Big fail for a side of center, this is symbolic


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Democrats are failures. Sure they're supported anyway, they have control over information, govt. institutions & our reeducation system, with safe spaces & stuff.

California is their flagship state.

See what happened is we bent over for the Chinese for short-term wins as silicon launched thought control & small business replacement. During the same time California went blue, who'd have figured. So they taxed everyone up, loaded the State with chaos & red tape, they practiced stupid while zombies walked the streets, and along the way chose policy makers having the correct genitals & stuff. They ate up illegals and next thing you know. The Democrats fuck everything up, no exception, I'll wait.

So then what happens is migration, people have had it. That said WTF, Californians are the most self-absorbed people no matter what side. They race to keep up with the Johnsons along with their service needs, almost every day next door. And you can bet California PROGS failed to comprehend why they left as they try to change everyone blue.

Incidentally, let me know when a Californian comes up with nice landscape. I'm joking but around here the migrants blow close 200K in my neighborhood. It' odd what many come up with, as they try to show off their originality in poor taste, resource intensive & wrong, one washed away:woohoo:

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The thing is you call it a "Failure" but the collapse of Civil Society and the economy is a Progressive Success!

Look at every other recent Progressive Success: Baltimore, Detroit, Cuba and Venezuela in particular. Each were as glorious as CA and all have become absolute successes of Progressive Ideology!

Permanent underclass: check
Rampant Crime: check
Unaffected and protected Leadership class: check
Most important one - Permanent One Party Progressive Rule: Check CHECK CHECKMATE!!!

Stop this notion of CA as a "failed experiment" when what you're seeing today was the plan all along
The thing is you call it a "Failure" but the collapse of Civil Society and the economy is a Progressive Success!

Look at every other recent Progressive Success: Baltimore, Detroit, Cuba and Venezuela in particular. Each were as glorious as CA and all have become absolute successes of Progressive Ideology!

Permanent underclass: check
Rampant Crime: check
Unaffected and protected Leadership class: check
Most important one - Permanent One Party Progressive Rule: Check CHECK CHECKMATE!!!

Stop this notion of CA as a "failed experiment" when what you're seeing today was the plan all along


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