Bill Cosby admits that he is going to prison..........Game over, Obama is next

Trump is good friends
Isn't trump a sex trafficker?
Probably not, the most repugnant of people are the Clintons
Who is in an elected office at the time?
Why does that matter?
Slick Willy lied under oath, obviously was involved in sex trafficking while in office.
Trump is friends with him, he obviously is running a sex trafficking ring.
Why would Obama go to prison? Trump is the one that proudly admits he assaults women.
Because he hired criminals
So trump is going to prison then.
There are no deaths on trumps watch, the same cannot be said for Obama and Clinton
No deaths on trump's watch? :laugh: Wow trump supporters really are a cult
How many ambassadors and the like have died so far?
Now we're just waiting for the sexual predator in the White House to face his trial for molesting women.

He pardoned Scooter Libby for no reason but once orange turd is out of office and he is convicted of his sexual crimes there won't be anyone to pardon him for a long time. Like Cosby Trump will likley spend the rest of his life in prison for his crimes.
Bill Clinton is not in the White House
Remember when dopey Obama gave Cosby a medal?

Bill Cosby talks going to prison

Bill Cosby is mentally preparing himself for prison, Page Six reports.

The New York Post column revealed on April 28 that the comedian -- who on April 26 was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home 14 years ago -- had been speaking to one of its reporters during his retrial.

"When they send me to that place, I want you to be there to tell my story because it seems no one is listening, no one wants the real story," Cosby, 80, told Page Six.

By "that place," he means a prison cell. He's facing 30 years behind bars -- 10 years for each count on which he was found guilty, as well as the possibly of fines up to $25,000 for each count -- when he's sentenced this summer.

Justice however will not be served unless Hillary joins him


So there are two possibilities here.

Either you're gullible to a nearly unimaginable extent, or you're a troll, desperately seeking some sort of attention to fulfill whatever is missing from your soul.

Which is it?

How does Bill Cosby discussing his upcoming death in prison make me a troll?

Bill Cosby talks going to prison

Be detailed please.........................
Remember when dopey Obama gave Cosby a medal?

Bill Cosby talks going to prison

Bill Cosby is mentally preparing himself for prison, Page Six reports.

The New York Post column revealed on April 28 that the comedian -- who on April 26 was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home 14 years ago -- had been speaking to one of its reporters during his retrial.

"When they send me to that place, I want you to be there to tell my story because it seems no one is listening, no one wants the real story," Cosby, 80, told Page Six.

By "that place," he means a prison cell. He's facing 30 years behind bars -- 10 years for each count on which he was found guilty, as well as the possibly of fines up to $25,000 for each count -- when he's sentenced this summer.

Justice however will not be served unless Hillary joins him

How about I post on topic trolls, is that ok? Also that picture is fake.

Cosby won't go to prison, or if so a very very "light" confinement. IMO, admitting he will go is just him blowing smoke in order to take some scrutiny off of himself.
Remember when dopey Obama gave Cosby a medal?

Bill Cosby talks going to prison

Bill Cosby is mentally preparing himself for prison, Page Six reports.

The New York Post column revealed on April 28 that the comedian -- who on April 26 was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home 14 years ago -- had been speaking to one of its reporters during his retrial.

"When they send me to that place, I want you to be there to tell my story because it seems no one is listening, no one wants the real story," Cosby, 80, told Page Six.

By "that place," he means a prison cell. He's facing 30 years behind bars -- 10 years for each count on which he was found guilty, as well as the possibly of fines up to $25,000 for each count -- when he's sentenced this summer.

Justice however will not be served unless Hillary joins him

How about I post on topic trolls, is that ok? Also that picture is fake.

Cosby won't go to prison, or if so a very very "light" confinement. IMO, admitting he will go is just him blowing smoke in order to take some scrutiny off of himself.
No judge in America would let a serial rapist off, so Cosby is going to prison. Lol, nothing you can ever say can change the fact that Obama gave Cosby a medal..........

Remember when dopey Obama gave Cosby a medal?

Bill Cosby talks going to prison

Bill Cosby is mentally preparing himself for prison, Page Six reports.

The New York Post column revealed on April 28 that the comedian -- who on April 26 was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home 14 years ago -- had been speaking to one of its reporters during his retrial.

"When they send me to that place, I want you to be there to tell my story because it seems no one is listening, no one wants the real story," Cosby, 80, told Page Six.

By "that place," he means a prison cell. He's facing 30 years behind bars -- 10 years for each count on which he was found guilty, as well as the possibly of fines up to $25,000 for each count -- when he's sentenced this summer.

Justice however will not be served unless Hillary joins him

How about I post on topic trolls, is that ok? Also that picture is fake.

Cosby won't go to prison, or if so a very very "light" confinement. IMO, admitting he will go is just him blowing smoke in order to take some scrutiny off of himself.
No judge in America would let a serial rapist off, so Cosby is going to prison. Lol, nothing you can ever say can change the fact that Obama gave Cosby a medal..........

Yawn a little longer and understand that no judge in America would let off an illegal alien criminal who murdered an innocent woman, until they did. Also, I never stated Obama did not give cosby a medal, I stated your picture is fake and it is.
Remember when dopey Obama gave Cosby a medal?

Bill Cosby talks going to prison

Bill Cosby is mentally preparing himself for prison, Page Six reports.

The New York Post column revealed on April 28 that the comedian -- who on April 26 was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home 14 years ago -- had been speaking to one of its reporters during his retrial.

"When they send me to that place, I want you to be there to tell my story because it seems no one is listening, no one wants the real story," Cosby, 80, told Page Six.

By "that place," he means a prison cell. He's facing 30 years behind bars -- 10 years for each count on which he was found guilty, as well as the possibly of fines up to $25,000 for each count -- when he's sentenced this summer.

Justice however will not be served unless Hillary joins him

How about I post on topic trolls, is that ok? Also that picture is fake.

Cosby won't go to prison, or if so a very very "light" confinement. IMO, admitting he will go is just him blowing smoke in order to take some scrutiny off of himself.
No judge in America would let a serial rapist off, so Cosby is going to prison. Lol, nothing you can ever say can change the fact that Obama gave Cosby a medal..........

Yawn a little longer and understand that no judge in America would let off an illegal alien criminal who murdered an innocent woman, until they did. Also, I never stated Obama did not give cosby a medal, I stated your picture is fake and it is.
Obama awarded Cosby the medal of freedom. Google it dopey
Of the 67 sexual scandals, 28 were Democrats and 43 were Republicans. The Republicans have made room for sexual predators such as Congressmen Donald Lukens (sex with a16-year-old girl), Robert Bauman (soliciting sex from a teenage male prostitute), Jon Hinson (performing oral sex on a male employee of the Library of Congress), Dan Crane (sex with a teenage girl), Mark Foley (sent sexually explicit emails to teenage male congressional pages) and Denny Hastert (sexually involved with young males while coaching them as a young man).

GOP sexual scandals that did not involve children were also numerous. They started with President Warren Harding, who had affairs with two women during the 1910s and early 1920s. Congressman Dan Burton (a friend with whom I served in the Indiana House) fathered a child out of wedlock in the 1980s. Congressman John Schmitz, former leader of the John Birch Society admitted to having a second family whom he refused to support. Senator Robert Packwood resigned after 29 women accused him of sexual abuse. Senator Larry Craig resigned after allegedly soliciting male sex in a restroom. Congressman Ken Calvert was involved with a prostitute. Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth-Hage admitted to a six-year affair with a married man. Congressman Bob Barr had an affair while married to his second wife. Congressman Robert Livingston had extramarital affairs. Congressman Henry Hyde admitted an extramarital sexual affair before he was elected to the House. Senator Peter Domenici admitted to fathering a son outside his marriage. Senator Strom Thurmond long before his election fathered a son with a woman who worked for his family. (The woman was black and Thurmond was a noted segregationist for much of his political career.)

Some observers would insist on adding George H. W. Bush and Donald Trump to the list.

If all the Republicans disassociating themselves from Judge Roy Moore are so principled, how can they live with fellow members presently in Congress in both parties who live like Ahab and Jezebel? Did the now-serving Republicans and Democrats demand the same standard of previous felons such as Bill Clinton? Must I go through the litany of charges again Clinton? His assault of Paula Jones, his alleged rape of Juanita Broaddrick, his abuse of power with Monica Lewinski and with many others. Plus his perjury. How could anyone serve with such a dirt bag who had abused so many women? How could they sit with him, smile, shake his hand and treat him like a civilized person when he was a barbarian? Principled people don’t do that. They bestow indignation equally upon all offenders.

But it gets worse. There were perverts in the House of Representatives such as Barney Frank and Gerry Studds. Frank was the first man to “come out of the closet” as a member of Congress. He later married his male lover while still a U.S. congressman. Frank hired Steve Gobie, a male prostitute, who moved in with him working as an aide, housekeeper and driver — as well as performing unspecified duties. While living with Frank, Gobie operated a male escort service out of Frank’s apartment. The House Ethics Committee investigated the matter and Frank was reprimanded for fixing 33 of Gobie’s parking tickets. Wow, he was reprimanded!

Despite the scandal, the citizens of Massachusetts sent the pervert back to Congress with 66 percent of the vote. Frank later “married” Jim Ready.

Massachusetts Congressman Gerry Studds (first elected in 1972) was another homosexual who precipitated another scandal in 1983. Studds was censured for having sexual relations with 17-year-old congressional pages. He defended his affairs because they were “consensual.” He refused to apologize or resign his seat.

Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich called for the expulsion of Studds from the House but played the hypocrite. Newt later resigned from the House after admitting in 1998 to having had an affair with a staffer while he was married to his second wife. At the very same time, he was leading the impeachment of Bill Clinton for perjury regarding an affair with Monica Lewinsky

Meanwhile, Studds did not resign or apologize and was reelected to the House until his retirement in 1997. (What’s wrong with those people in Massachusetts?)

At least the Republican felons either resigned or were forced out of office. Not the Democrats.

But the most disgusting example was that of Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts who admitted to numerous, barely concealed extramarital affairs plus notorious public incidents, “including public sex in 1985 and 1987 at La Brasserie restaurant in Washington D.C.”

Kennedy fell the lowest with his drunken party at Chappaquiddick in 1969. Ted took a young woman away from the party and he drove off a bridge while drunk. The young woman drowned. Kennedy refused to report the incident until the next day after her body was recovered. Kennedy pleaded guilty to a charge of leaving the scene of an accident and later received a two-month suspended sentence! The court surely would not want to be guilty of overkill in their sentence for adultery, driving while drunk, leaving the scene of an accident and the death of Mary Jo Kopechne!

The inquest into the death of Mary Jo was done in secret but — to his credit — the presiding judge declared that some aspects of Kennedy’s story were not true and his negligent driving “appears to have contributed” to her death.

Well, surely the House and Senate and the president of the United States demanded that Kennedy be removed from the Senate. Nope, and he was reelected many times after that tragedy. Kennedy was greeted and treated like a gentleman when he was a drunken, repeat adulterer responsible for the death of a young woman.

Why didn’t the Senate — to a man — demand Kennedy’s expulsion? How could Mitch McConnell and John McCain serve with him and call him the “gentleman from Massachusetts”?

When McCain, McConnell and other hypocrites got to Congress, they had no qualms working with and socializing with the likes of Kennedy, Frank, Studds, etc. While McConnell stripped Senator Craig of his committee positions for alleged homosexual solicitation, he did not try to force him to resign from the Senate. Why not? Where was the righteous indignation at that time?

Judge Roy Moore will be a lot of fun in the Senate as he opposes the establishment. He will be hated by members of both parties and loved by patriots everywhere. For sure, he will cause constant heartburn to the Republican establishment.

I shared the speaking platform with Moore at a national preachers’ conference in Indianapolis a few years ago but we are not personal friends. However, I believe he is telling the truth since he has made so many principled decisions during his life that cost him dearly.

Moreover, I am asking Alabama pastors to actively support him by sending this column to all their members. Each pastor will tell his members that he can’t speak for the church officially about supporting candidates but he can inform them of his choice. The church van could even take people to the polls — as long as they take Democrats and Republicans.

Do it, pastors. Help elect a man who will stand for truth and righteousness.

It is evident that our politicians are both the bravest of the brave and the vilest of the vile–and too many pastors preach precepts, purity, and principle yet refuse to take a stand when it really matters. Now is the time to take that stand.

Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives who ran a large Christian school in Indianapolis, wrote columns for USA Today for eight years and authored 17 books and hundreds of columns and articles for Internet and print media publications. Follow Dr. Boys on Facebook at CSTNews and TheGodHaters, Twitter, and visit his blog.

Tags: Roy Moore, Sex crimes, U.S. Congress

Congress Is Already Crawling With Sex Predators So What's The Fuss About Roy Moore?
Remember when dopey Obama gave Cosby a medal?

Bill Cosby talks going to prison

Bill Cosby is mentally preparing himself for prison, Page Six reports.

The New York Post column revealed on April 28 that the comedian -- who on April 26 was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home 14 years ago -- had been speaking to one of its reporters during his retrial.

"When they send me to that place, I want you to be there to tell my story because it seems no one is listening, no one wants the real story," Cosby, 80, told Page Six.

By "that place," he means a prison cell. He's facing 30 years behind bars -- 10 years for each count on which he was found guilty, as well as the possibly of fines up to $25,000 for each count -- when he's sentenced this summer.

Justice however will not be served unless Hillary joins him


I'm just curious. Do you live in Flint, MI?
Remember when dopey Obama gave Cosby a medal?

Bill Cosby talks going to prison

Bill Cosby is mentally preparing himself for prison, Page Six reports.

The New York Post column revealed on April 28 that the comedian -- who on April 26 was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home 14 years ago -- had been speaking to one of its reporters during his retrial.

"When they send me to that place, I want you to be there to tell my story because it seems no one is listening, no one wants the real story," Cosby, 80, told Page Six.

By "that place," he means a prison cell. He's facing 30 years behind bars -- 10 years for each count on which he was found guilty, as well as the possibly of fines up to $25,000 for each count -- when he's sentenced this summer.

Justice however will not be served unless Hillary joins him

How about I post on topic trolls, is that ok? Also that picture is fake.

Cosby won't go to prison, or if so a very very "light" confinement. IMO, admitting he will go is just him blowing smoke in order to take some scrutiny off of himself.
No judge in America would let a serial rapist off, so Cosby is going to prison. Lol, nothing you can ever say can change the fact that Obama gave Cosby a medal..........

Yawn a little longer and understand that no judge in America would let off an illegal alien criminal who murdered an innocent woman, until they did. Also, I never stated Obama did not give cosby a medal, I stated your picture is fake and it is.
Obama awarded Cosby the medal of freedom. Google it dopey


No, he didn't.

You should learn to Google better.
Remember when dopey Obama gave Cosby a medal?

Bill Cosby talks going to prison

Bill Cosby is mentally preparing himself for prison, Page Six reports.

The New York Post column revealed on April 28 that the comedian -- who on April 26 was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home 14 years ago -- had been speaking to one of its reporters during his retrial.

"When they send me to that place, I want you to be there to tell my story because it seems no one is listening, no one wants the real story," Cosby, 80, told Page Six.

By "that place," he means a prison cell. He's facing 30 years behind bars -- 10 years for each count on which he was found guilty, as well as the possibly of fines up to $25,000 for each count -- when he's sentenced this summer.

Justice however will not be served unless Hillary joins him


So there are two possibilities here.

Either you're gullible to a nearly unimaginable extent, or you're a troll, desperately seeking some sort of attention to fulfill whatever is missing from your soul.

Which is it?

How does Bill Cosby discussing his upcoming death in prison make me a troll?

Bill Cosby talks going to prison

Be detailed please.........................

You're either a troll, or a gullible moron, because you posted the world's worst Photoshop.

If you actually thought your meme was real, you're a moron. Otherwise you're a troll.

You tell me.
Remember when dopey Obama gave Cosby a medal?

Bill Cosby talks going to prison

Bill Cosby is mentally preparing himself for prison, Page Six reports.

The New York Post column revealed on April 28 that the comedian -- who on April 26 was found guilty of drugging and sexually assaulting Andrea Constand at his home 14 years ago -- had been speaking to one of its reporters during his retrial.

"When they send me to that place, I want you to be there to tell my story because it seems no one is listening, no one wants the real story," Cosby, 80, told Page Six.

By "that place," he means a prison cell. He's facing 30 years behind bars -- 10 years for each count on which he was found guilty, as well as the possibly of fines up to $25,000 for each count -- when he's sentenced this summer.

Justice however will not be served unless Hillary joins him

Sex traffickers
You know that these pictures are fake..and you commented on them?

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