Billy Graham close to death

so i am damned if i mention it now and damned if i mention it after his death.......why is it trolling to say facts about a i you really think a man who's foundation takes in 80 million or so a year is above sin?
The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.

William Shakespeare

Read more at The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. - William Shakespeare at BrainyQuote

Are you possessed this morning?

What the hell are you doing in this thread? If you want to start a " Billy Graham is the most evil man thread on the planet" do so.

But for crying out loud, leave this thread alone. You are really truly trolling.

Dancer I feel that I hold some blame for what bones posted. My open post but it was basically being sarcastic at how the haters will treat him after his death.
His call to Christ I don't think has ever been or ever will be matched.

Just as I am Lord, just as I am.

He didn't start a religion. He never asked anyone to give up their Church. He just gave the call.

Just as I am Lord, just as I am.

To come to Christ no matter who you are or what your sins are.

Just as I am Lord, just as I am.

He was my kinda preacher.
I don't remember right off if any of you were in the Mandella thread talking all about him and what a hateful person he was but a lot of people on the Right were.

It's a little unfair being all butthurt now if you were among that group. Besides, I'm amazed Billy Graham is still alive, he has to be hundreds of years old.
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I watched my Baba one day as she was "babysitting me" listen to Graham. Now you have to remember that her being a Ukrainian Greek Orthodox this is pretty wild in retrospect.

I know that day, she came to Christ. Many don't understand this. Maybe I can explain it this way. Reverend Graham has never asked one person to give up their religion. Whether you are a Baptist, an Anglican, A Catholic, A Druid :)

All he ever did was give the call to come to the Cross. Understand it. Embrace it. Come to Jesus.

And Graham rocks. His message was a simple one.
I don't remember right off if any of you were in the Mandella thread talking all about him and what a hateful person he was but a lot of people on the Right were.

It's a little unfair being all butthurt now if you were among that group. Besides, I'm amazed Billy Graham is still alive, he has to be hundreds of years old.

As far as I can recollect from my issues with Mandela, I don't and I was on some heavy meds last week ever slagging Mandela in his "remembrance" thread.

Now in another thread, I told the truth about necklacing that he was ordering from jail and working with Winnie on terrorizing the populace.

But not in a remembrance or praising thread. At least I hope I didn't because that's wrong.
I don't remember right off if any of you were in the Mandella thread talking all about him and what a hateful person he was but a lot of people on the Right were.

It's a little unfair being all butthurt now if you were among that group. Besides, I'm amazed Billy Graham is still alive, he has to be hundreds of years old.

Yes, this is what I was thinking. We wanted just one thread where we could memorialize Mandela, but the Mandela haters would not let alone and saturated every thread about him with their vitriolic, mindless hatred. Now they complain if Graham is not being glorified as a saint. He was not a saint. He was a political being and a businessman. A true, humble man of the cloth does not build a multi-million dollar empire and become the 'spiritual guide' to US presidents.
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the grahams have a great pr off the lord and such.....

You already named the biggest scandal of them all -

Televangelists are all alike. They do live off fear. And, whatever else is true of him, it won't matter when he dies because people will make him a saint.

OTOH, those who believe in his particular god were probably helped by his platitudes.

Now if he would just take Pat Robertson with him.
I don't remember right off if any of you were in the Mandella thread talking all about him and what a hateful person he was but a lot of people on the Right were.

It's a little unfair being all butthurt now if you were among that group. Besides, I'm amazed Billy Graham is still alive, he has to be hundreds of years old.

Yes, this is what I was thinking. We wanted just one thread where we could memorialize Mandela, but the Mandela haters would not let alone and saturated every thread about him with their vitriolic, mindless hatred. Now they complain if Graham is not being glorified as a saint. He was not a saint. He was a political being and a businessman. A true, humble man of the cloth does not build a multi-million dollar empire and become the 'spiritual guide' to US presidents.

Yes, to the presidents. He was a real social climber and became very rich because of it. Not exactly Christian and humble.
I don't remember right off if any of you were in the Mandella thread talking all about him and what a hateful person he was but a lot of people on the Right were.

It's a little unfair being all butthurt now if you were among that group. Besides, I'm amazed Billy Graham is still alive, he has to be hundreds of years old.

Yes, this is what I was thinking. We wanted just one thread where we could memorialize Mandela, but the Mandela haters would not let alone and saturated every thread about him with their vitriolic, mindless hatred. Now they complain if Graham is not being glorified as a saint. He was not a saint. He was a political being and a businessman. A true, humble man of the cloth does not build a multi-million dollar empire and become the 'spiritual guide' to US presidents.

I agree and you've touched on a real truth about televangelists - they really are politicians. Whether they're the type you hear in the middle of the night out in the middle of nowhere on your car radio

(Put yore ha-ind on the RA-ee-oh and be SAVED!)

or the ultra-crafty Graham kind, they're all just running for office and people vote for them with their money.
Billy Graham near death, ?close to going home to be with the Lord? - Washington Times

The Rev. Billy Graham is near death, and it won’t be much longer before he succumbs to old age and goes “home to be with the Lord,” his grandson, Will Graham, said this week.

“I wish [God] would give him strength, but I don’t think he needs strength anymore,” Mr. Graham said, to the Christian news site, Assist News Service. “It’s time to go home.”

Mr. Graham, who’s spread the gospel around the world — and to the highest political offices in the nation — just turned 95 on Nov. 7, celebrating with a North Carolina party that included more than 1,000 notable guests, Newsmax reported. He’s been ill for years, fighting off Parkinson’s disease, pneumonia, prostate cancer and pulmonary problems, and has also been plagued by issues from his broken hips.

One of the most influential men of the cloth in the 20th century, spiritual advisor to more Presidents (of both parties) than ever before in history, from Harry Truman to Barack Obama (12 presidents).

I am sure that when his time comes, he will be missed by many millions of people across the globe. Rev. Graham has been a huge supporter of Israel for a long, long time. Note the date of this article:

Billy Graham Voices Staunch Support for Israel, Concern for State?s Security | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
what have i said that is a lie? how is the truth mean spirited? please defend your emotional statements

No emotional statements. Just shocked at you. It's really that simple. You are a southern lady.

Well were a southern lady in my mind.

I anticipated some class in a situation with a gentleman dying. My mistake obviously.

Now you are just "not a lady".

Pity. I'm a wild one. Surely no one expects different of me. But at least I have respect for someone in the throes of passing.
Billy Graham near death, ?close to going home to be with the Lord? - Washington Times

The Rev. Billy Graham is near death, and it won’t be much longer before he succumbs to old age and goes “home to be with the Lord,” his grandson, Will Graham, said this week.

“I wish [God] would give him strength, but I don’t think he needs strength anymore,” Mr. Graham said, to the Christian news site, Assist News Service. “It’s time to go home.”

Mr. Graham, who’s spread the gospel around the world — and to the highest political offices in the nation — just turned 95 on Nov. 7, celebrating with a North Carolina party that included more than 1,000 notable guests, Newsmax reported. He’s been ill for years, fighting off Parkinson’s disease, pneumonia, prostate cancer and pulmonary problems, and has also been plagued by issues from his broken hips.

One of the most influential men of the cloth in the 20th century, spiritual advisor to more Presidents (of both parties) than ever before in history, from Harry Truman to Barack Obama (12 presidents).

I am sure that when his time comes, he will be missed by many millions of people across the globe. Rev. Graham has been a huge supporter of Israel for a long, long time. Note the date of this article:

Billy Graham Voices Staunch Support for Israel, Concern for State?s Security | Jewish Telegraphic Agency

I so hope he makes it through Christmas, the biblical accounting of everything he has lived for, stood for and helped millions with while spreading his word, all of his adult life. He was of comfort to me for several years. I wouldn't miss one of his specials. He made me feel, more loving and now Joel Osteen has that effect upon me.

What a great man, Billy Graham. What a legacy. Whether a believer or not, I can't imagine one not having respect for his values. He wouldn't even get into an elevator alone with a women. He knew human nature and he knew the press and he was devoted to his wife, who spent most of their years, being married, alone. I admire and envy her, as well. She devoted herself to her children and other charitable causes. My heart embraces the Grahams and how they spent their lives. Great role-models. The real good ole` days....
I don't remember right off if any of you were in the Mandella thread talking all about him and what a hateful person he was but a lot of people on the Right were.

It's a little unfair being all butthurt now if you were among that group. Besides, I'm amazed Billy Graham is still alive, he has to be hundreds of years old.

Yes, this is what I was thinking. We wanted just one thread where we could memorialize Mandela, but the Mandela haters would not let alone and saturated every thread about him with their vitriolic, mindless hatred. Now they complain if Graham is not being glorified as a saint. He was not a saint. He was a political being and a businessman. A true, humble man of the cloth does not build a multi-million dollar empire and become the 'spiritual guide' to US presidents.

Yes, to the presidents. He was a real social climber and became very rich because of it. Not exactly Christian and humble.

If we're going to go at it, well hells bells girl, you don't know jack shit.

I'm a very different kinda believer and I do throw over tables. And I'm about to throw some out the window to combat your idiocy.

You douche bag Sarah G you have no idea what you are talking about again you vacuous little piece of shit.

Graham a social climber? Are you freaking fucking kidding me? Presidents wanted Graham not the other way around you idiot.

Presidents wanted Grahams endorsement.

Oh my Lord you are so stupid.
I don't remember right off if any of you were in the Mandella thread talking all about him and what a hateful person he was but a lot of people on the Right were.

It's a little unfair being all butthurt now if you were among that group. Besides, I'm amazed Billy Graham is still alive, he has to be hundreds of years old.

Yes, this is what I was thinking. We wanted just one thread where we could memorialize Mandela, but the Mandela haters would not let alone and saturated every thread about him with their vitriolic, mindless hatred. Now they complain if Graham is not being glorified as a saint. He was not a saint. He was a political being and a businessman. A true, humble man of the cloth does not build a multi-million dollar empire and become the 'spiritual guide' to US presidents.

I agree and you've touched on a real truth about televangelists - they really are politicians. Whether they're the type you hear in the middle of the night out in the middle of nowhere on your car radio

(Put yore ha-ind on the RA-ee-oh and be SAVED!)

or the ultra-crafty Graham kind, they're all just running for office and people vote for them with their money.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

What else is new I guess.

No point in saying stay classy. You wouldn't know what classy means.
Yes, this is what I was thinking. We wanted just one thread where we could memorialize Mandela, but the Mandela haters would not let alone and saturated every thread about him with their vitriolic, mindless hatred. Now they complain if Graham is not being glorified as a saint. He was not a saint. He was a political being and a businessman. A true, humble man of the cloth does not build a multi-million dollar empire and become the 'spiritual guide' to US presidents.

I agree and you've touched on a real truth about televangelists - they really are politicians. Whether they're the type you hear in the middle of the night out in the middle of nowhere on your car radio

(Put yore ha-ind on the RA-ee-oh and be SAVED!)

or the ultra-crafty Graham kind, they're all just running for office and people vote for them with their money.

You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

What else is new I guess.

No point in saying stay classy. You wouldn't know what classy means.

Yer a clueless hoot td.

You call Sarah a "douchbag" and then say I'm not classy.

Billy Graham would be so proud of the way his "christian" followers talk.

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