Billary Hates the Working Class


Gold Member
Feb 21, 2012
"Year after year and generation after generation, the establishment media has shed even the slightest pretense of caring about average working white Americans in flyover country who’ve been screwed up the yin-yang by corporate outsourcing, globalist trade deals, and lax to nonexistent enforcement of immigration laws. For working-class white males in particular, a Democratic Party who once esteemed them as their core constituency has now targeted them as the source of All Things Evil. Yea, they have shat and shat and shat yet again upon the heads of what were once known as average blue-collar Americans, and yet these sheltered coastal nincompoops still appear clueless about why so many of their Designated Cultural Enemies are enthused about the only candidate in decades who understands and directly addresses what fuels their bitterness...."

Smells Like Victory

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