Biden's salary


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2020
Has anyone heard whether or not he'd be donating it back to the people, like Trump did?
Or will he keep it for himself?

I've seen Biden's homes, he doesn't need more money, right lefties?


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Has anyone heard whether or not he'd be donating it back to the people, like Trump did?
Or will he keep it for himself?

I've seen Biden's homes, he doesn't need more money, right lefties?

View attachment 449088
View attachment 449089

Wow what are they paying public servant Senators these days?

I agree. What a set up he has. I thought they only made $174,000 a year? How could any of them afford that house. The cost of living in DC is through the roof. Wonder where that mansion is.

Oh and don't hold your breath for Biden to do as Trump did.
Did biden release his tax returns as ALL candidates should be FORCED to via a law? It's time. You want to run we have to see your returns.
Has anyone heard whether or not he'd be donating it back to the people, like Trump did?
Or will he keep it for himself?

I've seen Biden's homes, he doesn't need more money, right lefties?

View attachment 449088
View attachment 449089

Wow what are they paying public servant Senators these days?

I agree. What a set up he has. I thought they only made $174,000 a year? How could any of them afford that house. The cost of living in DC is through the roof. Wonder where that mansion is.

Oh and don't hold your breath for Biden to do as Trump did.

Did you perchance see tramps' taxes to prove that he did??
Has anyone heard whether or not he'd be donating it back to the people, like Trump did?
Or will he keep it for himself?

I've seen Biden's homes, he doesn't need more money, right lefties?

View attachment 449088
View attachment 449089

Wow what are they paying public servant Senators these days?

I agree. What a set up he has. I thought they only made $174,000 a year? How could any of them afford that house. The cost of living in DC is through the roof. Wonder where that mansion is.

Oh and don't hold your breath for Biden to do as Trump did.

Did you perchance see tramps' taxes to prove that he did??

Don't have to. It was all over this board and the news.
Biden has always been one of the lowest income politicians in DC until after he left the office of Vice President and wrote a book. When Trump gets a lucrative book deal will you excoriate him for that wealth, too?

Biden doesn’t own both the properties pictured in the earlier post - he once owned one of them, but sold it years ago. The other one doesn’t resemble any of his known properties.All of Joe Biden's Homes, In Photos

Trump donated his yearly salary of $400,000 and turned around and charged the American treasury about $150,000,000+ for the exorbitant costs of keeping up with his travel for golfing weekends and his children’s travel and the gouging of the American people in dozens of ways by forcing them to pay into his various properties for secret service lodging, etc. He’s the biggest grifter who ever sat in the WH. He wouldn’t give trash like you the time of day, but he’s your hero. I feel sorry for you people.
Trump donated his salary while bilking tens of millions of dollars from US taxpayers by constantly golfing at his properties, not to mention the tens of millions the disgraced Trump made off of foreign interests who stayed at his properties in an attempt to curry favor with him. Trump profited from the presidency. Like a good corrupt magician watch what the right hand is doing while ignoring the left hand that is picking your pocket.
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