Birthers Lay an Egg


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Without dissent, the House declares President Obama a native of Hawaii.

“The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii”: So resolved the House of Representatives yesterday, by a 378-0 vote. The broader purpose of the nonbinding resolution was to assert that the House “recognizes and celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the entry of Hawaii into the Union as the 50th State.”

Best of the Web Today: Birthers Lay an Egg -

Only one that lays an egg here is the House, and people like you. You can't just legislate a decree like that. This would a PERFECT example of when corroborating documentation should be provided.

Otherwise, nothing is solved. The courts refuse to hear the case, and the House has a made a divine decree. Might want to dampen that towel you're wiping that shit off your face with.:lol:

LOL YOU are a birther too...

WHAT this does prove is all those Republicans in the House that are birthers too don't have the guts or character to stand up for their beliefs...
1st post

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Without dissent, the House declares President Obama a native of Hawaii.

“The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii”: So resolved the House of Representatives yesterday, by a 378-0 vote. The broader purpose of the nonbinding resolution was to assert that the House “recognizes and celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the entry of Hawaii into the Union as the 50th State.”

Best of the Web Today: Birthers Lay an Egg -

So basically, they voted for something that doesn't mean shit, right? And they actually got paid for doing this? What a joke! Whose idea was it? :cuckoo:

The more I understand about American politics the less sense it makes. What's the fucking point of voting on a non binding resolution?

And on that basis what was the point of bolding the 0 votes against in the OP if it doesn't mean a damn thing? Isn't something supposed to be resolved by a resolution, or maybe I just don't understand the word correctly?

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Without dissent, the House declares President Obama a native of Hawaii.

“The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii”: So resolved the House of Representatives yesterday, by a 378-0 vote. The broader purpose of the nonbinding resolution was to assert that the House “recognizes and celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the entry of Hawaii into the Union as the 50th State.”

Best of the Web Today: Birthers Lay an Egg -

So basically, they voted for something that doesn't mean shit, right? And they actually got paid for doing this? What a joke! Whose idea was it? :cuckoo:

The more I understand about American politics the less sense it makes. What's the fucking point of voting on a non binding resolution?

And on that basis what was the point of bolding the 0 votes against in the OP if it doesn't mean a damn thing? Isn't something supposed to be resolved by a resolution, or maybe I just don't understand the word correctly?
Yes, it was a non-binding resolution, but congresscritters introduce them all the time.

Try integrating this thought into what the purpose and effect of the yes or no votes: symbolism.
When the Republicans held the majority in the Senate, the senate did a Sense of the Senate, non binding resolution stating that McCain was a USA natural born citizen....

not much different than the house, non binding resolution

Both sound like crap to me.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Without dissent, the House declares President Obama a native of Hawaii.

“The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii”: So resolved the House of Representatives yesterday, by a 378-0 vote. The broader purpose of the nonbinding resolution was to assert that the House “recognizes and celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the entry of Hawaii into the Union as the 50th State.”

Best of the Web Today: Birthers Lay an Egg -

So basically, they voted for something that doesn't mean shit, right? And they actually got paid for doing this? What a joke! Whose idea was it? :cuckoo:

The more I understand about American politics the less sense it makes. What's the fucking point of voting on a non binding resolution?

And on that basis what was the point of bolding the 0 votes against in the OP if it doesn't mean a damn thing? Isn't something supposed to be resolved by a resolution, or maybe I just don't understand the word correctly?
Yes, it was a non-binding resolution, but congresscritters introduce them all the time.

Try integrating this thought into what the purpose and effect of the yes or no votes: symbolism.

Oh, I'm aware of what it is supposed to symbolize, and the first line of the OP ("Without dissent, the House declares President Obama a native of Hawaii.") makes it clear how "symbolism" is often mistranslated into reality.

I now intend to write to my representative to ask why he and apparently all his colleagues are wasting their time doing this. I'm hoping he doesn't include the word symbolism in his response.

Why does symbolize have a z but symbolism have an s? I've never understood what prompted some retard to change that.
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Non-binding resolutions are games they sometimes play as well.

Take for example last year when there was House Resolution to vote in support of Mothers day. (who could be against that, right?)

Republicans vote against Mother’s Day.

On Wednesday, the House took up the seemingly uncontroversial H. Res. 1113, “Celebrating the role of mothers in the United States and supporting the goals and ideals of Mother’s Day.” The resolution initially passed 412 to 0, until Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) rose in protest:
Mr. Speaker, I ask for a recorded vote because I’m sure every member wants their mother to know that they have supported the goals of Mother’s Day.
Tiahrt’s mother, however, may be disappointed to know that her son did not support Mother’s Day. He and 177 other Republicans decided to cast their vote against mothers.
Watch it:


When asked why the GOP switched their votes, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) said, “Oh, we just wanted to make sure that everyone was on record in support of Mother’s Day.” (Even though he also was actually on record against Mother’s Day.) The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank reports that this move was a procedural tactic to “bring the House to a standstill.”

Think Progress » Republicans vote against Mother’s Day.
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Non-binding resolutions are games they sometimes play as well.

Take for example last year when there was House Resolution to vote in support of Mothers day. (who could be against that, right?)

Republicans vote against Mother’s Day.

On Wednesday, the House took up the seemingly uncontroversial H. Res. 1113, “Celebrating the role of mothers in the United States and supporting the goals and ideals of Mother’s Day.” The resolution initially passed 412 to 0, until Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) rose in protest:
Mr. Speaker, I ask for a recorded vote because I’m sure every member wants their mother to know that they have supported the goals of Mother’s Day.
Tiahrt’s mother, however, may be disappointed to know that her son did not support Mother’s Day. He and 177 other Republicans decided to cast their vote against mothers.
Watch it:


When asked why the GOP switched their votes, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) said, “Oh, we just wanted to make sure that everyone was on record in support of Mother’s Day.” (Even though he also was actually on record against Mother’s Day.) The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank reports that this move was a procedural tactic to “bring the House to a standstill.”

Think Progress » Republicans vote against Mother’s Day.

Well, thanks for providing another example of gross stupidity among politicians (or was your point about the stupidity of Republicans in particular?), but it still doesn't tell me what's the frickin point of wasting time with this shite in the first place.

If someone wants to give Hawaii a pat on the back and a piece of cake so be it. But what's the point of voting? And why add in the contentious stuff about Obama when it is well known to be contentious? It's everything that is worst about politics in this country.
Another new low Obama has taken us to. It is never ending!

Yes! It's absolutely deplorable that Obama forced the House of Representatives, EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, to force them to pass a resolution stating Obama's native birth. Horrible president!!!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Without dissent, the House declares President Obama a native of Hawaii.

“The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii”: So resolved the House of Representatives yesterday, by a 378-0 vote. The broader purpose of the nonbinding resolution was to assert that the House “recognizes and celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the entry of Hawaii into the Union as the 50th State.”

Best of the Web Today: Birthers Lay an Egg -
It's so funny that even the ones who wouldn't say they believed Obama was a citizen in interviews, or gave answers like, I never saw the paper work, all voted for the resolution. They didn't want to be known as "Birthers" on the congressional record.
It's so perfect that since Obama can't really prove he was born in Hawaii, Congress just says that he was.

Why is Congress calling his grandma and half brother and half sister liars?
It's so perfect that since Obama can't really prove he was born in Hawaii, Congress just says that he was.

Why is Congress calling his grandma and half brother and half sister liars?

They are was hogwash that they said they witnessed his birth in kenya...

the grandma said SEVERAL TIMES in trying to correct the radio host that kept trying to put words in her mouth, that he was born here, in the usa.

I listened to the tape first hand....several times up to the halfway point, where i just COULD NOT listen to it any longer with that slimy, scummy, dirty, deceitful, antichrist of a radio host just went way too far....trying manipulate by offering her a Bible... for her to show him where obama was born in kenya all the while she is saying and trying to correct him, saying that obama was born in the states....

pure trash, if that is what you are basing your comment on?

It's so perfect that since Obama can't really prove he was born in Hawaii, Congress just says that he was.

Why is Congress calling his grandma and half brother and half sister liars?
Give it up Frank.

His half-brother or half-sister never said it -

and his Kenyan step Grandmother clarified HE WAS BORN IN HAWAII!
It's so perfect that since Obama can't really prove he was born in Hawaii, Congress just says that he was.

Why is Congress calling his grandma and half brother and half sister liars?

They are was hogwash that they said they witnessed his birth in kenya...

the grandma said SEVERAL TIMES in trying to correct the radio host that kept trying to put words in her mouth, that he was born here, in the usa.

I listened to the tape first hand....several times up to the halfway point, where i just COULD NOT listen to it any longer with that slimy, scummy, dirty, deceitful, antichrist of a radio host just went way too far....trying manipulate by offering her a Bible... for her to show him where obama was born in kenya all the while she is saying and trying to correct him, saying that obama was born in the states....

pure trash, if that is what you are basing your comment on?

He could be told a hundred times, and he'll still keep saying it.
It's so perfect that since Obama can't really prove he was born in Hawaii, Congress just says that he was.

Why is Congress calling his grandma and half brother and half sister liars?

They are was hogwash that they said they witnessed his birth in kenya...

the grandma said SEVERAL TIMES in trying to correct the radio host that kept trying to put words in her mouth, that he was born here, in the usa.

I listened to the tape first hand....several times up to the halfway point, where i just COULD NOT listen to it any longer with that slimy, scummy, dirty, deceitful, antichrist of a radio host just went way too far....trying manipulate by offering her a Bible... for her to show him where obama was born in kenya all the while she is saying and trying to correct him, saying that obama was born in the states....

pure trash, if that is what you are basing your comment on?

He could be told a hundred times, and he'll still keep saying it.

Isn't that the description and definition of "Brain washed"? j/k....

Honestly, these people believe what they believe and no matter what is shown them, they continue to believe it...I suppose this is covered by freedom...they do have the right to believe what they believe and to express themselves, no matter how silly it seems to us, that are SANE, imho! hahahahahaha!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Without dissent, the House declares President Obama a native of Hawaii.

“The 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii”: So resolved the House of Representatives yesterday, by a 378-0 vote. The broader purpose of the nonbinding resolution was to assert that the House “recognizes and celebrates the 50th Anniversary of the entry of Hawaii into the Union as the 50th State.”

Best of the Web Today: Birthers Lay an Egg -

OUCH! SMACKDOWN!!!! Hey pale pole rider..ya think it will leave a mark? Don't let that stop you...If it is the last thing you ever do in your miserable existance I hope you find that missing birth certificate. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Granny (pre-Obama Candidacy): I saw Barack being Born at Coastal Provincial Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya

Obama declares his candidacy and tells Granny: "Unless you want to find yourself under the bus you shut your fucking piehole about seeing me born in kenya"

Granny post-Conversion: Oh yesssssir, I saw Barack born in one of two hospitals in Hawaii" (his family gave 2 different accounts of where he was born)
Granny (pre-Obama Candidacy): I saw Barack being Born at Coastal Provincial Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya

Obama declares his candidacy and tells Granny: "Unless you want to find yourself under the bus you shut your fucking piehole about seeing me born in kenya"

Granny post-Conversion: Oh yesssssir, I saw Barack born in one of two hospitals in Hawaii" (his family gave 2 different accounts of where he was born)
That's BULLSHIT and you KNOW it Frannie.
That one interview - who propagandists brainwashed you into repeating like a brain dead goat over and over - went like this:

No matter, though, because people who believe in a conspiracy theory simply hear what they want to hear. So some Birther sites have posted transcripts and YouTube clips that end abruptly with the mistranslation and don't include the corrections.

McRae, for his part, included the full translation in his affidavit -- he thinks it's all just part of the conspiracy. "Some few younger relatives, including [translator Vitalis Akech Ogombe]," McRae wrote in his court filing, "have obviously been versed to counter such facts with the common purported information from the American news media that Obama was born in Hawaii."

Here's the conversation:
MCRAE: Could I ask her about his actual birthplace? I would like to see his birthplace when I come to Kenya in December. Was she present when he was born in Kenya?

OGOMBE: Yes. She says, yes, she was, she was present when Obama was born.

MCRAE: When I come in December. I would like to come by the place, the hospital, where he was born. Could you tell me where he was born? Was he born in Mombasa?

OGOMBE: No, Obama was not born in Mombasa. He was born in America.

MCRAE: Whereabouts was he born? I thought he was born in Kenya.

OGOMBE: No, he was born in America, not in Mombasa.

MCRAE: Do you know where he was born? I thought he was born in Kenya. I was going to go by and see where he was born.

OGOMBE: Hawaii. Hawaii. Sir, she says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father was also learning, there. The state of Hawaii.

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