Black males execute random white college student in St. Louis, MO


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Black males execute random white college student in St. Louis, MO

Black males execute random white college student in St. Louis MO


Bobby Christman, was slaughtered in front of a downtown St. Louis museum. Black males shot him at random.
Three black males surrounded a carload of white people in Downtown St. Louis. One of them opened the car door and shot Bobby Christman in the head. He died shortly after. Then one of the perps engaged in a gun battle with police.

The St. Louis media is desperately trying to downplay the terrorist attack as “a botched robbery attempt.”

Bobby Christman, a 19 year old college student, was shot in the head while sitting in the front passenger seat of the car. Two other people were in the car. A 17 year old white male and a 19 year old white female.

St. Louis was the scene of a gruesome racially motivated lynching murder on November 30th. Zemir Begic was attacked by a group of black teenagers who were yelling “kill the white people.” They smashed his face in with a hammer, killing him.

Then, just three days later, a group of black males stormed a bar full of older white patrons. The bar had a reputation for being a hangout for current and retired police. A elderly white female was shot in the head execution style and killed. Then the perps shot and wounded several other white victims.

Why isn't this national news? Seriously....I guess the mass media can point out ever little hate crime, word and possible murder by whites....but when it comes to blacks killing whites? Whites lives don't matter to our media.
Some white liberal will jump in the thread to call matthew a racist in 5....4....3....2
The reality is something like this happens far more often than something like a black being murdered by a white cop. Yet something like this in large part usually gets ignored. That is self evident to anyone with thier eyes open.
There's a culture of violence problem a lot of blacks have, and not enough is being done to try and change that. This time it was a white victim but it ususually is another black that's the victim. The biggest victims in this are blacks.
Dear Matthew:
To unify everyone against crimes including hate crimes,
both white and black people who are protesting the violence,
please focus on the crimes, not the color.

You will avoid pouring gasoline on the flames and fueling the fire.
Please don't take the race bait.

If you focus on stopping the violence, all law abiding people can side with you, and show that it isn't about race.
But if you focus on color, you will alienate many Black members of the public also outraged at the violence in the name of color.

Why make people turn against you who want to stand with you.
Keep color out of it, focus on standing with the police and law abiding citizens to stop criminal violence and abuses,
and we can all unite around that. We can all unite against abuses by police also, but color has to stay out of that as well.

I agree that some of these crimes are motivated by race,
but you cannot jump into that fight and expect to keep your hands clean.

Rise above the race issue, and you will compel others to stop the baiting as well.
We need to unite, but dragging race issues into it is dividing and dragging us down.
Let's lift each other up. Let's not fall into the same traps over and over.
I am neither white nor a liberal...but Matthew is a racist gimp. He can't walk, run, jump or fuck, so he spends all of his time blaming blackie for his handicap.
I am neither white nor a liberal...but Matthew is a racist gimp. He can't walk, run, jump or fuck, so he spends all of his time blaming blackie for his handicap.

That may be the case, but I like to focus on the post and not the poster. The thread merits legitimate discussion, particularly after we just had a national discussion with the Brown case.
OP is divisive racist hate mongering, and the poster has admitted being a racist- so at least he's honest. Unlike most hater dupes.
I bet you if the OP made a thread about investing in infrastructure you ignore the thread and attack him.
If it were a reversal in races...itd be another riot.

Black males commit a vastly higher amount of violent crime. They just have many in their demo who are dangerous. No more sugar coating it.
OP may just be another guy who blew a wad on guns and ammo when Obama was first elected and he`s drooling for a race war...that he`ll run from.
If it were a reversal in races...itd be another riot.

Black males commit a vastly higher amount of violent crime. They just have many in their demo who are dangerous. No more sugar coating it.
Subtract the gangs selling drugs to whites and there isn't much difference. Just POOR people.
Maybe they like prison.
OP is divisive racist hate mongering, and the poster has admitted being a racist- so at least he's honest. Unlike most hater dupes.
I bet you if the OP made a thread about investing in infrastructure you ignore the thread and attack him.
The gimp is protected by the mods because of his racism...if you go off topic on one of his threads, they will ban you.

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