Bill Clinton hospitalized

Sepsis is a Thing when a man gets old. And you don't know about it until you get some symptoms.

Not many men are "hale and hearty" after 70. Doesn't look like Bill is one of them.

I'm 72, but don't look a day over 71.
The American Press made Bill Clinton into the victim in his Lewinski scandal.
They also made Clinton the victim with his Paula Jones scandal.
Bill Clinton was a gentleman and president of US.
And not bad looking.
The girls went to him.
Being married to Hillary (the witch) would you say no?
I don't think so.
We wish him recovery.
Bill Clinton sold out his country to the Chinese just as Obama did. However, Joe Biden is blazing new paths selling out.
What type of flowers does one send to a Creepy Lying Perv who sold out our country to China and enabled 9/11? And don't bother with "Jennifer".

I'm thinking Venus Flytrap.
urinary tract infection....sepsis from UTI. we know why hilliary wont with him.
I hadn't thought of this but actually bill and Hill fit the profile of a ahab and jezebel. and some of you know what happened to them.
marvin martian said:
Bad batch of adrenochrome?

hilliary has been spiking his with covid vaxx. He looks like death warmed over lately. Perhaps that should be changed to 'death microwaved'.
Bill Clinton is 75 ----- not all that old, for these days.

Sepsis is not a good diagnosis, however, and I would guess that's code for "he's going."
Clinton was nice and a gentleman.
All the world loved him.
Unlike Trump who made us a dictatorship.
Bill Clinton is almost John Kennedy with his affairs...
Like John Kennedy with Marline Monroe.
The president of the united states.
Why not?

youre delusional. he is a horndog. He is a rapist. He is a serial womanizer. The both of them are corrupt a'holes and as for the clinton dead list, I would NOT put that past her. the left media does not mention him because it is all true.
Clinton was nice and a gentleman.
All the world loved him.
Unlike Trump who made us a dictatorship.
Bill Clinton is almost John Kennedy with his affairs...
Like John Kennedy with Marline Monroe.
The president of the united states.
Why not?

Yeah he's just dandy....
Of course he and hillary have left behind a long list of dead people.
Clinton was nice and a gentleman.
All the world loved him.
Unlike Trump who made us a dictatorship.
Bill Clinton is almost John Kennedy with his affairs...
Like John Kennedy with Marline Monroe.
The president of the united states.
Why not?

^^^These fucking Russian trolls are embarrassing.

Ene-Media doesn't want anyone to remember this.

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