Black Fragility: Democrat wants employers to let black workers take the day off after the Rittenhouse verdict


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Black fragility again.

File this under “truth is stranger than fiction.” We have now reached a point where Democrats are calling for black workers to receive time off work because of the verdict in a case where white people were killed by a white person.

Gregory McKelvey, vice chair of the Oregon Democrats Black Caucus and host of the podcast “Your Neighborhood Black Friends,” thinks employers should give black employees “a day or two off” after the Rittenhouse verdict is announced.

"so a white guy was attacked 3 white guys so he shot them. Ok blacks you get the day off"........yeah probably so they can go celebrate dead white people.

There is no black fragility in regards to what white fragility has been defined as. We can face the issue of race without getting defensive, arguing strawmen and using false equivalences to deny what has gone on.

There is white fragility. And white fragility is a term created by a white person to decribe the behavior of whites when confronted with the issue of race presented to them by a person of color. This thread is an example of it. So is much of this forum.

Because the thread is based on a false equivalence by someone white as a defense mechanism.

The last post by FA-_Q2 is another classic example of such fragility.
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There is no black fragility in regards to what white fragility has been defined as. We can face the issue of race without getting defensive, arguing strawmen and using false equivalences to dey what has gone on.

There is white fragility. And white fragility is a term created by a white person to decribe the behavior of whites when confronted with the issue of race presented to them by a person of color. This thread is an example of it. So is much of this forum.

Because the thread is based on a false equivalence by someone white as a defense mechanism.

The last post by FA-_Q2 is another classic example of such fragility.

Is pointing out your blatant racism 'fragility' now?

Wouldn't want to hurt your little racist feelings.

Is pointing out your blatant racism 'fragility' now?

Wouldn't want to hurt your little racist feelings.
There is no blatant racism to point out. Showing examples of continuing white racism and explaining the damage caused because of past white racism is not racism.

Unless you cannot handle being shown it, become defensive, and start calling any black person that does so a racist.

Like you are doing.
There is no blatant racism to point out. Showing examples of continuing white racism and explaining the damage caused because of past white racism is not racism.

Unless you cannot handle being shown it, become defensive, and start calling any black person that does so a racist.

Like you are doing.
No. That is just you.

Because I am going to call you out for the disgusting person you are. You and BrokeLoser are carbon copies of each other, seething in unjustified hate.
No. That is just you.

Because I am going to call you out for the disgusting person you are. You and BrokeLoser are carbon copies of each other, seething in unjustified hate.
You are incorrect. You and BL are both white racists. The non racist whites here recognize that I have nothing to do with racism. Only the racists whine about somebody being a racist for pointing out racism.
There is no black fragility in regards to what white fragility has been defined as. We can face the issue of race without getting defensive, arguing strawmen and using false equivalences to deny what has gone on.

There is white fragility. And white fragility is a term created by a white person to decribe the behavior of whites when confronted with the issue of race presented to them by a person of color. This thread is an example of it. So is much of this forum.

Because the thread is based on a false equivalence by someone white as a defense mechanism.

The last post by FA-_Q2 is another classic example of such fragility.
No, you show black fragility. Like many blacks do. Always crying “Wacist!” And forgetting that slavery ended in 1865. And thinking it’s perpetually 1950. Did I mention constantly whining about “whitey” and being “held down”?

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