Bishop Asks Supreme Court to Recognize Personhood of the Unborn.

When the Supreme Court issued their ruling on Dobbs, they basically overturned Roe v Wade and threw the issue back to the states to determine what their abortion laws should be via the legislative process, which is answerable to the electorate. If the voters in a state are not satisfied with their state laws on the subject, they can vote in other people who can change it, and that is as it should be. We do not need 9 unelected people deciding such contentious issues, especially since there is nothing in the Constitution or federal law for them to base such a decision to ban all abortions.

The bishop can request whatever he wants, but he ain't going to get this, not with this Court.
Bishop Asks Supreme Court to Recognize Personhood of the Unborn.

“Affirming the fetal personhood is totally in accord with medical science, which over and over in recent years recognizes that there is a new human being in the act of conception — which has always been our biblical belief,” he wrote. “Hence as we move into the future after Roe v. Wade, governments and courts at a national and state level must respect and protect the tiny unborn person made in God’s very image and must never be deprived of life and liberty.”

This is the path we need to take to get abortion banned nationwide. And we have the Supreme Court in place to do it. We have to strike while the iron is hot. This will put an end to the debate, and then we'll see approval of this hideous procedure drop year after year. We'll find the suitable case to present to the court, and hopefully get this ruling. What a happy day it will be when it is decided ALL children's lives matter.

There is no medical science to this. This is religious fascism at the point of a gun.
Based on what in our Constitution? What part in there can be used as a basis for that decision? It's the same deal as abortion, it ain't in there so the SCOTUS cannot rule either way on personhood.

Roe vs Wade was decided in accordance with the Constitution. The Constitution states that a right does not have to be enumerated in the Constitution to be a right. Politicians have no right to interfere in a woman's medical decisions.
The Constitution ruled on 3/5 personhood for blacks, so yes, 'personhood' most definitely was in there.

You really are ignorant. That was a attempt to prevent slave states from getting more representation by getting more slaves. It has nothing to do with personhood.
When the Supreme Court issued their ruling on Dobbs, they basically overturned Roe v Wade and threw the issue back to the states to determine what their abortion laws should be via the legislative process, which is answerable to the electorate. If the voters in a state are not satisfied with their state laws on the subject, they can vote in other people who can change it, and that is as it should be. We do not need 9 unelected people deciding such contentious issues, especially since there is nothing in the Constitution or federal law for them to base such a decision to ban all abortions.

The bishop can request whatever he wants, but he ain't going to get this, not with this Court.

They allowed politicians to dictate what a woman can do with her body. That is exactly what the Supreme Court should be doing. Protecting the rights of Americans against cheap politicians. Republicans have so gerrymandered red states that they can push their beliefs even if it is not popular. In many red states, the right to vote is meaningless.
They allowed politicians to dictate what a woman can do with her body. Republicans have so gerrymandered red states that they can push their beliefs even if it is not popular.
well you can't sell pussy in most states and you can't kill a kid. I guess they CAN tell a woman what to do with her body.
The question before the Court would be about whether the unborn would receive status as a person and retain the basic rights of life and liberty.
Bishop Asks Supreme Court to Recognize Personhood of the Unborn.

“Affirming the fetal personhood is totally in accord with medical science, which over and over in recent years recognizes that there is a new human being in the act of conception — which has always been our biblical belief,” he wrote. “Hence as we move into the future after Roe v. Wade, governments and courts at a national and state level must respect and protect the tiny unborn person made in God’s very image and must never be deprived of life and liberty.”

This is the path we need to take to get abortion banned nationwide. And we have the Supreme Court in place to do it. We have to strike while the iron is hot. This will put an end to the debate, and then we'll see approval of this hideous procedure drop year after year. We'll find the suitable case to present to the court, and hopefully get this ruling. What a happy day it will be when it is decided ALL children's lives matter.
This is a horrible, HORRIBLE idea.

There's a reason the Founders didn't do it

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