difference to the race-inspired hate, the racism, for the one thing about all of us -- racist or not -- is that we all are very capable individuals who've not wanted for opportunity.

Ancestry is an interesting thing. I was raised being told I was Irish due to my red hair and my Mom not really having the slightest idea, lol.

I grew up reading history with a decidedly Irish lean, and consequently I hated the English something awful.

Then when I got into the army, I had time to trace my ancestry and found out, I am three quarters Anglo. My ancestors were among the first settlers in Spotsylvania county, VA, roflmao. My world view almost collapsed.

Our family heritage is nice to know for curiosities sake, but what good does it really do some white trash like me to have been descended from the tutors of kings, if you will, instead of good solid Irish peasant stock?

None as far as I can tell.
These are the kind of people with starter castles all over the globe and hundreds of people working for them personally that they dont even know very well. They dont worry about taxes and fines because they have too many friends in Congress to fix things for them.

There are thousands of people in my firm and until I moved to semi-retirement, I was one of the top 100 partners in it. Technically, I still am, but as a semi-retired partner, I don't now have any senior management responsibilities. That said, there are certainly people working on my remaining projects whom I hardly know and a few whom I've never met.

Nelson Rockefeller was an Oligarch, as are the Koch brothers, Donald trump is not.

By that measure and context, no, you wouldn't call me or my firm's CEO, for that matter, an oligarch.

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