Biden's Obvious Exposed Border Lies SILENCE Leftist 'Fact-Checkers' and 'Disinformation Police'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden's Lies About the Border Crisis Leave the 'Disinformation Police' Strangely Quiet

There Are NOT more illegals being sent back to Mexico than are coming in to the United States.

Violent Felon Illegals ARE being allowed to enter the US and are NOT being deported.

THREE times more illegals / unaccompanied children are entering the US and are being detained than under Trump.

More than 750 unaccompanied children are being kept in Biden Kiddie Cages designed to hold only 80 children.

There are so many children in the same CAGES that they children must take turns sleeping on the floor in shifts.

Over 30% of the unaccompanied children in custody have COVID-19, and in such overcrowded spaces its spreading

US BPAs who have been pulled off their normal duties of protecting our borders to care for unaccompanied children

US BPAs have become infected with COVID-19 but due to massive under-manning they are still working amongst the kids / w/other BPAs

The US BP Agency became so overwhelmed by the massive flow of illegals they called out for help from previous volunteers

The Biden administration has just called for Federal Workers to volunteer for up to 120-day stints to help with the border emergency

Despite Biden & the Democrats continuously declaring their open border crisis is NOT a 'crisis' FEMA (Federal EMERGENCY Management Agency) has been called into help

It was reported that there is no useable water for a facility that holds over 15,000 illegal unaccompanied children

Unlike previous administrations, it is being reported there is not enough snacks and food and drinks for the children

Biden & the Democrats claim that COVID-19 is the reason why no one - no media, no cameras, etc - is allowed in these overcrowded, inhumane facilities.....
- 30 Children are not allowed in US schools 3-feet apart due to COVID-19, but 700+ unaccompanied children are being crammed in a cage designed to hold 80 kids, with kids who have COVID-19?!

The US BPAs are reporting that they are NOT testing all the illegals / unaccompanied children for COVID-19.

After collecting fingerprints / biometrics without testing them for COVID-19, the US BPAs have been ordered to release illegals - to take them to a bus station, put them on a bus, and send them to locations all over the US without telling state and local officials know they are coming, and that the local and state officials are responsible for testing the illegals for COVID-19
- How can local and state officials test in-bound illegals for COVID-19 if they have no icea they are coming?
- If an illegal tests positive for COVID-19 the local and state officials have ZERO authority to detain / treat them...the illegals are free to mingle amongst the US population....

*COVID-19 is reportedly beginning to flare up in communities across the US.
- Where are these locations, have any illegals been released in these areas, and is there any connection to illegals who are positive for COVID-19 being released in these areas with rising infection rates in these areas?

** 'President Trump got rid of all the protections / programs that prevented this mass invasion'
** Biden declared he is not responsible for the invasion because he told illegals NOT to come
- The President of Mexico has publicly stated that all of the agreements and policies Trump and Mexico had negotiated and that were put in place that kept illegals in Mexico until their cases for coming into the US came up were eliminated by JOE BIDEN and the Biden administration.
- Biden DHS Sect openly declared the Bien administration will NOT turn away any illegal child who makes it to the US; Biden himself called for them to come then attempted to create 'plausible deniability' by telling them not to come while his Cabinet Members continued to provide incentives for them to continue coming

'The previous administration is responsible for all the illegals coming'.
- Existing Videos of CANDIDATE Biden telling illegals to come can still be watched.
- Thousands of illegals showed up wearing Biden T-Shirts
- Interviewed illegals who have come have declared they came because Biden told them to

- 1 illegal whowas caught and was being deported AGAIN laughed when asked if he and other illegals would continue to try again to come
The former head of the US BP stated the current WH policies are designed to result in an Open Border and a national security crisis
- Manning for the US BP has been cut
-- Less manning and massive numbers of unaccompanied children leading to overcrowding has forced the US BP to abandon highly trafficked check points, putting those agents in the facilities taking care of the children
-- The aerial recon mission for the US BP has been cut, eliminating aerial spotting / support to ground agents
-- Finishing the Border Wall, even the sections that have already been paid for, has been stopped

Biden and his administration has called all of this they have put unaccompanied babies / children through 'Humane'...while hiding all of it from...but there is more.

Opening up the border and telling illegals if their children make it to the US has caused both a humanitarian and a national security disaster:

- Dangling the incentive of US citizenship in front of illegal families, the Biden administration has incentivized the risk of paying Cartels, Coyotes, and other smugglers with their small children. Once in the hands of the Cartels, coyotes, and smugglers, children are often subjected to physical and sexual abuse, forced to carry drugs across the border, are murdered or left for dead along the way, and afterwards face the high risk of being forced into the world of sex trafficking.

It is being reported the Cartels make as much as $14 Million PER day through drug / human / child trafficking.

The Biden Administration's Immigration Czar has publicly admitted the highly financed, well-manned Cartels - compared to the under-financed, under-manned US BPAs - are crossing the border at will, crossing up more than several HUNDRED percent and that the US BPA can NOT keep up with the Cartels let alone prevent them from violating our sovereignty at will.
'There is no crisis'
- P{resident Joe Biden

Biden then announces that he is abdicating his role, voice, and job as President to work with Mexico and solve the Border 'situation'.
- Great News -- the President is entrusting a Humanitarian and National Security Disaster with the previous most radical Leftist member of Congress who compared ICE to the KKK and publically declared she wanted tp decriminalize illegals entering the US
....meanwhile the Fake News, Socialist Democrat Surrogate Propaganda-pushing MSM
'Fact-Checkers' and 'Disinformation Police' have been rendered nearly silent; although what little criticism they have offered is surprising.

The bottom line is everything going on, which can NOT possibly be more evident and could not be more obvious, does not need any coverage by the media. The fact that hey are so silent only draws more attention to the criminal. treasonous disaster Biden himself has created with his intentionally failed policies.

NO ONE, not even Biden in his dementia-ravaged state, could possibly do this much damage to this nation, could surrender our sovereignty while endangering our national security - creating the largest US life-threatening COVID-19 Super Spreader Event and the largest criminal Cartel Drug / Human / Child Trafficking event in history - purely by accident or this level of incompetence.
Biden's Lies About the Border Crisis Leave the 'Disinformation Police' Strangely Quiet

There Are NOT more illegals being sent back to Mexico than are coming in to the United States.

Violent Felon Illegals ARE being allowed to enter the US and are NOT being deported.

THREE times more illegals / unaccompanied children are entering the US and are being detained than under Trump.

More than 750 unaccompanied children are being kept in Biden Kiddie Cages designed to hold only 80 children.

There are so many children in the same CAGES that they children must take turns sleeping on the floor in shifts.

Over 30% of the unaccompanied children in custody have COVID-19, and in such overcrowded spaces its spreading

US BPAs who have been pulled off their normal duties of protecting our borders to care for unaccompanied children

US BPAs have become infected with COVID-19 but due to massive under-manning they are still working amongst the kids / w/other BPAs

The US BP Agency became so overwhelmed by the massive flow of illegals they called out for help from previous volunteers

The Biden administration has just called for Federal Workers to volunteer for up to 120-day stints to help with the border emergency

Despite Biden & the Democrats continuously declaring their open border crisis is NOT a 'crisis' FEMA (Federal EMERGENCY Management Agency) has been called into help

It was reported that there is no useable water for a facility that holds over 15,000 illegal unaccompanied children

Unlike previous administrations, it is being reported there is not enough snacks and food and drinks for the children

Biden & the Democrats claim that COVID-19 is the reason why no one - no media, no cameras, etc - is allowed in these overcrowded, inhumane facilities.....
- 30 Children are not allowed in US schools 3-feet apart due to COVID-19, but 700+ unaccompanied children are being crammed in a cage designed to hold 80 kids, with kids who have COVID-19?!

The US BPAs are reporting that they are NOT testing all the illegals / unaccompanied children for COVID-19.

After collecting fingerprints / biometrics without testing them for COVID-19, the US BPAs have been ordered to release illegals - to take them to a bus station, put them on a bus, and send them to locations all over the US without telling state and local officials know they are coming, and that the local and state officials are responsible for testing the illegals for COVID-19
- How can local and state officials test in-bound illegals for COVID-19 if they have no icea they are coming?
- If an illegal tests positive for COVID-19 the local and state officials have ZERO authority to detain / treat them...the illegals are free to mingle amongst the US population....

*COVID-19 is reportedly beginning to flare up in communities across the US.
- Where are these locations, have any illegals been released in these areas, and is there any connection to illegals who are positive for COVID-19 being released in these areas with rising infection rates in these areas?

** 'President Trump got rid of all the protections / programs that prevented this mass invasion'
** Biden declared he is not responsible for the invasion because he told illegals NOT to come
- The President of Mexico has publicly stated that all of the agreements and policies Trump and Mexico had negotiated and that were put in place that kept illegals in Mexico until their cases for coming into the US came up were eliminated by JOE BIDEN and the Biden administration.
- Biden DHS Sect openly declared the Bien administration will NOT turn away any illegal child who makes it to the US; Biden himself called for them to come then attempted to create 'plausible deniability' by telling them not to come while his Cabinet Members continued to provide incentives for them to continue coming

'The previous administration is responsible for all the illegals coming'.
- Existing Videos of CANDIDATE Biden telling illegals to come can still be watched.
- Thousands of illegals showed up wearing Biden T-Shirts
- Interviewed illegals who have come have declared they came because Biden told them to

- 1 illegal whowas caught and was being deported AGAIN laughed when asked if he and other illegals would continue to try again to come

It IS funny how Politifraud, Snopes HEIL, and Useless Rag Today have failed to fact change Quid Pro the way they did EVERYTHING Trump said....

Standard Disclaimer: The Nazis over at Snopes Heil are BEGGING for money because of all the lawsuits they face for their never ending stream of lies. Can I contribute to those suing them?
Biden's claims are totally false

let me rephrase that: Biden's lies are totally fucking false

he's a liar and a crook, folks!
Leftist lie-defenders have been rendered silent by the magnitude and transparency of Biden's unparallelled Border lies he fails to continue to try to hide.

Biden's Kiddie Cages, humanitarian crisis, largest human/child trafficking and Super Spreader events in history, surrender of our border, and national security disaster all in less than 100 days is worse than everymoder president combined!
The narco terrorists flood the zone with illegals, and when the US border resources go to that spot, the narco terrorists go to the supervised vacuum and run whatever they want into the US.

Well done Biden.
Biden's Lies About the Border Crisis Leave the 'Disinformation Police' Strangely Quiet

There Are NOT more illegals being sent back to Mexico than are coming in to the United States.

Violent Felon Illegals ARE being allowed to enter the US and are NOT being deported.

THREE times more illegals / unaccompanied children are entering the US and are being detained than under Trump.

More than 750 unaccompanied children are being kept in Biden Kiddie Cages designed to hold only 80 children.

There are so many children in the same CAGES that they children must take turns sleeping on the floor in shifts.

Over 30% of the unaccompanied children in custody have COVID-19, and in such overcrowded spaces its spreading

US BPAs who have been pulled off their normal duties of protecting our borders to care for unaccompanied children

US BPAs have become infected with COVID-19 but due to massive under-manning they are still working amongst the kids / w/other BPAs

The US BP Agency became so overwhelmed by the massive flow of illegals they called out for help from previous volunteers

The Biden administration has just called for Federal Workers to volunteer for up to 120-day stints to help with the border emergency

Despite Biden & the Democrats continuously declaring their open border crisis is NOT a 'crisis' FEMA (Federal EMERGENCY Management Agency) has been called into help

It was reported that there is no useable water for a facility that holds over 15,000 illegal unaccompanied children

Unlike previous administrations, it is being reported there is not enough snacks and food and drinks for the children

Biden & the Democrats claim that COVID-19 is the reason why no one - no media, no cameras, etc - is allowed in these overcrowded, inhumane facilities.....
- 30 Children are not allowed in US schools 3-feet apart due to COVID-19, but 700+ unaccompanied children are being crammed in a cage designed to hold 80 kids, with kids who have COVID-19?!

The US BPAs are reporting that they are NOT testing all the illegals / unaccompanied children for COVID-19.

After collecting fingerprints / biometrics without testing them for COVID-19, the US BPAs have been ordered to release illegals - to take them to a bus station, put them on a bus, and send them to locations all over the US without telling state and local officials know they are coming, and that the local and state officials are responsible for testing the illegals for COVID-19
- How can local and state officials test in-bound illegals for COVID-19 if they have no icea they are coming?
- If an illegal tests positive for COVID-19 the local and state officials have ZERO authority to detain / treat them...the illegals are free to mingle amongst the US population....

*COVID-19 is reportedly beginning to flare up in communities across the US.
- Where are these locations, have any illegals been released in these areas, and is there any connection to illegals who are positive for COVID-19 being released in these areas with rising infection rates in these areas?

** 'President Trump got rid of all the protections / programs that prevented this mass invasion'
** Biden declared he is not responsible for the invasion because he told illegals NOT to come
- The President of Mexico has publicly stated that all of the agreements and policies Trump and Mexico had negotiated and that were put in place that kept illegals in Mexico until their cases for coming into the US came up were eliminated by JOE BIDEN and the Biden administration.
- Biden DHS Sect openly declared the Bien administration will NOT turn away any illegal child who makes it to the US; Biden himself called for them to come then attempted to create 'plausible deniability' by telling them not to come while his Cabinet Members continued to provide incentives for them to continue coming

'The previous administration is responsible for all the illegals coming'.
- Existing Videos of CANDIDATE Biden telling illegals to come can still be watched.
- Thousands of illegals showed up wearing Biden T-Shirts
- Interviewed illegals who have come have declared they came because Biden told them to

- 1 illegal whowas caught and was being deported AGAIN laughed when asked if he and other illegals would continue to try again to come

in fiscal year 2021, it appears that migrants are continuing to enter the United States in the same numbers as in fiscal year 2019 — plus the pent-up demand from people who would have come in fiscal year 2020, but for the pandemic. That’s visible in the first figure, earlier, in which the blue trend line for the five months of data available for fiscal year 2021 (October, November, December, January and February) neatly reflects the trend line for fiscal year 2019 — plus the difference between fiscal year 2020 and fiscal year 2019.[/QUOTE]
This suggests that Title 42 expulsions delayed prospective migrants rather than deterred them — and they’re arriving now.
Biden's Lies About the Border Crisis Leave the 'Disinformation Police' Strangely Quiet

There Are NOT more illegals being sent back to Mexico than are coming in to the United States.

Violent Felon Illegals ARE being allowed to enter the US and are NOT being deported.

THREE times more illegals / unaccompanied children are entering the US and are being detained than under Trump.

More than 750 unaccompanied children are being kept in Biden Kiddie Cages designed to hold only 80 children.

There are so many children in the same CAGES that they children must take turns sleeping on the floor in shifts.

Over 30% of the unaccompanied children in custody have COVID-19, and in such overcrowded spaces its spreading

US BPAs who have been pulled off their normal duties of protecting our borders to care for unaccompanied children

US BPAs have become infected with COVID-19 but due to massive under-manning they are still working amongst the kids / w/other BPAs

The US BP Agency became so overwhelmed by the massive flow of illegals they called out for help from previous volunteers

The Biden administration has just called for Federal Workers to volunteer for up to 120-day stints to help with the border emergency

Despite Biden & the Democrats continuously declaring their open border crisis is NOT a 'crisis' FEMA (Federal EMERGENCY Management Agency) has been called into help

It was reported that there is no useable water for a facility that holds over 15,000 illegal unaccompanied children

Unlike previous administrations, it is being reported there is not enough snacks and food and drinks for the children

Biden & the Democrats claim that COVID-19 is the reason why no one - no media, no cameras, etc - is allowed in these overcrowded, inhumane facilities.....
- 30 Children are not allowed in US schools 3-feet apart due to COVID-19, but 700+ unaccompanied children are being crammed in a cage designed to hold 80 kids, with kids who have COVID-19?!

The US BPAs are reporting that they are NOT testing all the illegals / unaccompanied children for COVID-19.

After collecting fingerprints / biometrics without testing them for COVID-19, the US BPAs have been ordered to release illegals - to take them to a bus station, put them on a bus, and send them to locations all over the US without telling state and local officials know they are coming, and that the local and state officials are responsible for testing the illegals for COVID-19
- How can local and state officials test in-bound illegals for COVID-19 if they have no icea they are coming?
- If an illegal tests positive for COVID-19 the local and state officials have ZERO authority to detain / treat them...the illegals are free to mingle amongst the US population....

*COVID-19 is reportedly beginning to flare up in communities across the US.
- Where are these locations, have any illegals been released in these areas, and is there any connection to illegals who are positive for COVID-19 being released in these areas with rising infection rates in these areas?

** 'President Trump got rid of all the protections / programs that prevented this mass invasion'
** Biden declared he is not responsible for the invasion because he told illegals NOT to come
- The President of Mexico has publicly stated that all of the agreements and policies Trump and Mexico had negotiated and that were put in place that kept illegals in Mexico until their cases for coming into the US came up were eliminated by JOE BIDEN and the Biden administration.
- Biden DHS Sect openly declared the Bien administration will NOT turn away any illegal child who makes it to the US; Biden himself called for them to come then attempted to create 'plausible deniability' by telling them not to come while his Cabinet Members continued to provide incentives for them to continue coming

'The previous administration is responsible for all the illegals coming'.
- Existing Videos of CANDIDATE Biden telling illegals to come can still be watched.
- Thousands of illegals showed up wearing Biden T-Shirts
- Interviewed illegals who have come have declared they came because Biden told them to

- 1 illegal whowas caught and was being deported AGAIN laughed when asked if he and other illegals would continue to try again to come

in fiscal year 2021, it appears that migrants are continuing to enter the United States in the same numbers as in fiscal year 2019 — plus the pent-up demand from people who would have come in fiscal year 2020, but for the pandemic. That’s visible in the first figure, earlier, in which the blue trend line for the five months of data available for fiscal year 2021 (October, November, December, January and February) neatly reflects the trend line for fiscal year 2019 — plus the difference between fiscal year 2020 and fiscal year 2019.
This suggests that Title 42 expulsions delayed prospective migrants rather than deterred them — and they’re arriving now.

You lie. This year is on pace to be the heavies trafficked / illegal wave in years....the number of contacts / interactions with Cartels & smugglers on US soil are already almost half as many as 209 in only February.

Biden is facilitating the largest human / child trafficking event in history & his own Immigration Czar admitted they can't keep up with them / stop it.
The Biden administration is using your tax dollars to send teachers to the extremely over-crowded COVID-19 unaccompanied illegal children detention center to teach pods / Biden Kiddie Cages that are holding hundreds of kids when they are only designed to hold 80 kids....

Yet our own children are being held hostage by our govt and teachers unions...
There are approx 600,000 homeless Americans with no Biden administration focus on addressing this problem and on taking care of these Americans

...meanwhile, hundreds of millions of US Tax dollars are being spent to put people who came here illegally in hotels
How do these hypocritical leftist assholes sleep at night knowing they are total frauds?

Everything is about power and money. They dont care about those kids. That was utter bullshit during the Trump years.

Encouraging a surge of illegal immigration is not ensuring domestic tranqulity and promoting the general welfare.

Biden AND Harris should both be impeached over this border bullshit.

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