Black people represent 6% of the pop. yet they account for 40% of cases of unarmed death by police

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, over the last several years, black youth, who make up 16% of the youth population, have accounted for over 45% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including over 50% of youth arrests for homicide and robbery. So perhaps a substantial part of the problem is their conduct and character?
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, over the last several years, black youth, who make up 16% of the youth population, have accounted for over 45% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including over 50% of youth arrests for homicide and robbery. So perhaps a substantial part of the problem is their conduct and character?

Actually, it's single parent homes.

The mothers of these black kids can't handle them once they hit their teen years. A strong father figure that will kick a kids ass is what's needed. That is of course if the father is worth a crap himself.

Once a child learns that with enough arrogance, enough strong will, enough disobedience, they can gain control over authority, they take that lesson to their schools and in the streets with police. Unfortunately, it leads to death at times.

But we can't create a law that all children have to be with both parents, so it's really up to the black community to make those changes.
Yes indeed. Instead of being at home with their families and helping their kids with their homework, they'd prefer to run the streets protesting and showing their collective asses. They refuse to accept any responsibility at all for their own plight and status in society. You are what you are.
where did I say YOU said "randomly.?" I used the term to identify my interpretation of the direction your gibberish was taking. The same with my use of he word conservative. It was used to illustrate your insinuation preceded by the phrase "as if." People who have grasped the fundamentals of proper English wouldn't have a problem with elementary comprehension as you do.


Lying about leftist randomly lying as if conservatives don't lie at all.

You trying to "illustrate" something I never said by "implying" I said it, then present is as me lying.

Typical leftist.
Ok well I gave a source for my stat and you didn't so you blow chunks and I don't. Congratulations.

dude, the census says it's 13% of the population. that would have made your point equally well and wouldn't have resulted in a discussion that intentionally deflected from your point...which is that blacks are inordinately killed by cops.

Population estimates, July 1, 2015, (V2015)
Umm what's his point? Perhaps you can articulate it because as i see it he doesnt have one.

he has a point.... and you know what it is Rocko..... that black people are more likely to be shot for no reason than white people.

it isn't a complicated point....which is why i suggested that using the actual numbers would have obviated the deflection of certain posters who would rather quibble over extraneous points.

There is no data that supports your conclusion. Yes unarmed blacks are more likely to be killed by police. They are also more likely to be criminals. Doesn't it make perfect sense that criminals are more likely to be killed by law enforcement than by people who don't commit crimes?
What you're too dense to even acknowledge is how wrong the police conduct is. Why do you fault black peole IN GENERAL and not the police themselves?

Anytime a black is shot by police, the only thought you have it is had to be the police acting inappropriately. You consider nothing else.
Umm what's his point? Perhaps you can articulate it because as i see it he doesnt have one.

he has a point.... and you know what it is Rocko..... that black people are more likely to be shot for no reason than white people.

it isn't a complicated point....which is why i suggested that using the actual numbers would have obviated the deflection of certain posters who would rather quibble over extraneous points.

There is no data that supports your conclusion. Yes unarmed blacks are more likely to be killed by police. They are also more likely to be criminals. Doesn't it make perfect sense that criminals are more likely to be killed by law enforcement than by people who don't commit crimes?
What you're too dense to even acknowledge is how wrong the police conduct is. Why do you fault black peole IN GENERAL and not the police themselves?

Your statistics are ALL ABOUT races IN GENERAL.

Comments on the OP then will more then likely be a reflection on that basis.

Geez, really?
Um no I made no generalization about race.
You did make a generalization about police.
Yes indeed. Instead of being at home with their families and helping their kids with their homework, they'd prefer to run the streets protesting and showing their collective asses. They refuse to accept any responsibility at all for their own plight and status in society. You are what you are.

Absolutely, and I see it all the time over here.

My neighbor kid bought a basketball hoop. The entire damn neighborhood was here. Several times there were more than a dozen kids playing ball. Other times a half-dozen or more. They would play well past dark until I told them to cut it out for the night, and on a few occasions, the kids got cocky with me and I had to call the cops.

But my question is, where are these kids parents at? During the school year, I had to have my ass home long before dark, and that was only if I had my homework done. Don't these black parents care where their children are at that time of night? Some of those kids were in their early teens or younger. And I'd be willing to bet that these were kids that had very bad grades or even flunked a grade or two.
HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:View attachment 81015

How is your pic proof that white areas are under policed?
with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring. Are you suggesting that Whites are committing crimes in Black neighborhoods?

with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring.

I'd guess that whites commit crimes in the areas where they live.
So with so many arrests of whites, where is your proof that white areas are under policed?

Obviously they are under represented in prisons. There should be 3 times as many Whites in prison as Blacks.based on known criminal activity but drive through any White middle classed neighborhood and you rarely see a cop car. Just think how many more arrests might occur if those neighborhoods were as saturated by LEOs as Black neighborhoods.

Congrats the most stupidest post of the year...what crimes are committed? To loud of a lawn mower?
This johnqpublic is a race baiting bigot. Fuck 'em
Yes indeed. Instead of being at home with their families and helping their kids with their homework, they'd prefer to run the streets protesting and showing their collective asses. They refuse to accept any responsibility at all for their own plight and status in society. You are what you are.

Absolutely, and I see it all the time over here.

My neighbor kid bought a basketball hoop. The entire damn neighborhood was here. Several times there were more than a dozen kids playing ball. Other times a half-dozen or more. They would play well past dark until I told them to cut it out for the night, and on a few occasions, the kids got cocky with me and I had to call the cops.

But my question is, where are these kids parents at? During the school year, I had to have my ass home long before dark, and that was only if I had my homework done. Don't these black parents care where their children are at that time of night? Some of those kids were in their early teens or younger. And I'd be willing to bet that these were kids that had very bad grades or even flunked a grade or two.
They are too busy for their kids.
I had a friend nearby that has two sons. He decided to put up a basketball goal in the driveway. Over time, the number of kids coming to the house to shoot hoops was overwhelming. It go to the point where he'd come home from work and his sons were either not home or they were inside doing their homework( had to be done FIRST before they could play) and there would be ten kids in the driveway. They were not invited. He was not the sort to make waves, so he put up with it. Then these kids started showing up in the evenings and they would not leave until they were ordered to do so. He got sick of it and took the goal down.
The kids did not know any better, They had ZERO upbringing. Their parent(s) would simply kick them out of the house, tell them to go play somewhere. The kids would tell my friend that they could not go home because their mom or dad or both would lock them out of the house. Fast forward to today. To my knowledge, some of the kids are now in possession of juvy records. Others have gotten into trouble as well.
The bottom line. Parents that place no rules in front of their kids no guidance or rules and they put them at a huge disadvantage.
Obviously they are under represented in prisons. There should be 3 times as many Whites in prison as Blacks.based on known criminal activity but drive through any White middle classed neighborhood and you rarely see a cop car. Just think how many more arrests might occur if those neighborhoods were as saturated by LEOs as Black neighborhoods.

That's assuming that whites commit just as many violations of the laws as blacks. Of course there is no truth to that, but your liberalism precludes you from seeing the real picture.

I've lived here for a very long time. I moved here when it was a nearly all white neighborhood. I can tell you of the big changes that took place. But sticking to your comment, violent crimes rose dramatically once blacks moved in. Up to that time, violent crime was an anomaly.

We went from one murder perhaps every ten years or more to three a year. A few years ago, I had three murders all within one mile of my home, and two of them less than 1,000 feet from my home. Businesses closed down or moved out because of all the robberies. People cleared the streets at night because it was no longer safe to walk. Good people, some who have lived here for generations moved out because it was no longer safe. My Forth of July was nothing special either. That's because my city and cities bordering mine closed down their fireworks display because they didn't want to deal with the gang fights and riots that break out whenever you have a gathering of black people.

And no, that's not to say ALL black people are like that, only that this is what happens when a neighborhood does turn black. And trying to say that blacks and whites have the same kinds of crime....just that whites don't have the police to catch them is plain ridiculous and demonstrates you have no knowledge of what you speak of.
I have a friend that has been living in Cleveland Heights for over 20 years. He has HAD IT with the ever encroaching violent crime. The last straw was what the police determined to be a gang related in front of his apartment building.
He works for one of the major drug store chains as general manager. The company closed his store because of the crime. The store had not been robbed. But was burglarized several times.
I will say this. The area is NOT undergoing gentrification. Wink wink. Nudge nudge.
I have a friend that has been living in Cleveland Heights for over 20 years. He has HAD IT with the ever encroaching violent crime. The last straw was what the police determined to be a gang related in front of his apartment building.
He works for one of the major drug store chains as general manager. The company closed his store because of the crime. The store had not been robbed. But was burglarized several times.
I will say this. The area is NOT undergoing gentrification. Wink wink. Nudge nudge.

Cleveland Heights was one of the best suburbs around at one time. But like my suburb unfortunately, it's on the east side.

I will give credit to Cleveland Heights for trying to take some measures to keep lowlifes out. Several years ago, the Mayor created a very strict curfew law: all kids under 18 be home by 6:00pm. Guess who complained the most about it? So under the guise that the new law was racist, the Mayor had to back down and rescind the law even thought it applied to everybody.

We also had a Mayor years ago that had balls. He created the parents responsibility law. The new law stated that parents will be held responsible for the actions of their children. It was so controversial at the time our Mayor was doing radio interviews all across the country. The blacks called the law racist, but that didn't stop our Mayor. It was the sissy court that gave in and struck down the law when a black parent sued the city because she got finned for her little rug rat.

The thing is when good and evil collide, evil always wins for some reason. So it's almost worthless to get good leadership for your city. I mean if it's racist to have early curfews laws and hold parents responsible for their own kids, what law isn't racist that tries to address these problems?
HAHAHA! You are going to lecture ME on what is racist or not? I said White areas are under policed and that is exactly what I meant and I don't see that as being racist at all. Its a fact that focuses light of the heroin epidemic occurring behind the walls of suburban "camelot." I have not even MENTIONed the meth epidemic occurring in White trailer parks and truck stops. And lets take a look at the metropolitan counties in which all of this White crime is occurring…are you ready? here we go….:View attachment 81015

How is your pic proof that white areas are under policed?
with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring. Are you suggesting that Whites are committing crimes in Black neighborhoods?

with 3 times as much crime being committed by Whites in metro counties than Blacks, you tell me where all the White crime is occurring.

I'd guess that whites commit crimes in the areas where they live.
So with so many arrests of whites, where is your proof that white areas are under policed?

Obviously they are under represented in prisons. There should be 3 times as many Whites in prison as Blacks.based on known criminal activity but drive through any White middle classed neighborhood and you rarely see a cop car. Just think how many more arrests might occur if those neighborhoods were as saturated by LEOs as Black neighborhoods.

There should be 3 times as many Whites in prison as Blacks.based on known criminal activity

Based on violent crimes, you are mistaken.

drive through any White middle classed neighborhood and you rarely see a cop car.

Not much violent crime going on in those areas.

Just think how many more arrests might occur if those neighborhoods were as saturated by LEOs as Black neighborhoods

Not many more.

Imagine how many more crimes would occur in those black neighborhoods, if all the cops were in the white neighborhoods.

"Not much violent crime going on in those areas."

Of course you are correct....
This is an amazing fact:

The geographic disparities are huge. In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian. As a result, police presence and use of proactive tactics are much higher in Brownsville than in Bay Ridge.

This incidence of crime means that innocent black men have a much higher chance than innocent white men of being stopped by the police because they match the description of a suspect. This is not something the police choose. It is a reality..." The Danger of the “Black Lives Matter” Movement


'In Brownsville, Brooklyn, the per capita shooting rate is 81 times higher than in nearby Bay Ridge, Brooklyn—the first neighborhood predominantly black, the second neighborhood predominantly white and Asian.'

Population of each: Brownsville, 60,000

Bay Ridge, 70,000
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, over the last several years, black youth, who make up 16% of the youth population, have accounted for over 45% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including over 50% of youth arrests for homicide and robbery. So perhaps a substantial part of the problem is their conduct and character?

Actually, it's single parent homes.

The mothers of these black kids can't handle them once they hit their teen years. A strong father figure that will kick a kids ass is what's needed. That is of course if the father is worth a crap himself.

Once a child learns that with enough arrogance, enough strong will, enough disobedience, they can gain control over authority, they take that lesson to their schools and in the streets with police. Unfortunately, it leads to death at times.

But we can't create a law that all children have to be with both parents, so it's really up to the black community to make those changes.
Aren't you going to ask mikegriffith for a link or do you just ask people you think are liberals for links? And you seem to keep forgetting that most Black people are not impoverished or dysfunctional while, simultaneously, a lot of White people are both poor AND dysfunctional. Here is a novel idea. Since we are all Americans, let's come together address ALL criminal activity. White criminals are just as dysfunctional and impoverished as Black criminals. That correlation is a good starting point to tackle our national criminal problem. Separating crime by race has no real effect except to provide fodder for race baiters and RW politicians. There is also profit in privatizing prisons so an incentive for more arrests and incarceration (Trumps?) any incentive for lessening it..

Stop lecturing Blacks about what they have to do to address crime .Crime is an American national problem, not a Black problem.
Blacks might live in separate communities from Whites in general but we all pay for and share the same resources used to combat crime. However, because of the incentives I mentioned earlier, those resources have been used to selectively enforce laws designed to impact poor White and minority communities. We must cease this unholy dichotomy of judging crime as "Black" or White." Until we come together as Americans, we will never empty our prisons or make America a peaceful safe paradise every where you go.
I have a friend that has been living in Cleveland Heights for over 20 years. He has HAD IT with the ever encroaching violent crime. The last straw was what the police determined to be a gang related in front of his apartment building.
He works for one of the major drug store chains as general manager. The company closed his store because of the crime. The store had not been robbed. But was burglarized several times.
I will say this. The area is NOT undergoing gentrification. Wink wink. Nudge nudge.

Cleveland Heights was one of the best suburbs around at one time. But like my suburb unfortunately, it's on the east side.

I will give credit to Cleveland Heights for trying to take some measures to keep lowlifes out. Several years ago, the Mayor created a very strict curfew law: all kids under 18 be home by 6:00pm. Guess who complained the most about it? So under the guise that the new law was racist, the Mayor had to back down and rescind the law even thought it applied to everybody.

We also had a Mayor years ago that had balls. He created the parents responsibility law. The new law stated that parents will be held responsible for the actions of their children. It was so controversial at the time our Mayor was doing radio interviews all across the country. The blacks called the law racist, but that didn't stop our Mayor. It was the sissy court that gave in and struck down the law when a black parent sued the city because she got finned for her little rug rat.

The thing is when good and evil collide, evil always wins for some reason. So it's almost worthless to get good leadership for your city. I mean if it's racist to have early curfews laws and hold parents responsible for their own kids, what law isn't racist that tries to address these problems?
Your anecdote might have a ring of truth to it; but, your "programmed" mind might not allow you to process things rationally. That reality is quite evident in your narratives, especially when you assign the narrow perspective of your personal experiences with Blacks to the entire Black population. Perhaps only a psychiatrist would be able to get through that crust of prejudice.
Nevertheless, I shall push on, acting prophylactically to neutralize the germs of hate you are so intent on spreading.

Obviously, Black leaders and White leaders of every town or city are going to have to sit down over Lobster and caviar to address the combined crime problems regardless of community. Our elected representatives must then be summoned to act on what we tell them we want. If we are to be serious about ending the outrageous crime sprees, it must be a multi-racial effort involving all of us and the population must be aware of that. So, If tough measures are to be implemented everyone will know it was with the blessings of ALL races and creeds. Now, my question to all you is: What do we have to do to get there?
What you're too dense to even acknowledge is how wrong the police conduct is. Why do you fault black peole IN GENERAL and not the police themselves?

If you don't have the opportunity (as I do) to see police in action with blacks, watch the show COPS and take notice how blacks interact with police officers compared to whites. That will pretty much tell you everything you need to know right there.
No wonder you are such an incorrigible bigot. You get all your propaganda from watching a TV show.
"Cops" is propaganda?
No wonder you are such an incorrigible bigot. You get all your propaganda from watching a TV show.

Yes, well as we all know, liberals aren't bigoted because even if they see something happening right in front of them, they simply pretend they don't see it.
Like the shooting in Minnesota or the one in Baton Rouge? We saw it live on TV. It is you who are pretending you didn't see two murders. Everyone knows those two Black men were murdered but the justice system is full of bright lawyers who will obfuscate what we saw and turn it into some fuzzy technicality that went on before the murders took place.

You don't know that. You didn't see the entire incident in either case, and you don't know all the facts. You're just an idiot shooting off his mouth.
Your anecdote might have a ring of truth to it; but, your "programmed" mind might not allow you to process things rationally. That reality is quite evident in your narratives, especially when you assign the narrow perspective of your personal experiences with Blacks to the entire Black population. Perhaps only a psychiatrist would be able to get through that crust of prejudice.
Nevertheless, I shall push on, acting prophylactically to neutralize the germs of hate you are so intent on spreading.

Obviously, Black leaders and White leaders of every town or city are going to have to sit down over Lobster and caviar to address the combined crime problems regardless of community. Our elected representatives must then be summoned to act on what we tell them we want. If we are to be serious about ending the outrageous crime sprees, it must be a multi-racial effort involving all of us and the population must be aware of that. So, If tough measures are to be implemented everyone will know it was with the blessings of ALL races and creeds. Now, my question to all you is: What do we have to do to get there?

And just HTF do you do that when "one" of our races decides every solution is racial? You libs never worry about actually solving problems, you want to "try and solve problems while at the same time being politically correct. Guess what? That doesn't work.

How do two groups get together when one wants to keep crime and the other wants it stopped? Just solve some of the crimes? It's kind of like the Palestinian conflict where they want all the Jews dead. What's the middle-ground, just kill half of the Jews?

"Folks, liberals measure success by internet. Conservatives measure success by results."
Rush Limbaugh
I find it sadly funny that many NaziCons say that race relations are worse than ever before. No shit. There are several reasons - but a few are strikingly obvious. Think about it...

First black president

Racists more emboldened

Scared white people

Pissed off and emboldened black people

Better organized black people

More bad cops exposed by cell phones with cameras

More and better media coverage in general


Weren't we told Obama was going to fix all that?

BTW, all you've said is that race relations are worse than ever.
What you're too dense to even acknowledge is how wrong the police conduct is. Why do you fault black peole IN GENERAL and not the police themselves?

If you don't have the opportunity (as I do) to see police in action with blacks, watch the show COPS and take notice how blacks interact with police officers compared to whites. That will pretty much tell you everything you need to know right there.
No wonder you are such an incorrigible bigot. You get all your propaganda from watching a TV show.
"Cops" is propaganda?
Hell yeah! You don't see any rogue cops on there do you?
Aren't you going to ask mikegriffith for a link or do you just ask people you think are liberals for links? And you seem to keep forgetting that most Black people are not impoverished or dysfunctional while, simultaneously, a lot of White people are both poor AND dysfunctional. Here is a novel idea. Since we are all Americans, let's come together address ALL criminal activity. White criminals are just as dysfunctional and impoverished as Black criminals. That correlation is a good starting point to tackle our national criminal problem. Separating crime by race has no real effect except to provide fodder for race baiters and RW politicians. There is also profit in privatizing prisons so an incentive for more arrests and incarceration (Trumps?) any incentive for lessening it..

Stop lecturing Blacks about what they have to do to address crime .Crime is an American national problem, not a Black problem.
Blacks might live in separate communities from Whites in general but we all pay for and share the same resources used to combat crime. However, because of the incentives I mentioned earlier, those resources have been used to selectively enforce laws designed to impact poor White and minority communities. We must cease this unholy dichotomy of judging crime as "Black" or White." Until we come together as Americans, we will never empty our prisons or make America a peaceful safe paradise every where you go.

Sorry pal, but I lived in both black and white neighborhoods. Guess what? Whites have little violent crime in their all white neighborhoods. It's not a problem for them. You just want to extrapolate solutions of black neighborhoods into white where there is little violent crime because you fail to accept the FACT that such crime doesn't affect white neighborhoods.

Mike's statistics make sense whereas yours do not. When something doesn't quite line up, that's when I ask for verification. If somebody posts statistics I know reflect the statistics I have in my folder, then what's to question?

Whites take care of their own crime. In a white neighborhood, bad apples are transcending. People call the police all the time. They offer their assistance as witnesses. They complain to their building department if the least thing is out of place. I even have a white friend of mine take his matter to court to sue an asshole he's had problems with. Eventually they realize they are out of place and move the hell out of that community. They just can't take the harassment.

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