Billionaires made more $ in 2017 than any other year in history.

No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.
80 or 90%? You cannot be that stupid? How about tax the almost 50% that don't pay taxes?
Boss, do you understand simple numbers? That chart began in 1979/1980. And tax cuts for the wealthy by Bush went all the way into 2012. please tell me I am talking to a person who understands numbers? If not I am wasting my time?
You do know the rich pay most of the taxes? You tax them more, they will leave. Just ask New York or California.
Tell them good riddance. We will start over if need be, because they are ripping us off now. The sooner they leave, the better. Others will gladly take their place.
How are they ripping you off? Be specific. understand what that word means, right?
He doesn't, he sounds like the typical talking point guy.
"Be specific"? :290968001256257790-final: Can you read charts? The chart shows us how the middle class is being ripped off. If you can't comprehend the Vulture chart, then you aren't intelligent enough to be debating on this forum. Get lost.
So you don't understand the word. Good to know.

BTW...the chart does NOT show HOW the middle class is being ripped off. I want you to specifically tell Me how you have less (You personally) and exactly how the rich have reduced what you have.

BTW.....Let's start this discussion with a few baseline points.

Money does not belong to the government. People and companies keeping their money is not welfare, nor is it them ripping people off.

You have no entitlement to other peoples wealth.

so they show industriousness/intelligence/smarts/etc
they pay more than their fair share
so we should denigrate/punish them.............??????!!!!!!!!!!
No, we should vote for our own best interests you idiot, not theirs. Are you working for their benefit or yours? Don't you understand the damn game? WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO STUPID?
Keeping government in check IS OUR OWN BEST INTEREST! Wow, you are getting closer to being ignored if you keep this ignorance up.
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all away from them and hand it out to the poor?
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.

That would be criminal. What right do you, or the government, have to confiscate someone's wealth?
It wasn't their wealth to begin with. It is supposed to go to the middle class. What do you think Capitalism was initially designed to do? Take care of the 1%? No! Get that stupid shit out of your head. Why do you think the Great Depression happened? Because of idiots like you who went along with giving the rich tax cuts in the 1920's. That is how the depression was born. How did we get out of it? Government stimulus and taxing the rich 80 to 90%. How do we stay out of another depression? Take a wild guess. PEOPLE, STOP BEING STUPID ON THIS FORUM. History taught us the lesson once, and we almost fell into it again. But because of Obama's stimulus, we worked our way out of another depression, that would have happened, because of the disastrous Republican tax cuts .
WTF do you mean it wasn't their wealth? It is supposed to go to the middle class? Their wealth? They work and invest for others? Do you do that? If so, you need a fucking keeper.

If you think that it was taxation that caused the great depression, do yourself a favor and get yourself a nanny. You are too fucking stupid to be left alone.
Meanwhile, in 2017:

-1 in 4 Americans refused medical care due to cost

-CEOs averaged 339x their median worker's salary

-The bottom 90% of Americans remained poorer than they were in 2007
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all away from them and hand it out to the poor?
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.

That would be criminal. What right do you, or the government, have to confiscate someone's wealth?
It wasn't their wealth to begin with. It is supposed to go to the middle class. What do you think Capitalism was initially designed to do? Take care of the 1%? No! Get that stupid shit out of your head. Why do you think the Great Depression happened? Because of idiots like you who went along with giving the rich tax cuts in the 1920's. That is how the depression was born. How did we get out of it? Government stimulus and taxing the rich 80 to 90%. How do we stay out of another depression? Take a wild guess. PEOPLE, STOP BEING STUPID ON THIS FORUM. History taught us the lesson once, and we almost fell into it again. But because of Obama's stimulus, we worked our way out of another depression, that would have happened, because of the disastrous Republican tax cuts .
WTF do you mean it wasn't their wealth? It is supposed to go to the middle class? Their wealth? They work and invest for others? Do you do that? If so, you need a fucking keeper.
Do you understand the meaning of Capitalism? It doesn't mean that the 1% inherit most of the wealth. Try and keep focused here. You are lost in the weeds when it comes to the intention for Capitalism.

If you think that it was taxation that caused the great depression, do yourself a favor and get yourself a nanny. You are too fucking stupid to be left alone.
And get yourself a book and educate yourself. What a friggin ignoramus; Perspective | I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.
so they show industriousness/intelligence/smarts/etc
they pay more than their fair share
so we should denigrate/punish them.............??????!!!!!!!!!!
No, we should vote for our own best interests you idiot, not theirs. Are you working for their benefit or yours? Don't you understand the damn game? WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO STUPID?
Keeping government in check IS OUR OWN BEST INTEREST! Wow, you are getting closer to being ignored if you keep this ignorance up.
It was the government who got us back in the game you idiot; Perspective | I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.
so they show industriousness/intelligence/smarts/etc
they pay more than their fair share
so we should denigrate/punish them.............??????!!!!!!!!!!
No, we should vote for our own best interests you idiot, not theirs. Are you working for their benefit or yours? Don't you understand the damn game? WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO STUPID?
Keeping government in check IS OUR OWN BEST INTEREST! Wow, you are getting closer to being ignored if you keep this ignorance up.
It was the government who got us back in the game you idiot; Perspective | I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929. Why are people so ignorant?
So, what are you going to do? Are you going to take it all away from them and hand it out to the poor?
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.

That would be criminal. What right do you, or the government, have to confiscate someone's wealth?
It wasn't their wealth to begin with. It is supposed to go to the middle class. What do you think Capitalism was initially designed to do? Take care of the 1%? No! Get that stupid shit out of your head. Why do you think the Great Depression happened? Because of idiots like you who went along with giving the rich tax cuts in the 1920's. That is how the depression was born. How did we get out of it? Government stimulus and taxing the rich 80 to 90%. How do we stay out of another depression? Take a wild guess. PEOPLE, STOP BEING STUPID ON THIS FORUM. History taught us the lesson once, and we almost fell into it again. But because of Obama's stimulus, we worked our way out of another depression, that would have happened, because of the disastrous Republican tax cuts .
WTF do you mean it wasn't their wealth? It is supposed to go to the middle class? Their wealth? They work and invest for others? Do you do that? If so, you need a fucking keeper.
Do you understand the meaning of Capitalism? It doesn't mean that the 1% inherit most of the wealth. Try and keep focused here. You are lost in the weeds when it comes to the intention for Capitalism.

If you think that it was taxation that caused the great depression, do yourself a favor and get yourself a nanny. You are too fucking stupid to be left alone.
And get yourself a book and educate yourself. What a friggin ignoramus; Perspective | I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.

No, in capitalism, you have to work for the wealth. In capitalism, no one inherits the wealth. BTW, passing on your wealth to your progeny is NOT capitalism. Maybe you should go look the word up?
so they show industriousness/intelligence/smarts/etc
they pay more than their fair share
so we should denigrate/punish them.............??????!!!!!!!!!!
No, we should vote for our own best interests you idiot, not theirs. Are you working for their benefit or yours? Don't you understand the damn game? WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO STUPID?
Keeping government in check IS OUR OWN BEST INTEREST! Wow, you are getting closer to being ignored if you keep this ignorance up.
It was the government who got us back in the game you idiot; Perspective | I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.
Not much of a historian then. It was the government that prolonged the depression, so much so that it took a world war to bring us out of it.
so they show industriousness/intelligence/smarts/etc
they pay more than their fair share
so we should denigrate/punish them.............??????!!!!!!!!!!
No, we should vote for our own best interests you idiot, not theirs. Are you working for their benefit or yours? Don't you understand the damn game? WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO STUPID?
Keeping government in check IS OUR OWN BEST INTEREST! Wow, you are getting closer to being ignored if you keep this ignorance up.
It was the government who got us back in the game you idiot; Perspective | I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.
Not much of a historian then. It was the government that prolonged the depression, so much so that it took a world war to bring us out of it.
Thanks! You just confirmed just how grotesquely ignorant you are. Government programs got us back, while tax cuts got us in this mess to begin with. I noticed you were too much of a coward and an ignoramus to challenge that fact. History grabbed you by the balls and shut down any intelligent debate. Next!
so they show industriousness/intelligence/smarts/etc
they pay more than their fair share
so we should denigrate/punish them.............??????!!!!!!!!!!
No, we should vote for our own best interests you idiot, not theirs. Are you working for their benefit or yours? Don't you understand the damn game? WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO STUPID?
Keeping government in check IS OUR OWN BEST INTEREST! Wow, you are getting closer to being ignored if you keep this ignorance up.
It was the government who got us back in the game you idiot; Perspective | I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.
Not much of a historian then. It was the government that prolonged the depression, so much so that it took a world war to bring us out of it.
Thanks! You just confirmed just how grotesquely ignorant you are. Government programs got us back, while tax cuts got us in this mess to begin with. I noticed you were too much of a coward and an ignoramus to challenge that fact. History grabbed you by the balls and shut down any intelligent debate. Next!
Wow, you are really brainwashed.


What Ended the Great Depression? | Burton W. Folsom

Now go do some research. I have better things to do right now.
No, we go back to taxing the wealthy 80 to 90% when we had a real middle class. Capitalism was created for the people, not the 1%.

That would be criminal. What right do you, or the government, have to confiscate someone's wealth?
It wasn't their wealth to begin with. It is supposed to go to the middle class. What do you think Capitalism was initially designed to do? Take care of the 1%? No! Get that stupid shit out of your head. Why do you think the Great Depression happened? Because of idiots like you who went along with giving the rich tax cuts in the 1920's. That is how the depression was born. How did we get out of it? Government stimulus and taxing the rich 80 to 90%. How do we stay out of another depression? Take a wild guess. PEOPLE, STOP BEING STUPID ON THIS FORUM. History taught us the lesson once, and we almost fell into it again. But because of Obama's stimulus, we worked our way out of another depression, that would have happened, because of the disastrous Republican tax cuts .
WTF do you mean it wasn't their wealth? It is supposed to go to the middle class? Their wealth? They work and invest for others? Do you do that? If so, you need a fucking keeper.
Do you understand the meaning of Capitalism? It doesn't mean that the 1% inherit most of the wealth. Try and keep focused here. You are lost in the weeds when it comes to the intention for Capitalism.

If you think that it was taxation that caused the great depression, do yourself a favor and get yourself a nanny. You are too fucking stupid to be left alone.
And get yourself a book and educate yourself. What a friggin ignoramus; Perspective | I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.

No, in capitalism, you have to work for the wealth.
Stop adding what was never a debate. No one said anything about not working. Stop typing stupid nonsense.
In capitalism, no one inherits the wealth.
And no one ever said anything about inheritance. Stop confusing the issue. Read your history to find out Capitalism's true intentions. It says nothing about not working or inheritance. So stop twisting the narrative.
BTW, passing on your wealth to your progeny is NOT capitalism. Maybe you should go look the word up?
I don't have to. Passing on your wealth to the progeny is not the topic of this discussion. Making ignorant people understand the underpinning of Capitalism is.
No, we should vote for our own best interests you idiot, not theirs. Are you working for their benefit or yours? Don't you understand the damn game? WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE SO STUPID?
Keeping government in check IS OUR OWN BEST INTEREST! Wow, you are getting closer to being ignored if you keep this ignorance up.
It was the government who got us back in the game you idiot; Perspective | I’m a Depression historian. The GOP tax bill is straight out of 1929.
Not much of a historian then. It was the government that prolonged the depression, so much so that it took a world war to bring us out of it.
Thanks! You just confirmed just how grotesquely ignorant you are. Government programs got us back, while tax cuts got us in this mess to begin with. I noticed you were too much of a coward and an ignoramus to challenge that fact. History grabbed you by the balls and shut down any intelligent debate. Next!
Wow, you are really brainwashed.


What Ended the Great Depression? | Burton W. Folsom

Now go do some research. I have better things to do right now.
What a brainless nut. Who is debating what ended the depression? Do you always make it a habit to create a different debate with yourself? :auiqs.jpg:Wow, you have issues with continuity here. You start on one track, only to finish on another, then you cowardly need to fly the coop. Lol! See you later. Maybe one day you'll figure out one debate doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other.
I don't care if other people make more money than I do.

What I am concerned about is when the filthy ass oppressive government takes the money that I make and then gives it away to greedy assholes that didn't earn it.
Workers are getting hosed. Look toward those with the money....

An economic mystery: Despite the hot economy, wages are barely growing, adjusting for inflation

How could it be, with unemployment so low, that workers aren't demanding and receiving more pay?

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell called the issue "a bit of a mystery" just last month. And it's an issue the U.S. economy has been dealing with for years — a big missing element of the recovery since the Great Recession.

Some economists point to less worker bargaining power as a potential reason. Between weaker unions and increasing market concentration across a number of industries, it's harder for employees to boost their pay.

Jared Bernstein was the economic advisor to Vice President Joe Biden and deputy chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor during the Clinton administration. He told CNBC, "Workers just don't have the bargaining clout that they had in the past to go into their boss's office and say, 'Hey – It looks like our company is doing great, how about a pay raise?'"

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