Black America needs to Boycott white America a few days after Troy Davis execution.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Black Americans need to boycott white Americans , don't speak to look at or do business with anybody white for a few days after Troy Davis was executed by the State of Georgia.

Its high time that Black Americans realize that white America will murder an innocent black man, in some insane tit for tat killing.

There was no evidence linking this man Troy Davis to this White cops murder.
But we as black people must realize that this is still a very racist blood thirsty white supremacist mentality country. With unequal justice for some members of society. The Black ones.

We must have some form of a boycott of White America. We must separate ourselves from these blood thirsty devils!!
That would be cool.

Obama should boycott us for months. Then the economy might have a chance to rebound.

Hey, I am sick to my gut that Troy Davis was executed but you've really come up with a good idea. Please Obama, please boycott us. That would be so helpful.
Black Americans need to boycott white Americans , don't speak to look at or do business with anybody white for a few days after Troy Davis was executed by the State of Georgia.

Its high time that Black Americans realize that white America will murder an innocent black man, in some insane tit for tat killing.

There was no evidence linking this man Troy Davis to this White cops murder.
But we as black people must realize that this is still a very racist blood thirsty white supremacist mentality country. With unequal justice for some members of society. The Black ones.

We must have some form of a boycott of White America. We must separate ourselves from these blood thirsty devils!!

7 of the 9 witnesses used to convict him recanted their testimony. Many said that they had been coerced by the police.

Oh yeah.........the ballistics evidence didn't match the scene.
Black Americans need to boycott white Americans , don't speak to look at or do business with anybody white for a few days after Troy Davis was executed by the State of Georgia.

Its high time that Black Americans realize that white America will murder an innocent black man, in some insane tit for tat killing.

There was no evidence linking this man Troy Davis to this White cops murder.
But we as black people must realize that this is still a very racist blood thirsty white supremacist mentality country. With unequal justice for some members of society. The Black ones.

We must have some form of a boycott of White America. We must separate ourselves from these blood thirsty devils!!
the loss in revenue by white business owners will be offset by the reduction in shoplifting and property damage due to the absence of negroes !!
Black Americans need to boycott white Americans , don't speak to look at or do business with anybody white for a few days after Troy Davis was executed by the State of Georgia.

Its high time that Black Americans realize that white America will murder an innocent black man, in some insane tit for tat killing.

There was no evidence linking this man Troy Davis to this White cops murder.
But we as black people must realize that this is still a very racist blood thirsty white supremacist mentality country. With unequal justice for some members of society. The Black ones.

We must have some form of a boycott of White America. We must separate ourselves from these blood thirsty devils!!

Black Americans need to boycott white Americans , don't speak to look at or do business with anybody white for a few days after Troy Davis was executed by the State of Georgia.

Its high time that Black Americans realize that white America will murder an innocent black man, in some insane tit for tat killing.

There was no evidence linking this man Troy Davis to this White cops murder.
But we as black people must realize that this is still a very racist blood thirsty white supremacist mentality country. With unequal justice for some members of society. The Black ones.

We must have some form of a boycott of White America. We must separate ourselves from these blood thirsty devils!!

So what you're saying is black Americans should call for the restoration of whites only and blacks only. Oh, the irony.
The whole idea is a sad concept.

When my brother was beaten near dead by a black, sure I was extremely pissed. For years.
The guy walked. Hell he didn't walk - he never even showed up in court.

Calm down, 52. Your efforts are better spent building bridges not burning them.

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