Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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Don't be daft... the Heritage Foundation is paid for by rich people who don't want to pay their fair share in taxes. Of course, they will declare the war on poverty a failure.
As always, you've got nothing. Instead of showing us a reliable source showing that we have reduced poverty by 20,30, or 50%. You can't so you whine about the source.

Uh, I live in a state where 16 men were sent to death row and eventually exonerated. Where the police shoot 1000 people a year in this country and very few of them go to jail for it. the police shouldn't have as wide of powers as they do to mess up people's lives.

Helpful hint, whenever someone talks about "liberty" they invariably mean the ability of the rich to screw over the rest of us without consequences or accountability.

Nope, the reality, America is racist to its core. When poor white people realize they are in the same boat as the poor black folks, you will see change.

How is getting a benefit from a government that I vote for being a slave. I mean, I realize you have a brain full of Koch Brother Brainwashing where you think this is true.

Yes, yes, we've heard that before. We need to let the Investor Class run roughshod over us because some us won't live in 2 bedroom apartments... oh, wait, no, we have a housing shortage, some of us can't even get that. Meanwhile the Chinese are eating our lunch.

This is a fucking laugh... whenever a country chooses socialism, the rest of the world bends over backwards to punish it for doing so. But it's probably inevitable because people will eventually get fed up with a rigged game.

It isn't about my skill set (Why do you always want to make it personal?) I do well. I'm fairly close to retirement. But I realize that our system of 1% having half the wealth while 60% of us argue over less than 4% of the wealth isn't sustainable.

Educate yourself. -

And this is the point. Most of these arrests will never lead to a conviction. But they are enough to screw up someone's job prospects... and because our rotten justice system is racist to the core, this impacts heavily on

Uh, I live in a state where 16 men were sent to death row and eventually exonerated. Where the police shoot 1000 people a year in this country and very few of them go to jail for it. the police shouldn't have as wide of powers as they do to mess up people's lives.

Or we can just stop letting the wealthy abuse the rest of us. Make them pay exhoribant taxes, regulate the shit out of them and require worker represenation and rights.

This is what we did before that drooling old fool Reagan came along, and the country ran much better.

Don't make so many things a Crime
Don't bother people for what they choose- it's kind of silly that drugs are illegal and booze is legal.
Oh, yeah, and fix the criminal justice system so it's equal. When Rush Limbaugh gets sent to the same prison as a poor drug user, then I'll take the system seriously.
I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. I would vote for him again against any Republican.
Oh, come on.... no one believes that.
People of your persuasion need to wake up from Martin Luther's Dream, and smell the smoke from the most recent black ghetto riot. We gave those people equal rights two generations ago. What have they done with them?

Well, that's the problem, we didn't give them equal rights, we just promised to be less shitty and found new ways to be shitty. The problem is we only make changes when they DO threaten to burn stuff.

More than equal rights, actually…..preferential treatment. They have gotten into prestigious universities and graduate programs that they would have been rejected from if white, and gotten jobs and promotions that they never would have gotten if white as well.

Again, you seem very invested in the old boy system, that puts the idiot nephew in a managerial job instead of a deserving person of color.

And from where I stand, they’re doing very well. Blacks are overrepresented in fancy steakhouses and designer shops all over DC. That’s because a dual-income couple can both rise to GS-15 (much easier in the federal government if you’re black), and bring home $300,000 between them.

You mean they are acting like... Jews?
Oh, come on.... no one believes that.
You have a marvelous ability to disregard facts that conflict with what you want to believe. When have I ever said anything good about the Republican Party or Trump?
Well, that's the problem, we didn't give them equal rights, we just promised to be less shitty and found new ways to be shitty. The problem is we only make changes when they DO threaten to burn stuff.

Again, you seem very invested in the old boy system, that puts the idiot nephew in a managerial job instead of a deserving person of color.o
I have never had to work with a white "idiot nephew." I have had to work with black beneficiaries of affirmative action whose incompetence was obvious to everyone.

We gave Negroes equal rights, then greater than equal rights with affirmative action. They reward us by burning down stuff.

The last series of black ghetto riots happened from 1964 to 1968. The immediate result was the election of Richard Nixon when the War in Vietnam was finally becoming unpopular. He was re elected in a landslide because there were no black ghetto riots of any significance during his first term.

Ronald Reagan openly appealed to anti black hostility. He was also rewarded by being re elected by a landslide, despite the fact that I voted against him in 1980 and 1984, just as I earlier voted against Nixon in 1968 and 1972.

I give Reagan credit for two things: he cut welfare spending for blacks; he appointed tough law and order judges who increased the incarceration rate for black criminals.

If blacks keep looting and burning stores whenever a black criminal is killed at the scene of his most recent crime, I predict that most whites, Orientals, and Hispanics will get tired of hearing excuses for those people. The assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's J. Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen will become the national consensus as they were before the Second World War. The truth cannot be suppressed forever.
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Then the North Won the War and lost the peace by essentially giving up on reconstruction to put Rutherford B. Hayes in office. Who isn't remembered for anything else but the corrupt way he got into office.
Reconstruction was ended in 1876 because Northern whites became disgusted with the incompetence and corruption of black run governments in the South. The Supreme Court cooperated by ignoring the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment's. Few whites anywhere in the United States complained, because blacks had demonstrated what they did with political power.
Sounds like we got us a racist snowflake tha's afraid of blavk Consetvatives...
Nope. But we do have white racist snowflakes so scared of blacks who speak truth that they will pay big dollars to any black person that tells them what they want to hear.
I think the difference is that poor white people don't blame the gov't
Poor whites have been blaming the government for years. But poor whites were not excluded by government policy.
Nope. But we do have white racist snowflakes so scared of blacks who speak truth that they will pay big dollars to any black person that tells them what they want to hear.
This is the truth:

Grand Kleagle Hector strikes again. You have to wonder what awful thing happened to him.

You have a marvelous ability to disregard facts that conflict with what you want to believe. When have I ever said anything good about the Republican Party or Trump?

Given your hate for black people you express again and again, it's hard to believe that you could have ever voted for Obama.

I have never had to work with a white "idiot nephew." I have had to work with black beneficiaries of affirmative action whose incompetence was obvious to everyone.

Really, then you must have worked pretty menial jobs. Post military, I think I've worked with maybe 14 black people in departments I've worked in.

Only two I had questions about. One was a gentleman who seemed okay at his job, but I think he was schizophrenic and about a year in, his meds weren't working anymore. He was confronted about his odd behavior and quit.

The other is the individual I discussed who got the full time gig when I was working as a contractor. She really was incompetent, and I think that there was some AA going on there. But there were also some office politics involved - i.e. if they hired one of the contractors to fill that spot, they wouldn't replace the contractor and head count would be down one for the department. Some real Dilbert shit going on at this place, and I'm better off I didn't get the job.

The other 12 were perfectly good at their jobs, and did them reasonably well.

On the other hand, I have worked with at least half a dozen people I classify under "Idiot Nephews" - i.e. people who were related to the boss, sleeping with the boss, or friends with the boss. Those people are FAR worse to work with, because they are sacred cows in the workplace.

We gave Negroes equal rights, then greater than equal rights with affirmative action. They reward us by burning down stuff.

Except AA did no such thing, and again, all we did was find new ways to be awful. If our stuff gets burned down, it's because we allow the inequities to exist at all.

The last series of black ghetto riots happened from 1964 to 1968. The immediate result was the election of Richard Nixon when the War in Vietnam was finally becoming unpopular. He was re elected in a landslide because there were no black ghetto riots of any significance during his first term.

Wow, you see, this is how I know you aren't as old as you claim to be. First, you forget about the riots in 1992 and 2020, both of which really helped the Democrats. Secondly, Nixon barely snuck in because Wallace and Humphrey divided the Democratic vote. In 1972, Nixon was re-elected because McGovern was an awful candidate, but most of the country had no problem when he was forced to resign two years later.

Ronald Reagan openly appealed to anti black hostility. He was also rewarded by being re elected by a landslide, despite the fact that I voted against him in 1980 and 1984, just as I earlier voted against Nixon in 1968 and 1972.

Nobody believes you were alive for any of these elections... But you have a point, Reagan did appeal to racism to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests... but that strategy is producing diminishing returns as more people of color vote, and more white people get their heads on right about race relations.

I give Reagan credit for two things: he cut welfare spending for blacks; he appointed tough law and order judges who increased the incarceration rate for black criminals.

Except Reagan didn't cut anything, that's why the National Debt Tripled on his watch. More people actually REQUIRED assistance because he did so much damage to the middle class. If you had been around then, you'd know this.

And the Prison-Industrial Complex/War on Drugs has been a blight on this country. Putting people in prison for minor crimes turns them into career criminals. The "law and order" policies actually makes our crime problems worse, not better. What caused a decline in the crime rate in the 1990's was that the Boomers aged out of the "young and dumb" phase.

If blacks keep looting and burning stores whenever a black criminal is killed at the scene of his most recent crime, I predict that most whites, Orientals, and Hispanics will get tired of hearing excuses for those people. The assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's J. Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen will become the national consensus as they were before the Second World War. The truth cannot be suppressed forever.

Wow, you have a vivid imagination, don't you? Here's how you can tell your appeal to racism will not play in the long run. The Big Corporations that used to be on the train under Nixon and Ray-gun are the ones that supported BLM, and create all these commercials with black actors in them. I'll bet it steams you when you see a commercial with an interracial couple, doesn't it, Grand Kleagle?

Reconstruction was ended in 1876 because Northern whites became disgusted with the incompetence and corruption of black run governments in the South. The Supreme Court cooperated by ignoring the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendment's. Few whites anywhere in the United States complained, because blacks had demonstrated what they did with political power.

So, you are ignorant of history, aren't you? Reconstruction ended because Hayes sold them out, period. It shows why you should never put someone in office after he loses the popular vote, something we didn't learn with Bush and Trump.
I have never had to work with a white "idiot nephew." I have had to work with black beneficiaries of affirmative action whose incompetence was obvious to everyone.

We gave Negroes equal rights, then greater than equal rights with affirmative action. They reward us by burning down stuff.

The last series of black ghetto riots happened from 1964 to 1968. The immediate result was the election of Richard Nixon when the War in Vietnam was finally becoming unpopular. He was re elected in a landslide because there were no black ghetto riots of any significance during his first term.

Ronald Reagan openly appealed to anti black hostility. He was also rewarded by being re elected by a landslide, despite the fact that I voted against him in 1980 and 1984, just as I earlier voted against Nixon in 1968 and 1972.

I give Reagan credit for two things: he cut welfare spending for blacks; he appointed tough law and order judges who increased the incarceration rate for black criminals.

If blacks keep looting and burning stores whenever a black criminal is killed at the scene of his most recent crime, I predict that most whites, Orientals, and Hispanics will get tired of hearing excuses for those people. The assertions of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's J. Philippe Rushton and Arthur Jensen will become the national consensus as they were before the Second World War. The truth cannot be suppressed forever.
You voted in 1968? Wow…’re older than I thought! (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
Grand Kleagle Hector strikes again. You have to wonder what awful thing happened to him.

Given your hate for black people you express again and again, it's hard to believe that you could have ever voted for Obama.
I do not hate a person simply because he is black, but I have a low opinion of the Negro race for reasons I have made clear.

As a computer programmer I worked with at least 100 programmers. Four of them were black. Two of these clearly owed their jobs to affirmative action.

Of the other two, I mentored one, although I had not been told to. He told our boss I was helping him. Our boss told me, "It is my job to train the programmers I hire, but I do not always have time. You are making my job a lot easier."

Friendships are build on shared interests and mutual values. The black programmer shared my interest in boxing. When I had a paid for view boxing match on my television, I would invite him co come over to watch it with me. He was a good family man. He took care of his legitimate children, and took his family to church on Sunday.
JoeB131: So, you are ignorant of history, aren't you? Reconstruction ended because Hayes sold them out, period. It shows why you should never put someone in office after he loses the popular vote, something we didn't learn with Bush and Trump.

JoeB131, by 1876 Northern whites had seen what Negroes had done in the South with political power. They were not favorably impressed.
Joe131: Wow, you have a vivid imagination, don't you? Here's how you can tell your appeal to racism will not play in the long run. The Big Corporations that used to be on the train under Nixon and Ray-gun are the ones that supported BLM, and create all these commercials with black actors in them. I'll bet it steams you when you see a commercial with an interracial couple, doesn't it, Grand Kleagle?

Joe131, The first time an advertisement showed a black husband, with his white wife and their bi racial child, thee were so many protests on the website of that advertisement that the comment section was deleted. Advertisers should have learned from that, but they did not.

Black Lives Matter is a shake down organization. The money they have fleeced from corporations has not benefited poor blacks. It has enabled several managers of Black Lives Matter to buy mansions.

If black lives matter, why do so many black men kill black men, women, and children? Why do so few black men marry the mothers of their children and raise their children properly?
Reagan did not cut business subsidies. He did cut welfare programs for blacks. So did President Clinton, Those cuts contribute to the re elections of both presidents.

If anyone can make money from prison labor they should be encouraged to do it.
JoeB131: And the Prison-Industrial Complex/War on Drugs has been a blight on this country. Putting people in prison for minor crimes turns them into career criminals. The "law and order" policies actually makes our crime problems worse, not better. What caused a decline in the crime rate in the 1990's was that the Boomers aged out of the "young and dumb" phase.


The tripling of the prison population contributed to the decline by one third of the crime rate. Criminals in prison cannot commit crimes. The high cost of incarceration can be reduced by the thorough exploitation of prison labor, the frequent use of capital and corporal punishment, and the end to educational and recreational opportunities.

Castration would make convicts docile, and easy for prison guards to subdue. It would guarantee that in the rare cases that a convict survived decades of abuse and was released, he would not be able to spread his crime gene alleles. Also, in the underclass having served time in a maximum security prison is a status symbol. That would change if everyone knew ex cons were eunuchs.

Another factor was the Roe vs Wade decision of 1973. The same kind of females most likely to have abortions are also most likely to give birth to boy babies who become violent street criminals. They are unmarried, they have low IQ's, and they are virtually unemployable.

Abortion, like capital punishment, has a beneficial eugenic effect.
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