Biden's Unhinged Speech Settles on Post-Modern Nuremberg Rally Motif

Actually, treason is the ONE single crime that is defined in our Constitution. The Founders were very clear about that because they knew that charge would be thrown around casually by political shills.
There are a couple of components to it but basically it boils down to MAKING WAR against the country - as in with troops and guns - OR providing aid and comfort to those who are MAKING WAR against the country. All of these bullshit, vapid screeds from the Left mean NOTHING compared to the Constitutional definition.

Do a bit of reading or just continue sounding like a braying jackass of a Democrat... your choice Frank.
Declaring the illegally occupied land you are on as an "autonomous zone" = not subject to local, state or national laws, such as we saw in Summer of 2020 in Seattle~CHAZ/CHOP; Portland,OR.~AntiFa; and several other cities in the USA amounts to secession, sedition, and insurrection; which would usually be considered treason. Note also that in many cases these "rebels" had armed members guarding the boundaries of their "autonomous zones". The Democrat Party mayors and governors whom did nothing to remove these threats to public safety, whom aided and abetted this sedition, insurrection, riot, etc. are also guilty of treason.

That Democrat leadership which aided and abetted these 'enemies within' included the current President and Vice-President of our Nation.
Declaring the illegally occupied land you are on as an "autonomous zone" = not subject to local, state or national laws, such as we saw in Summer of 2020 in Seattle~CHAZ/CHOP; Portland,OR.~AntiFa; and several other cities in the USA amounts to secession, sedition, and insurrection; which would usually be considered treason.
There;s a reason there was talk of invoking the insurrection act to deal with the, well, insurrection, in Portland

I have never seen one man's speech trigger an ENTIRE mass of alt-right pondscum as it has. LOL. :auiqs.jpg:
Any of you on the alt-right have a LIFE??..or get laid? :auiqs.jpg:

Hate speeches by a President of a country is liable to produce a strong reaction.

The sonofabitch is crazy as hell. In the old days we use to call it Beaucoup Dinky Dau.

He first threatens to nuke us Americans that disagrees with his destruction and questions his incompetency and then he threatens to kill us with high tech fighter jets and now the piece of shit is delivering Hitler type hate speeches.

Meanwhile you dufus Moon Bat sit around with your finger up your ass and deny that Potatohead is crazy and insane. Just like the Germans being in denial of Hitler's lunacy.
Hate speeches by a President of a country is liable to produce a strong reaction.

The sonofabitch is crazy as hell. In the old days we use to call it Beaucoup Dinky Dau.

He first threatens to nuke us Americans that disagrees with his destruction and questions his incompetency and then he threatens to kill us with high tech fighter jets and now the piece of shit is delivering Hitler type hate speeches.

Meanwhile you dufus Moon Bat sit around with your finger up your ass and deny that Potatohead is crazy and insane. Just like the Germans being in denial of Hitler's lunacy.

I thought I'd never live long enough to experience a President who is a 'clear and present danger' like Joey.

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