Biden’s remarks on the one-year anniversary of botched Afghanistan withdrawal

Why would he? It was a complete disaster. Is the MSM saying anything about it?
That was my point. FOX has reported it - things have continued to go downhill over there - but the MSM hasn’t said much, as far as I know.
Thanks! I edited the title. (It’s the mess he made on the Afghanistan withdrawal.)

Sure, but you still didn't tell us what he said or was the point that he didn't say anything?
CNN and even CBC has covered it. There have been some spurts of criticism for sure.

U.S isn't best served in staying there perpetually, but, it should have been either withdrawn in a better organized fashion, or, more favourably, to maintain a small presence that maintained the stalemate.
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I thought you all would be interested in what Biden had to say on this anniversary. This was it:

As I said in this thread.

A declining Biden for a declining America.
Sure, but you still didn't tell us what he said or was the point that he didn't say anything?
Yup….that was the joke. He didn’t say anything. He’s still in hiding at the $20 million beach mansion.
The poster was making a joke.

Biden said nothing.

Most humiliating defeat ever.

Just pathetic.

Ohhh,.. is that when the soldiers were killed or something? Biden failed to get them out of the country safely, that anniversary?
Ohhh,.. is that when the soldiers were killed or something? Biden failed to get them out of the country safely, that anniversary?
Yes. And also how as their bodies were being moved from the plane to the hearses in a very solemn ceremony befitting such a tragedy, Biden had to check his watch.
Yeah,.. remind me again,.. what has he ever done memorable that has actually been good for our country?
Oh, I’m good at this. Here’s the list:

Yeah, but yet Democrats continue to support him just because he isn't Trump. So they support him because he isn't the greatest president we ever had as a country? That makes perfect sense. NOT!
Funny that no libtards have start trying to defend him yet...
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