Black Americans getting robbed blind by corner stores, liquor stores and gas stations in their neighborhoods. Where are the Democrats on this?

When that behavior is criminal the government needs to enforce the law.

In blue cities they refuse to do so more and more. If another citizen intervenes they are punished as vigilantes

You cant have it both ways
I said behavior. How you behave impacts your neighborhood and the people around you.
…they are probably getting paid off by the corner stores. Right? I mean pretty much something to think about there. These corrupt councilman and mayors of major cities are probably getting paid off by drug dealers and other corrupt people. Certainly is a possibility otherwise why is it so ugly down there?

You see that if you go to any corner store, mostly ran by corrupt Arabs or Indians in black majority neighborhood. I don’t ever see black folks own the stores …

And those corrupt Arabs and Indians, who jack up the prices for poor people, are a disgrace to the Honorable Arab nation and the Indian empire. You see that’s the point that is completely lost on the far left wing racist BLM supporters in this country.

This message is brought to you in a calm, cool and collective manner. Because it’s a Tucker Carlson pointed out today at turning point USA a lot of the stories in the fake news media and CNN are designed to get people angry and infuriated. Like when they say a man can breast-feed or 10-year-old can have a sex change operation or white homeless people are privileged. These are designed to get us upset. But you know what don’t give them what they want.

The only question is, when will this corruption end. When will black majority neighborhoods see corner stores destroyed. ? When will we see healthy grocery markets in black majority neighborhoods. ?

Don’t expect anything from the far left on this. They’re on drugs. They are racist. It’s all about patriotic American’s taking things back. And there’s a lot of positive developments.

When you truly care about your fellow man like so many of us do Republicans and traditional Democrats. And you go through the inner cities and you see the horrendous house conditions , pot holes all over the place the crack dealers … prostitutes. You never see prostitutes in a white majority suburbs walking down the street why is that? Seriously does anybody have an answer to this on the left?

so we need the US government to close down his corner stores level them. We need mass of change in the inner cities. Probably we need to use the US military to fight the drug dealers. Once and for all clean up these crack infested neighborhoods, clean up the heroine infested neighborhoods. Maybe those white and black BLM politicians living in the white suburbs should be forced to live in the inner city for a few weeks …. they probably wouldn’t last 10 hours.

OK fellow Democrats give us some solutions. You keep calling people racist you keep making things up about other people. Meanwhile, our fellow man in the inner city is starving. They want a better life. Bring forward some solutions so we can level these horrendous corner stores they look so bad. We need better housing in the inner cities. Bring some solutions forward
Clinking their wine glasses and toasting to their plans of divide and conquer with their globalist overlords.

Most them will be eliminated when the red carpet is rolled out for the real leaders of the marxist kabal. That's what happens to all the useful idiots after the real marxists take over.
The inner city convenience stores are owned by Arabs and Indians because they are the only ones desperate enough to take the risk. The prices they charge reflects the robberies and shoplifting they incur. It used to be the Koreans in these neighborhood stores. Then the Rodney King riots turned the Koreans into rooftop snipers.

These little stores are there because no other store is brave enough. After the Watts riot in 1965, one of the complaints was that racism had made Watts a food desert. There wasn't any major market in the area. Poor people had to take the bus just to go to the grocery.

Vons stepped up and built a huge supercenter. They hired local people bringing jobs and money into the community. It was robbed the first day it opened. If robbing the store and shoplifting with backpacks wasn't bad enough, carjacking became commonplace in the parking lot. Especially of those trying to leave with groceries in the trunk. There were several shootings. Compounding the misery is that attacks on employees increased. It wasn't safe for any of the women to work after dark. Criminals knew when payday was.

In a very short time the supercenter became known as a dangerous place. It took Vons six months from grand opening to close. The hulk of the store still stands. A monument to feel do goodism that didn't work out. Arabs and Indians now cheat the same customers that Koreans cheated 40 years ago.
They don’t charge any more than any other convenience stores. Often less because they serve a poor clientele.

You’ve clearly never been on one
Jack up the prices for blacks? They are the same prices for whites also.

All very small stores like those charge higher rates because they have to.

Loaf of bread costs twice as much as Walmart? Well Walmart has a distribution deal with them and is on the delivery line by the bread company. A lot of tiny stores like that have to go buy the bread themselves then resell it.

Blacks arent getting robbed by anyone except other blacks on the subway or in some alley.
I remember this issue coming up during the coronavirus. Another thing that was a disaster. We should’ve never had the lockdowns. None of that shd ever happened.

I saw people selling items at 20 or 30 times if not more than the original price. So that’s against Christianity and that’s my position on it and it should not be a part of America.
We need better regulation to make our capitalism fair... it's called socialism everywhere BUT anglo speakers and is the opposite of GOP corrupt dereg and bubbles and depressions....whenever they get 8 years- see Trump dereg of regional banks....
Truth and reality are very repetitive. the GOP base is totally FOS from slimebags and has no solutions but imaginary garbage and the usual tax cuts for the rich LOL.
Once again going off topic with your unhinged hate of those you disagree with.
It really is a pathetic display that you rant like a child and never say anything of substance. Just the usual tripe wornout platitudes.
No way man. People are starving on the streets and they can’t afford their stuff. To hell with the corrupt store owners.

Honestly, I see the same thing at Thruway stop stores across the country where the stores are ran by Indians. They do the same exact thing and there’s no danger … so this has nothing to do with danger and everything to do with corrupt capitalism and people who don’t care about their fellow man.
souds like a perfect environment for you to maybe borrow some capital and open up convenience stores and charge fairer prices ! thats the beauty of capitalism !
Once again going off topic with your unhinged hate of those you disagree with.
It really is a pathetic display that you rant like a child and never say anything of substance. Just the usual tripe wornout platitudes.
I only hate the scumbags who misinform the GOP base. Don't hate you at all, that's your brainwash not mine. Here is 72% Trumpers fantastic people but not living in the real world politically... And like you it seems to be spilling over into the rest of their lives. Poor America. It's not off topic at all, have you ever heard of solutions instead of b**** and moaning. Poor America. Tax the rich and invest in America instead of tax cuts for the rich and the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness and poverty anywhere in the modern world by far ever...REALITY
Yes more than any GOP policies. Tax cuts are not giveaways you nit wit
They are when the richest people in the country are paying the same percentage as you are DUHHH in all taxes. The average billionaire pays 8.2 percent to the federal government. Sounds fair to you morons... Oops brainwashed functional morons. Actually you never hear anything about this, just like you don't hear anything about global warming et cetera et cetera...
I only hate the scumbags who misinform the GOP base. Don't hate you at all, that's your brainwash not mine. Here is 72% Trumpers fantastic people but not living in the real world politically... And like you it seems to be spilling over into the rest of their lives. Poor America. It's not off topic at all, have you ever heard of solutions instead of b**** and moaning. Poor America. Tax the rich and invest in America instead of tax cuts for the rich and the worst inequality upward mobility homelessness and poverty anywhere in the modern world by far ever...REALITY
More platitudes.

…they are probably getting paid off by the corner stores. Right? I mean pretty much something to think about there. These corrupt councilman and mayors of major cities are probably getting paid off by drug dealers and other corrupt people. Certainly is a possibility otherwise why is it so ugly down there?

You see that if you go to any corner store, mostly ran by corrupt Arabs or Indians in black majority neighborhood. I don’t ever see black folks own the stores …

And those corrupt Arabs and Indians, who jack up the prices for poor people, are a disgrace to the Honorable Arab nation and the Indian empire. You see that’s the point that is completely lost on the far left wing racist BLM supporters in this country.

This message is brought to you in a calm, cool and collective manner. Because it’s a Tucker Carlson pointed out today at turning point USA a lot of the stories in the fake news media and CNN are designed to get people angry and infuriated. Like when they say a man can breast-feed or 10-year-old can have a sex change operation or white homeless people are privileged. These are designed to get us upset. But you know what don’t give them what they want.

The only question is, when will this corruption end. When will black majority neighborhoods see corner stores destroyed. ? When will we see healthy grocery markets in black majority neighborhoods. ?

Don’t expect anything from the far left on this. They’re on drugs. They are racist. It’s all about patriotic American’s taking things back. And there’s a lot of positive developments.

When you truly care about your fellow man like so many of us do Republicans and traditional Democrats. And you go through the inner cities and you see the horrendous house conditions , pot holes all over the place the crack dealers … prostitutes. You never see prostitutes in a white majority suburbs walking down the street why is that? Seriously does anybody have an answer to this on the left?

so we need the US government to close down his corner stores level them. We need mass of change in the inner cities. Probably we need to use the US military to fight the drug dealers. Once and for all clean up these crack infested neighborhoods, clean up the heroine infested neighborhoods. Maybe those white and black BLM politicians living in the white suburbs should be forced to live in the inner city for a few weeks …. they probably wouldn’t last 10 hours.

OK fellow Democrats give us some solutions. You keep calling people racist you keep making things up about other people. Meanwhile, our fellow man in the inner city is starving. They want a better life. Bring forward some solutions so we can level these horrendous corner stores they look so bad. We need better housing in the inner cities. Bring some solutions forward

Those store have to charge more to offset inventory shrinkage, ie theft. Perhaps the minority neighborhoods should address that. Then the prices can come down.

Those store have to charge more to offset inventory shrinkage, ie theft. Perhaps the minority neighborhoods should address that. Then the prices can come down.

I’m considering all the points made by the Republicans in the thread. They are good ones. I could’ve perhaps written my post better.

The one point remains regardless of what people think about theft. And that is what can be done to get back to a situation where the inner cities are safe. Because it’s always been a few knuckleheads these past few decades ever since the crack epidemic of the 1980s. It takes a few bad people to make a bad image of the whole city.

What can be done to get back to a situation where people in those neighborhoods leave The doors unlocked when they leave their house for work?

Because if one can get back to that situation, it’ll solve a whole bunch of issues.
souds like a perfect environment for you to maybe borrow some capital and open up convenience stores and charge fairer prices ! thats the beauty of capitalism !
I don’t think I could handle being somebody’s boss. I work for myself I don’t have any bosses.

There are some core issues that play here that need to be solved. And it is quite obvious that the United States was a better country in the 1950s compared to now. The black middle class and white middle class was stronger in the 1950s.

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