Bill Kristol explodes in rage after MSNBC guest reminds him of long-stated wish to bomb Iran

Bill Kristol explodes in rage after MSNBC guest reminds him of long-stated wish to bomb Iranians
That is someone's and your idea of "exploding in rage?" Don't get me wrong. I think it's good that yours and their sensibilities construe Kristol's remarks as "explosively rageful;" it suggests you both may have a measure of self-control that eludes many people.
  • What he clear about his current stance with regard to the protestors, who, BTW, are largely not the Iranian government's leaders but rather the governed? Yes.
  • Was Kristol forceful in expressing his choler over the other panelist's introducing Kristol's prior state-level remarks that aren't contextually relevant to the topic they were discussing? Yes.
That said, what Kristol expressed was indignation, not rage, not fury, not lividity. The difference is one of degrees. Even if a reporter or editor doesn't understand the difference and therefore fails to pen headlines that reflect the true nature of Kristol's remarks, watchers of the video are nonetheless required to do so and, in turn, recognize that many Internet-only entities are bound by the exigencies of the profit motive. Thus they suffer printing sensational headlines, aka "click bait," in an effort to attract readers. The RawStory website is one such organization that depends on "clicks" to generate ad revenue, thus its sensational headlines.

While overly sensational headlines are among the milder manifestations of "yellow journalism," they are yet a form of "yellow journalism." Quite simply, these days, the barriers to entry into the realm of being a news organization of some stripe is very low. Accordingly, pretty much anyone having a computer and Internet access can, among readers willing to exercise little or no circumspection, acquire and present the vitreous veneer of being a legitimate news organization and attract an audience comprised of a good number of people who don't hold the publisher accountable for both factual and contextual accuracy with regard to headlines.

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