Black Lives Matter: "Running Dogs" of the Democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Black Lives Matter is a distinct arm of the Democratic Party.

Black Lives Matter has benefited from the largesse of top Democratic donors, including billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and the Center for American Progress. Soros gave, in one year, an estimated $33 million to BLM back in 2015.

Democrats view BLM as "uncontrollable" but "indispensible", according to David Horowitz, a conservative author who has written extensively about left-wing activism. “It’s a violent movement, but it’s really been embraced by the Democratic Party, and it’s very important to the Democratic Party.” Just look at the suck up behavior of top leftists like Martin O'Malley, who apologized for saying "all lives matter", and Bernie Sanders, who allowed BLM loudmouth jerks to take over a stage and microphone, he was speaking into.

Fast foward now to 2020, and we have THIS concrete evidence of the connection of BLM and the Democratic Party.
Click the link to this fabulous RedState expose' article by Elizabeth Vaughn, to see how donation$$$ to BLM, get skimmed straight into ACT BLUE >>Democratic Party coffers. It it weren't for the cahoots of the mass media with Democrats, this would be the top media story of the year, equal to the coronavirus. >>>

Donations to Black Lives Matter Go to 'ActBlue' - The Activist Arm of the Democrat Party
"Powering Democratic candidates, committees, parties, organizations, and c4s around the country."
Black Lives Matter Does the Democrats' Dirty Work; Here's What a BLM 'Tough Guy' Told Fox News
BLM Leader: "I just want black liberation and black sovereignty, by any means necessary."

So who is BLM ? To put it in leftist jargon, they are the "running dogs" of the Democrats.

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blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
blacks murder whites at ten times the rate of vice versa
plain and simple
Black Lives Matter is a distinct arm of the Democratic Party.

Black Lives Matter has benefited from the largesse of top Democratic donors, including billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and the Center for American Progress. Soros gave, in one year, an estimated $33 million to BLM back in 2015.

Democrats view BLM as "uncontrollable" but "indispensible", according to David Horowitz, a conservative author who has written extensively about left-wing activism. “It’s a violent movement, but it’s really been embraced by the Democratic Party, and it’s very important to the Democratic Party.” Just look at the suck up behavior of top leftists like Martin O'Malley, who apologized for saying "all lives matter", and Bernie Sanders, who allowed BLM loudmouth jerks to take over a stage and microphone, he was speaking into.

Fast foward now to 2020, and we have THIS concrete evidence of the connection of BLM and the Democratic Party.
Click the link to this fabulous RedState expose' article by Elizabeth Vaughn, to see how donation$$$ to BLM, get skimmed straight into ACT BLUE >>Democratic Party coffers. It it weren't for the cahoots of the mass media with Democrats, this would be the top media story of the year, equal to the coronavirus. >>>

Donations to Black Lives Matter Go to 'ActBlue' - The Activist Arm of the Democrat Party
"Powering Democratic candidates, committees, parties, organizations, and c4s around the country."
Black Lives Matter Does the Democrats' Dirty Work; Here's What a BLM 'Tough Guy' Told Fox News
BLM Leader: "I just want black liberation and black sovereignty, by any means necessary."

So who is BLM ? To put it in leftist jargon, they are the "running dogs" of the Democrats.

View attachment 356358

BLM and Antifa are the revolutionary vanguard party of the radical American left. Neither "organization" has a thing to do with promoting racial equality but rather everything to do with promoting racial division and inequality as a smokescreen for full-blown revolution. Donald Trump's presidency is the excuse the radical left as been searching for since decades ago to justify a real, violent, sweeping revolution on our domestic soil. Anyone who hates our President seems to be fully onboard also with the destruction of America as we know it. To hell with them all; not a one of them are true Americans or Christians any longer.
BLM and Antifa are the revolutionary vanguard party of the radical American left. Neither "organization" has a thing to do with promoting racial equality but rather everything to do with promoting racial division and inequality as a smokescreen for full-blown revolution. Donald Trump's presidency is the excuse the radical left as been searching for since decades ago to justify a real, violent, sweeping revolution on our domestic soil. Anyone who hates our President seems to be fully onboard also with the destruction of America as we know it. To hell with them all; not a one of them are true Americans or Christians any longer.
Democrats, BLM, Antifa. Mainstream media, all in it together, hating America, and doing everything they can to tear it down. These are acts of treason. Strong action needs to be taken.

We need to emulate the strength of our ancestors of the 19th century, when they encountered treason, this was their answer to it >>>

In case anybody is duped into thinking that Black Lives Matter is about race, this should help to allow you to escape from that scam-ruse.

Here's a list of a few republicans who've been indicted, jailed etc. On the democratic side? None so far. No, it's the republicans who are the low lifes and criminals. Been that way since Nixon at least.
Here's a list of a few republicans who've been indicted, jailed etc. On the democratic side? None so far. No, it's the republicans who are the low lifes and criminals. Been that way since Nixon at least.
Convicted or not (yet) here's a list of Democrat criminals really guilty of some very bad stuff
1. Every sanctuary city mayor and sanctuary state governor.

2. All the people involved in the real Russian collusion (dossier), and to spy on Trump (Obama, Biden, Hillary, Comey, Brennan, many others soon tb revealed/indicted from te Durham investigation.

3. All these rogues >>



And who can ever forget "Give them space to destroy" Stephanie Rawlings



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