Bill Maher calls out the lying left media and Dems about WuFlu.


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
It’s funny to see these lefties realize they were fed nothing but lies and shit from the MSM and their beloved Democrat leaders.

It had to hurt him to say DeSantis did it right.
Lefties can afford to be critical now that they and the swamp are in control. This man and many others have done their damage over the years.
Lefty voters are shallow dipshits that can't comprehend that they have been bamboozled by the establishment. They have been taught by the establishment to hate Trump even though Trump was the only President in 60 years to increase the working mans position. The establishment loves the bribery, cheap labor, open borders and total control of the media, the education system and the internet, all of which allow them to install politicians that are easy to manipulate. But the worst part of it is their stupid supporters who are convinced that they are the moral, humanitarian ones while the establishment is robbing them blind, dumb bastards that they are.
See how 41% of Democrats thought over 50% of people with COVID are hospitalized?

They are woefully and gleefully misinformed.

Why do they accept being lied to? Why do they love propaganda?

I thought this thread was more about COVID lies than Maher specifically.
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41% of Dems thought over 50% of COVID infected people are hospitalized, when the real number is less than 5%.



Read this on Fox this morning.

I was surprised almost half of Democrats believed that there was a 50/50 chance Covid19 would lead to hospitalization.

Explains why they are mortified.

But...I also had to look up the part about "surfaces being bullshit"...

...the CDC now says the probability of catching Covid19 from surfaces is 1 in 10,000...

Now...does that mean 1 in 10,000 people who get Covid19 pick it up from surfaces? Or only 1 in 10,000 times you handle something with Covid19 on it you will get the virus.

Either way...that's extremely low odds.

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Dems think its 50%....but its less than 5% hospitalized.

Lefties....always 1000% wrong! :auiqs.jpg:

You lefties really need to change your sources of information. You are misinformed as hell.
Lefties, for your own good....stop fucking watching CNN and MSNBC. They are lying to you.

If 41% of you fools think half of all COVID patients are hospitalized....and the real number is less than have a serious fucking problem of you being misinformed.

You people are useful idiots forthe ruling class. Will you please wake the fuck up? I cannot say it any clearer. You are being used.....WAKE THE FUCK UP!
This is how Biden is going to unite the country by having the corporate controlled media to speak the truth.
All of a sudden, they are blowing smoke up our anuses right after the job they have done to Pres. Trump is over.
They have never said anything against the COVID shutdown, until Biden said he is going to unite us.
They think that we are a bunch of suckers to fall for their crap.
Remember that saying.., Fool me once...., And if anyone fell for their crap are under their MK Ultra mind control experiment. And they uses the T.V. to program our minds. And they are using the chemicals, GMOs and vaccines to erase our minds in order to add their programs to it. That is the great reset.

Bill Maher is a danger to society spewing conspiracy theories and refusing to follow the science.

This traitor needs to be cancelled ASAP!

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