Bill O’Reilly exaggerated war-zone experiences, Mother Jones says


Active Member
Dec 4, 2014
Buffalo. NY
Mother Jones magazine says Fox News host Bill O’Reilly has falsely claimed to have reported from war zones and has made a series of statements that echo the exaggerations that engulfed now-suspended NBC News anchor Brian Williams.
Bill O Reilly exaggerated war-zone experiences Mother Jones says - The Washington Post
Everyone knows that O'Reilly's just a self-important, pontifical blowhard. Looking for falsehoods, exaggerations, and outright lies in anything O'Reilly says is like going to the beach and trying to find the ocean(c)
And this man is "deliever" news to us... Where else has he been? And what words was not lie?
Mother Jones magazine says Fox News host Bill O’Reilly has falsely claimed to have reported from war zones and has made a series of statements that echo the exaggerations that engulfed now-suspended NBC News anchor Brian Williams.
Bill O Reilly exaggerated war-zone experiences Mother Jones says - The Washington Post
Everyone knows that O'Reilly's just a self-important, pontifical blowhard. Looking for falsehoods, exaggerations, and outright lies in anything O'Reilly says is like going to the beach and trying to find the ocean(c)
And this man is "deliever" news to us... Where else has he been? And what words was not lie?

Where else has he been? London University.

And I think Gretchen Carlson had some time at Oxford.
Awwww, do liberals blame Fox News and conservatives for Brian Williams being reduced to the utter piece of liberal shit he is?

But but but Fox News.........

Mother Jones magazine says Fox News host Bill O’Reilly has falsely claimed to have reported from war zones and has made a series of statements that echo the exaggerations that engulfed now-suspended NBC News anchor Brian Williams.
Bill O Reilly exaggerated war-zone experiences Mother Jones says - The Washington Post
Everyone knows that O'Reilly's just a self-important, pontifical blowhard. Looking for falsehoods, exaggerations, and outright lies in anything O'Reilly says is like going to the beach and trying to find the ocean(c)
And this man is "deliever" news to us... Where else has he been? And what words was not lie?

Where else has he been? London University.

And I think Gretchen Carlson had some time at Oxford.
1989 Miss America, from Minnesota.

Must have been a bad year.
Mother Jones magazine says Fox News host Bill O’Reilly has falsely claimed to have reported from war zones and has made a series of statements that echo the exaggerations that engulfed now-suspended NBC News anchor Brian Williams.
Bill O Reilly exaggerated war-zone experiences Mother Jones says - The Washington Post
Everyone knows that O'Reilly's just a self-important, pontifical blowhard. Looking for falsehoods, exaggerations, and outright lies in anything O'Reilly says is like going to the beach and trying to find the ocean(c)
And this man is "deliever" news to us... Where else has he been? And what words was not lie?

Where else has he been? London University.

And I think Gretchen Carlson had some time at Oxford.
1989 Miss America, from Minnesota.

Must have been a bad year.

That's being sexist.
Let me guess...

The Uber-Liberal NBC News venue loses a marketable face, when Brian Williams decided to play at 'Stolen Valor', repeatedly, and was finally called-out on it...

So the Libs have to sniff the ground looking to (metaphorically) kill-off a Conservative marketable face on Fox, and have come up with this...

Really, people?

How petty.
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Mother Jones exaggerates in calling themselves a reputable magazine

I mean Seriously. they just now dug this up after one of their own has fallen on his face in shame

pathetic MJ just pathetic
Mother Jones blaming anyone for exaggerating or lying? Now that is hilarious!

They are a very biased and agenda oriented their hate gets in the way of honesty.
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nuff said!

Will not matter one bit to the left wing morons. They are the antithesis of truth in ALL of its forms. They believe what they want. They hate conservatives. They try to get what they consider a conservative in OReilly (which he is actually middle of the road, but since he is not lock step left winger he is extreme right to the morons on the left) since Brian Williams was PROVEN to be a liar.

They are fucking losers.

Look at the way they buy into the Ferguson situation. Proven yet again to be an utter lie and hype by the left wing media in order to push their tired agenda and race dividing tactics. Did not matter one bit what the truth ended up being, just so long as their narrative was pushed.

Again, the liberal (Marxists that we call liberals but are not true liberals) is not about the truth. They reject it in ALL of its forms. They are nothing short of mucus pushed out of the ass of swine. They are truly lower than worm shit. Their arrogance is what makes them utterly intolerable. Treat them with the disrespect they deserve. They are ALL scumbags.
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Anyone notice that, last night, lefties were all over this. Multiple threads etc.
But the light of day...crickets.
Mother Jones magazine says Fox News host Bill O’Reilly has falsely claimed to have reported from war zones and has made a series of statements that echo the exaggerations that engulfed now-suspended NBC News anchor Brian Williams.
Bill O Reilly exaggerated war-zone experiences Mother Jones says - The Washington Post
Everyone knows that O'Reilly's just a self-important, pontifical blowhard. Looking for falsehoods, exaggerations, and outright lies in anything O'Reilly says is like going to the beach and trying to find the ocean(c)
And this man is "deliever" news to us... Where else has he been? And what words was not lie?
Still lmao, mother of whores jones said it must be a lie.

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