Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate

Maybe, just maybe if a Senator or Representatives' daughter or spouse could be drafted, they might not be so inclined to start a war.
We won't have real equality in the military until we have an all female military in all the branches. I mean, the men have done the job for the last few centuries, without help from the women. Let's see how the women handle it by themselves, without help from the men. Maybe extend this enlightened policy to the police and fire departments too.
Maybe, just maybe if a Senator or Representatives' daughter or spouse could be drafted, they might not be so inclined to start a war.
I've always liked the scenario that those who vote for the draft are on the front lines. Role models, ya know?
It will be interesting to see how Hussein handles it if it gets to his desk. The question is why the hell would they do it? If they didn't need to draft women in WW2 why do they think they need a draft list for women today? The notion of equality is ludicrous. Do lawmakers think they are doing women a freaking favor by denying them certain federal assistance programs or threaten them with arrest unless they register for the draft? Is it about the militant lesbian voting block? It doesn't make sense unless you consider the left wing's ongoing plan to undermine the fabric of society.
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I'm not sure how having women in the military during a draft is going to "undermine the fabric of society." The notion of equality is ludicrous? You mean from a perspective of average size and strength? Are you envisioning combat roles only?
It will be interesting to see how Hussein handles it if it gets to his desk. The question is why the hell would they do it? If they didn't need to draft women in WW2 why do they think they need a draft list for women today? The notion of equality is ludicrous. Do lawmakers think they are doing women a freaking favor by denying them certain federal assistance programs or threaten them with arrest unless they register for the draft? Is it about the militant lesbian voting block? It doesn't make sense unless you consider the left wing's ongoing plan to undermine the fabric of society.

Women were not allowed in active combat roles in WWII or during Vietnam (the last time we used the draft). NOW, Feminists have fought for (and won) the right to get their heads blown off in front line combat units, just like the guys. Therefore, to maintain EQUALITY (what the Feminists claim they want) these women need to be made to register for selective service.

If they want to be equal, let them be equal. If not, let them agree to go back to the kitchen, where they belong.
It will be interesting to see how Hussein handles it if it gets to his desk. The question is why the hell would they do it? If they didn't need to draft women in WW2 why do they think they need a draft list for women today? The notion of equality is ludicrous. Do lawmakers think they are doing women a freaking favor by denying them certain federal assistance programs or threaten them with arrest unless they register for the draft? Is it about the militant lesbian voting block? It doesn't make sense unless you consider the left wing's ongoing plan to undermine the fabric of society.

Women were not allowed in active combat roles in WWII or during Vietnam (the last time we used the draft). NOW, Feminists have fought for (and won) the right to get their heads blown off in front line combat units, just like the guys. Therefore, to maintain EQUALITY (what the Feminists claim they want) these women need to be made to register for selective service.

If they want to be equal, let them be equal. If not, let them agree to go back to the kitchen, where they belong.
What does selective service registration and the draft have to do with women in combat units? They're two separate issues, you can allow women in combat units without having a draft for ANYONE.
What does selective service registration and the draft have to do with women in combat units? They're two separate issues, you can allow women in combat units without having a draft for ANYONE.

Very simple - Women were excluded from selective service BECAUSE they were only allowed in limited roles. Honestly, the moment we made the mistake of allowing them in the military they should have had to resister, but at least we're fixing THAT mistake when we make the next one - allowing them in combat.

When these disgusting Feminists want to get back in the kitchen where they belong, they can get their special allowances back. Until then they need to take the bad with the good if they want to be "equal".
What does selective service registration and the draft have to do with women in combat units? They're two separate issues, you can allow women in combat units without having a draft for ANYONE.

Very simple - Women were excluded from selective service BECAUSE they were only allowed in limited roles. Honestly, the moment we made the mistake of allowing them in the military they should have had to resister, but at least we're fixing THAT mistake when we make the next one - allowing them in combat.

When these disgusting Feminists want to get back in the kitchen where they belong, they can get their special allowances back. Until then they need to take the bad with the good if they want to be "equal".
The point is; you don't need a draft, women can serve in combat units without having to have a draft for anyone.

You have your gender equality without having the slavery associated with the draft.

A draft is used by warhawk politicians when they cannot make a compelling enough case for war that citizens will volunteer. The American Citizenry (both men and women) are not chattel to be forced into involuntary servitude to be slaughtered or turned into killers against their will by the bloodthirsty warmongers in Washington.
The point is; you don't need a draft, women can serve in combat units without having to have a draft for anyone.

You have your gender equality without having the slavery associated with the draft.

A draft is used by warhawk politicians when they cannot make a compelling enough case for war that citizens will volunteer. The American Citizenry (both men and women) are not chattel to be forced into involuntary servitude to be slaughtered or turned into killers against their will by the bloodthirsty warmongers in Washington.

The American People should have no loyalty (family, church, nation, etc...) OTHER than America. When the nation calls, it is the citizen's DUTY to respond. No exceptions.
The point is; you don't need a draft, women can serve in combat units without having to have a draft for anyone.

You have your gender equality without having the slavery associated with the draft.

A draft is used by warhawk politicians when they cannot make a compelling enough case for war that citizens will volunteer. The American Citizenry (both men and women) are not chattel to be forced into involuntary servitude to be slaughtered or turned into killers against their will by the bloodthirsty warmongers in Washington.

The American People should have no loyalty (family, church, nation, etc...) OTHER than America. When the nation calls, it is the citizen's DUTY to respond. No exceptions.
That's just ridiculous, we're individual human beings not slaves to some silly idea of nationalism or political masters, if we're facing an existential threat that justifies going to war Americans will defend themselves, their loved ones and their homes VOLUNTARILY as free individuals; once again the citizens of the United States are not chattel to be pressed into involuntary servitude at the whim of war mongering politicians.
That's just ridiculous, we're individual human beings not slaves to some silly idea of nationalism or political masters.....

I disagree. I consider myself an American; first, last and only. I can trace parts of my ancestry back to some of the first Europeans to arrive here. My family has killed and died for this nation. If America were to ever die, I die with it; and America is in ICU at this point.
The American People should have no loyalty (family, church, nation, etc...) OTHER than America. When the nation calls, it is the citizen's DUTY to respond. No exceptions.

No way I'm risking my life for a bunch of politicians and their military escapades.
That's just ridiculous, we're individual human beings not slaves to some silly idea of nationalism or political masters.....

I disagree. I consider myself an American; first, last and only. I can trace parts of my ancestry back to some of the first Europeans to arrive here. My family has killed and died for this nation. If America were to ever die, I die with it; and America is in ICU at this point.
That's nice, good luck with that ....
I hear ya, but sadly you're still a bit confused and naive. However, i think you'll get it someday.

After 30 years I am hardly naïve. We just have different points of view, different beliefs, different values. I doubt you will 'get it' someday...and that is ok. The world would be jacked up even more if everyone saw things through 'Liberal eyes'...or 'Conservative eyes'.

And for all the liberties and freedoms you have and continue to enjoy, I am sure all the military members who have fallen around the world In the past defending those rights and liberties for you would say, 'You're welcome'.

Sadly, that's rarely been the case. Most of the wars they've fought in were merely wars for acquiring more money & power for the few Elites. The preservation of our Freedom & Liberty hasn't been the reason for war for many many years. Our soldiers are being used as mercenaries for the rich. They're disposable meat for the Permanent War Meat Grinder.

They're not fighting 'Right vs. Wrong' or 'Freedom & Democracy' wars. I'm sorry, but that is the sad reality. I wouldn't encourage young people to join the military at this point. And i don't believe in forcing them to register for a draft either. If the Elites want Permanent War, let them and their own children head off to be killed and maimed. But the rest of us will pass.
Spoken like a true member of the Green Party.

I'm not a member of the Green Party.
Sadly, that's rarely been the case. Most of the wars they've fought in were merely wars for acquiring more money & power for the few Elites. The preservation of our Freedom & Liberty hasn't been the reason for war for many many years. Our soldiers are being used as mercenaries for the rich. They're disposable meat for the Permanent War Meat Grinder.

They're not fighting 'Right vs. Wrong' or 'Freedom & Democracy' wars. I'm sorry, but that is the sad reality. I wouldn't encourage young people to join the military at this point. And i don't believe in forcing them to register for a draft either. If the Elites want Permanent War, let them and their own children head off to be killed and maimed. But the rest of us will pass.

Now see if this sounds just like you:

The American empire has not altered under Barack Obama. It kills as brutally and indiscriminately in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan as it did under George W. Bush. It steals from the U.S. treasury to enrich the corporate elite as rapaciously. It will not give us universal health care, abolish the Bush secrecy laws, end torture or “extraordinary rendition,” restore habeas corpus or halt the warrantless wiretapping and monitoring of citizens. It will not push through significant environmental reform, regulate Wall Street or end our relationship with private contractors that provide mercenary armies to fight our imperial wars and produce useless and costly weapons systems.

The sad reality is that all the well-meaning groups and individuals who challenge our permanent war economy and the doctrine of pre-emptive war, who care about sustainable energy, fight for civil liberties and want corporate malfeasance to end, were once again suckered by the Democratic Party.

Nader Was Right: Liberals Are Going Nowhere With Obama: Chris Hedges

We owe Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney and the Green Party an apology. They were right.

I'm telling you, paulitician. You are a Green Party person, not a Libertarian. It's a common mistake uninformed rubes often make, thinking they are Libertarians when they are really Naderites.

Stop obsessing over labelling. I've already told you many times that i can't be labelled.
No way I'm risking my life for a bunch of politicians and their military escapades.

If you refuse to stand behind our military, please feel free to stand in front of it.

I stand behind our military, but i also realize they're being killed & maimed just so rich Elites can get richer. I wouldn't advise young people to join the military at this point. Getting your legs and face blown off? For what? If the Elites want their wars, let them and their own children head off to be killed.
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Bill Requiring Women to Register for the Draft Passes Senate |

A provision that would require women to register for the military draft alongside men for the first time in American history was included as part of the massive 2017 National Defense Authorization Act that passed the Senate handily on Tuesday with an 85-13 vote.

The language requiring the draft for women was added in committee and received little debate on the Senate floor, but has created a firestorm of controversy on and off Capitol Hill. It comes as the military services welcome women into previously closed ground combat units in keeping with a mandate from Defense Secretary Ash Carter given late last year.

Stupidity... nobody should have to register for a draft, not only is it tantamount to slavery it just encourages asshole politicians to engage in war.

I agree with you as well. But if women want to go into combat than woman should also be eligible for the draft.

Fair is fair.

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