Black Lives Matter crowd demands Seattle homeowners 'give up' property: 'We coming for it'

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
So BLM finnaly tells us what they want, defund the cops and steal people's houses ..

Black Lives Matter activists in Seattle are demanding homeowners willingly give up their property to Black people as a form of reparations because they’re “coming for it” one way or the other.

'We are coming for it'?

Can they read/hear? The media has been reporting gun sales are sky-rocketing because of their criminal shit. People have had enough.

You might get away with that crap in socialist wussy downtown Portland, but try that in the south...try coming to Alabama, Mississippi, Texas....we'll be waiting with a surprise for you.

So BLM finnaly tells us what they want, defund the cops and steal people's houses ..

Black Lives Matter activists in Seattle are demanding homeowners willingly give up their property to Black people as a form of reparations because they’re “coming for it” one way or the other.

The only ones listening to these loonies are right wing loonies.
So BLM finnaly tells us what they want, defund the cops and steal people's houses ..

Black Lives Matter activists in Seattle are demanding homeowners willingly give up their property to Black people as a form of reparations because they’re “coming for it” one way or the other.

Let those settlers come to Texas. I have a few plots of land to give. 8'x4'x6' deep.
If you look at the issue objectively, blacks were deliberately moved out of places that were once mostly shitty ghettos. Most of them were Section 8 rentals and the houses were dilapidated squalid shit boxes. Some blacks owned their houses and did their best to maintain them. Yet when democrook city leaders started seizing and condemning the rentals, then having them torn down the blacks had to move. The black home owners then ended up taxed out of their houses, or city code compliance became impossible and they were forced to sell to developers for a fraction of what the property ended up being sold for after these neighborhoods were converted to yuppie communities full of moonbats and bed wetters.

Now the chickens have returned to roost as Queen Antifa's pastor once remarked.

Considering your feelings about communists how do you feel about your Dear Leader being BFFs with commie leader Putin?

They really are this stupid folks. They believe there is a Putin/Trump connection in spite of the fact that no matter how hard they tried to create one, it never manifested. Then this jabbering retard believes Putin is a commie? If that were the case bed wetters would love him, like they love all communist murderers. These are the assholes who wear Che Guevera shits to Whole Foods for God's Sake.

Putin is just a thug, he has done nothing to recreate a collectivist state though. That's why the russians are no longer starving.

So BLM finnaly tells us what they want, defund the cops and steal people's houses ..

Black Lives Matter activists in Seattle are demanding homeowners willingly give up their property to Black people as a form of reparations because they’re “coming for it” one way or the other.

The only ones listening to these loonies are right wing loonies.
What? Seems the lamestream media is listening, you buffoon.
So BLM finnaly tells us what they want, defund the cops and steal people's houses ..

Black Lives Matter activists in Seattle are demanding homeowners willingly give up their property to Black people as a form of reparations because they’re “coming for it” one way or the other.

Come get it, bitches.

I am so bloodthirsty, I want them to try. Paint the wall with your motherfucking brains.
Considering your feelings about communists how do you feel about your Dear Leader being BFFs with commie leader Putin?

They really are this stupid folks. They believe there is a Putin/Trump connection in spite of the fact that no matter how hard they tried to create one, it never manifested. Then this jabbering retard believes Putin is a commie? If that were the case bed wetters would love him, like they love all communist murderers. These are the assholes who wear Che Guevera shits to Whole Foods for God's Sake.

Putin is just a thug, he has done nothing to recreate a collectivist state though. That's why the russians are no longer starving.

Putin is not a communist??...Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader
These are the same wonderful ignorant "people" the conveniently ignore the fact that 99% of these neighborhoods where created BY whites to begin with. Blacks "ghettoize" those neighborhoods 90 years later....when the whites move in again the poor blacks want to demonize them...really?
Considering your feelings about communists how do you feel about your Dear Leader being BFFs with commie leader Putin?

They really are this stupid folks. They believe there is a Putin/Trump connection in spite of the fact that no matter how hard they tried to create one, it never manifested. Then this jabbering retard believes Putin is a commie? If that were the case bed wetters would love him, like they love all communist murderers. These are the assholes who wear Che Guevera shits to Whole Foods for God's Sake.

Putin is just a thug, he has done nothing to recreate a collectivist state though. That's why the russians are no longer starving.

Putin is not a communist??...Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader
He is not. Your comment was stupid. You are stupid. Your party is stupid. Starting to see a trend?
Pete7469 Blacks on Section 8 do not and have never paid rent. Also, anyone who rents...wait for it...does not pay real estate tax. Blacks who never worked a day in their lives could not possibly own property, they simply reside in White taxpayer supported "hoods" or "cribs" implying a douchebaggery concept that Blacks are so hopeless, Whitey makes their bed for them.
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So BLM finnaly tells us what they want, defund the cops and steal people's houses ..

Black Lives Matter activists in Seattle are demanding homeowners willingly give up their property to Black people as a form of reparations because they’re “coming for it” one way or the other.

So BLM finnaly tells us what they want, defund the cops and steal people's houses ..

Black Lives Matter activists in Seattle are demanding homeowners willingly give up their property to Black people as a form of reparations because they’re “coming for it” one way or the other.

I've watched the video ten times the other night ..

I love when "allies " meet
Considering your feelings about communists how do you feel about your Dear Leader being BFFs with commie leader Putin?

They really are this stupid folks. They believe there is a Putin/Trump connection in spite of the fact that no matter how hard they tried to create one, it never manifested. Then this jabbering retard believes Putin is a commie? If that were the case bed wetters would love him, like they love all communist murderers. These are the assholes who wear Che Guevera shits to Whole Foods for God's Sake.

Putin is just a thug, he has done nothing to recreate a collectivist state though. That's why the russians are no longer starving.

Putin is not a communist??...Communism gets a big endorsement from a certain world leader
You're a jabbering retard.

What has Putin done to re-establish the soviet system and collectivize the economy?

In what way is Russia nationalizing it's industries and rationing the goods they produce?

Please cite some examples, because last I looked Russians have food in the stores they buy with cash, they have homes they own, cars and clothes made all over the world. They're not a communist nation anymore. Your meat puppet faggot messiah obozo has probably praised communism amidst his sycophantic donors behind closed doors, and I've heard democrooks praise the likes of Marx, Mao and Stalin. Your corrupt treasonous party is far more symathetic if not entirely consumed with communism than Putin is. In fact democrooks are just as thuggish if not more so than Putin. More people have died under suspicious circumstances who have connections to hitlary clinton than Putin.



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