Black Jurist Claims On ABC That Zimmerman Got Away With Murder. Despicable.

The laws here were actually kind of stupid, and if you had an all-minority jury instead of this one poor woman fighting against five white people, you'd have gotten a different result.

Zimmerman killed a child. Nothing else really matters.

I love how libs like you come on to this board and loudly proclaim your stupidity.

It supposed to be a jury of HIS peers dumbass. Martin wasn't on trial. There needn't have been any black people on the jury.

Zimmerman killed a cheap thug wanna be who got shot because he though he'd attack a creepy assed cracker. I suppose he wanted to add to his street cred. Zimmerman did the world a favor.

That kid was 17 for only three weeks.

He had family that loved him.







So according to you, all these "wanna be" thugs should be quickly put to death? Right? Is that what you're saying?

you do realize the juror who thought him guilty could not, upon reflection, convict him because there was no proof he committed 2nd degree murder or manslaughter.

also...i highly doubt you were as emotive over simpson as you are about zimmerman. why is that?

Because Zimmerman was carrying a gun and he should not have been. Because this is about every nimno idiot in American thinking he/she should be carrying a firearm. Because he killed an unarmed, innocent civilian who was where he had a right to be doing what he had a right to do, a young man who should never have been harrassed. Because the young man he killed he racially profiled. These are not just issues of a man killing his wife but of fundamental sicknesses in American culture: racism and the gun culture.

1. he was legally licensed to carry a gun. why should he not have had a gun? cite the law.

2. the evidence does not show martin was innocent. the state's witnesses said martin was pummeling zimmerman. hardly an innocent.

3. zero proof about your bogus racial profiling claim and even the martin family attorney said race was NOT, i repeat, NOT a factor.

4. notice you are not upset about OJ. you're a closet racist.
You know, you people are like gutter rats. You throw your filfth back on others instead of dealing with it yourself. I never said I wasn't upset about the OJ verdict. I never stated my personal opinion about it at all. I was upset about it because he was a wife abuser and and murderer and got away with it. However, the verdict was not about the two very fundamental ills that are specific to American society: racism and guns. OJ got off not because he was black but because he was a celebrity: in the same way Robert Blake got off killing his wife. The OJ trial was not about the proliferation of guns in America.

As far as me being a closet racist: this is what you people do on this board in droves, consistently: accuse others of what you are, i.e., racists. I'm a closet racist why? Because, again, it is convenient for you to believe that, to tell yourself that, to throw the filth back onto me instead of taking responsibility for your own filth yourself. I've never been called or considered a racist in my life until I came on this board: and the only reason I am called that on here is because true racist, white supremacists, refuse to take responsibility for their own beliefs and throw their dirt on others instead of standing up and being intellectually honest about what they believe. You think by trying to cover others with your dirt you deflect the accusation about your own racism, but you don't. Not one person on this board who is against real racism and says so buys your pathetic routine: it's a childish game and has no effect on anyone except to maybe help you sleep at night and face yourself in the mirror by trying to make yourself believe something other than what you know in your heart is true: that it is you who is the racist.
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SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.

Sure. She should have ignored the law and just did what she wanted. That's justice to you.

And you still think you dont have a problem

I don't have a problem. If you kill someone in cold blood, you should be held accoutable.
I am waiting for the call for a retrial because she wanted to
vote guilty but she was bullied by the white jurors and her civil rights were

So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.

Even fucktards like you have said that she was told the "MURDER" had to be proved to be intentional for a conviction. She was misled. If you were texting while driving and ran over a kid who was going to the store for Skittles and Ice Tea, could you say, "But I didn't mean to do it therefore, I'm not guilty". Well, in that area I'm sure you could. If the kid were black.

You guys are making a mistake defending another child killer. I thought Sandy Hook was the lowest you could go. But it seems Republicans have found a new "low". Good luck with that.

Nobody here defended that little prick at Sandyhook.

And if you run somebody over while texting and driving that's vehicular homicide, manslaughter, you name it. That is a textbook case of criminal negligence.
The Washington Post/ABC News survey, which showed 41% of Americans approving and 41% disapproving of the jury's ruling, also showed sharp division among Americans in their views of the verdict. For example, 86% of African-Americans disapproved of the "not guilty" finding, while 51% of whites approved.

That closely aligned with a Pew Research Center survey released Monday, which showed 86% of African-Americans disagreeing with the verdict.

In the Washington Post/ABC poll, women - 48% of whom disapproved of the verdict - were more likely than men to hold that sentiment. And younger people also disapproved at higher levels: 50% of those aged 18-39 said they disapproved, while 30% of people over 65 felt the same way.

Sixty-two percent of Democrats disapproved of Zimmerman's acquittal, while 65% of Republicans approved.

The reality is that that about half of America does not agree with the verdict. Most of those who disagree with the verdict are democrats, blacks or young. A lot of them are white. The verdict is not something that can be looked upon as ending this issue. About half of the people of voting age in America, not just this juror and not just black people, do not agree with the verdict. The Right acting as if the whole thing is proven and resolved as Zimmerman being innocent: that is a false stance that half of the country doesn't buy, and their opinion is just as valid as those who think it is a fair verdict. You can sneer and make all the vile comments you want, you can continue try to paint an innocent young man as a thug, but you cannot with any intellectual honesty say that you are in the right just because you want to be. This issue is not resolved. What you appear as is the other side of the coin: you are now the black people who supported the OJ verdict when at least half of the country didn't. You are just as close minded about it as they were, just as vicious and jubliant about it as they were, and soon to be just as disappointed by a civil suit in which he will finally be held to account.

Just as so many believed OJ got away with murder, we believe Zimmerman got away with murder and needs to be held accountable. Hopefully he will.

Over 70 percent of America agrees with the verdict. Of those who don't agree roughly 12 percent are black, 10 percent are other races, and the only whites that don't agree with the verdict seem to be Democrats.
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The reality is that that about half of America does not agree with the verdict. Most of those who disagree with the verdict are democrats, blacks or young. A lot of them are white. The verdict is not something that can be looked upon as ending this issue. About half of the people of voting age in America, not just this juror and not just black people, do not agree with the verdict. The Right acting as if the whole thing is proven and resolved as Zimmerman being innocent: that is a false stance that half of the country doesn't buy, and their opinion is just as valid as those who think it is a fair verdict. You can sneer and make all the vile comments you want, you can continue try to paint an innocent young man as a thug, but you cannot with any intellectual honesty say that you are in the right just because you want to be. This issue is not resolved. What you appear as is the other side of the coin: you are now the black people who supported the OJ verdict when at least half of the country didn't. You are just as close minded about it as they were, just as vicious and jubliant about it as they were, and soon to be just as disappointed by a civil suit in which he will finally be held to account.

Just as so many believed OJ got away with murder, we believe Zimmerman got away with murder and needs to be held accountable. Hopefully he will.

you do realize the juror who thought him guilty could not, upon reflection, convict him because there was no proof he committed 2nd degree murder or manslaughter.

also...i highly doubt you were as emotive over simpson as you are about zimmerman. why is that?

Because Zimmerman was carrying a gun and he should not have been. Because this is about every nimno idiot in American thinking he/she should be carrying a firearm. Because he killed an unarmed, innocent civilian who was where he had a right to be doing what he had a right to do, a young man who should never have been harrassed. Because the young man he killed he racially profiled. These are not just issues of a man killing his wife but of fundamental sicknesses in American culture: racism and the gun culture.

He had a permit to carry that gun.
The gun was registered legally.
The trial proved that Trayvan wasn't innocent when he was spotted beating Zimmerman up.
It's not clear who was doing the harassing because there was no witness to that aspect.
The young man who was killed had a history of violence.
The young man who was killed had drugs in his system.
The young man who was killed had liver damage from drug use it was discovered during the autopsy.
The young man who was killed was at the time on suspension from school.
The young man who was killed should have been supervised by his father.
The young man who was killed took pictures of himself holding a gun.
The young man who was killed admitted to using "Purple Drank, Lean, Sizzurp, Texas Tea, barre, Purple Jelly" on the internet.

In September 2006, Terrence Kiel, a San Diego Chargers player, was arrested during practice for the possession with intent to sell prescription cough syrup for use in making the drink. Kiel was caught trying to ship a case of syrup to a friend via FedEx. Kiel was charged with two felony counts of transporting a controlled substance and three counts of possession for sale of a controlled substance.

On July 8, 2008, Johnny Jolly, a Green Bay Packers player, was pulled over in his car for excessive music. The officers found a Dr Pepper bottle in a holder next to two Styrofoam cups containing soda and ice. The officers said the cups and the bottle all emitted "strong odors of codeine." The case was dismissed at first, but charges were refiled in December 2009 after the Houston Police Department's acquired new equipment that allowed the police to test the evidence again. Jolly faced a possible maximum sentence of up to 20 years in jail, but as a first time offender he would be eligible for probation.

On July 5, 2010, former Oakland Raiders quarterback JaMarcus Russell was arrested at his home in Mobile, Alabama, for possession of codeine syrup without a prescription. He was arrested as part of an undercover narcotics investigation. Russell was booked into city jail and released soon afterwards after making his bail.

On June 11, 2013, just days after being robbed at gunpoint in San Francisco, rapper 2 Chainz was arrested at Los Angeles international airport on charges of possessing marijuana and promethazine and codeine, the primary ingredients of purple drank.

Purple drank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SHe should have stood her ground, but she didn't. What she stated was the judges instructions, the ones you whined about, didn't give them much of a choice.

Sure. She should have ignored the law and just did what she wanted. That's justice to you.

And you still think you dont have a problem

I don't have a problem. If you kill someone in cold blood, you should be held accoutable.

Once again, no evidence that proves that exists. You just feel that he did. Probably because you hate Hispanics.
The laws here were actually kind of stupid, and if you had an all-minority jury instead of this one poor woman fighting against five white people, you'd have gotten a different result.

Zimmerman killed a child. Nothing else really matters.

I love how libs like you come on to this board and loudly proclaim your stupidity.

It supposed to be a jury of HIS peers dumbass. Martin wasn't on trial. There needn't have been any black people on the jury.

Zimmerman killed a cheap thug wanna be who got shot because he though he'd attack a creepy assed cracker. I suppose he wanted to add to his street cred. Zimmerman did the world a favor.

That kid was 17 for only three weeks.

He had family that loved him.







So according to you, all these "wanna be" thugs should be quickly put to death? Right? Is that what you're saying?

[ame=]Saturday Night Live - Natalie Raps - YouTube[/ame]
Sure. She should have ignored the law and just did what she wanted. That's justice to you.

And you still think you dont have a problem

I don't have a problem. If you kill someone in cold blood, you should be held accoutable.

Once again, no evidence that proves that exists. You just feel that he did. Probably because you hate Hispanics.

Of course he hates Hispanics. Blacks 'marched on Washington' over Zerobama's immigration reform as if they wanted the job mowing your lawn!
I love how libs like you come on to this board and loudly proclaim your stupidity.

It supposed to be a jury of HIS peers dumbass. Martin wasn't on trial. There needn't have been any black people on the jury.

Zimmerman killed a cheap thug wanna be who got shot because he though he'd attack a creepy assed cracker. I suppose he wanted to add to his street cred. Zimmerman did the world a favor.

That kid was 17 for only three weeks.

He had family that loved him.







So according to you, all these "wanna be" thugs should be quickly put to death? Right? Is that what you're saying?

[ame=]Saturday Night Live - Natalie Raps - YouTube[/ame]

Then why didn't they supervise him so he would not get killed? Leaving your adolescent to roam the streets alone does not fit the definition of love.
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So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.

I'll bet you don't believe that GZ was highly coached to tell a story that could not be refuted by the available evidence, instead of telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That's the beauty of murder. The other side of the story can't be told.

So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.

I'll bet you don't believe that GZ was highly coached to tell a story that could not be refuted by the available evidence, instead of telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That's the beauty of murder. The other side of the story can't be told.

Problem being GZ made a video before he got lawyered up. His story never changed even when Hannity interviewed him.
Black jurist. Really... Op, you are a fucking liar and everything you said after that is shit.

Zimmerman defenders, just stop.
Black jurist. Really... Op, you are a fucking liar and everything you said after that is shit.

Zimmerman defenders, just stop.

She's what we can call a Black/Hispanic.
The first official description of her before the trial ended was that she was a black/Hipanic.

Oh, and BTW, go fuck yourself.
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So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.

I'll bet you don't believe that GZ was highly coached to tell a story that could not be refuted by the available evidence, instead of telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That's the beauty of murder. The other side of the story can't be told.


He studied the forida law and knew exactly what to say and do.

Zimmerman defenders, dispute this. He fucking took classes on Florida law.


Black jurist. Really... Op, you are a fucking liar and everything you said after that is shit.

Zimmerman defenders, just stop.

She's what we can call a Black/Hispanic.

You can see her hair has been straightened. The first description of her before the trial ended was that she was a black/Hipanic.

Oh, and BTW, go fuck yourself.

She is as black as Zimmerman is hispanic.

Sorry. You lose.

Zimmerman is a racist who killed a black child.

So much for the left's claims that all of the George Zimmerman jurists were white.

The only black jurist on the panel came out claiming she felt in her heart that George Zimmerman was guilty of murder. The only problem was she felt she had to follow the law and pay attention to the evidence presented in court. George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

This is no difference from what every other black (they claim she's Puerto Rican) that wanted to lynch Zimmerman. They all seem to feel that something happened but they just couldn't prove it. They just can't bring themselves to believe that Trayvan Martin wasn't murdered in cold-blood. This deep seated prejudice permeates the black community. They seem to collectively have this assumption that whites cannot be trusted and that they always get away with murder. The only reason George Zimmerman wasn't railroaded is because there just wasn't enough blacks on the jury to do the job.

It's clear she was coached. Robin Roberts even told her what to say right before she said it and like a parrot she repeated "George Zimmerman got away with murder".

These people will stop at nothing to get their way. Pretty despicable if you ask me.

I'll bet you don't believe that GZ was highly coached to tell a story that could not be refuted by the available evidence, instead of telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That's the beauty of murder. The other side of the story can't be told.


He studied the forida law and knew exactly what to say and do.

Zimmerman defenders, dispute this. He fucking took classes on Florida law.




*rolling eyes*

All he needed was to have somebody attack him so he could kill the fucker.

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