Biden's Economy Is So Good Even Far Rightwing Media Is Forced to Report on His Winning

MFer, are you ready to bet your membership on the election results next year?

Hey, Mr. Mouth,

You got a proposed bet....let's hear it.

Or are you beating the chest of your 90lb body just out of show.
Everyone (who doesn’t rely on their parents) knows that inflation has has not come down.
At this point the damage is done. The effects will be manifest 3 years from now.
Did you have a stroke Marc? I'm worried about you.
He is just pointing out, even Fox is forced repeatedly to admit, the economy is not as bad as being sold, when it can be sold without actual looking at the numbers.
I have been pissing people off here with numbers of and on all year, everything from jobs to wage growth to inflation reduction, to oil production and you people never like it, so not surprised you don't like it now. Your viewpoint of a bad economy is for your political end and not based in the numbers, but in emotional appeal. I have found numbers more accurate than people's feelings, over and over again. Sooner or late, it does become apparent, the accuracy of numbers wins.
Ole Sleepy Joe is doing gangbusters w/the economy, he's absolutely killing it!

Watch as America's far rightwing media, more than begrudgingly, reports on his winning....

That must have been hard for Miss Maria to say. She used to be a good reporter until she went balls deep in the Trump koolaid.
Inflation refers to a RATE. The RATE of inflation has cooled off but is still higher than normal.

The integrated rate has many prices at 20 to 25% higher than what they were. There is NO sign they are coming down.

I've only posted about 1000 articles on struggling middle America. But you keep to your fairy tale.

I'll see you next November.
And as usual the reprehensible right wants the American people to suffer for some perceived partisan gain.
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Killing is right.

He's killing hope.

He's killing peace.

He's killing people's faith in their leaders.
Perhaps you need to stop watching and listening to right wing media.
Actually, it is.

Inflation has been going down and by election time it should be very much so under control.

What are you going to be saying then?
And all the money spent and savings raided to live are going to reappear?
MFer, are you ready to bet your membership on the election results next year?

You talk about November as some threat.

Put up or shut up.

Still waiting to see that proposed bet.

Man up or shut up.
Yeah it looks so good candidates have to worry about the FBI coming after them.
What is no longer an issue ?

Morons like you and citygator keep blathering about how the rate has reduced.

News Flash, idiot: The DAMAGE IS DONE.

Under your boy.

See you in November.
What people say isn’t the barometer. It’s what they do. They are working and spending. There is your answer. Morons like you pretend everything sucks while earning more and spending more. Dude… be honest, you were broke in 2019 and you are broke in 2023.
Under control means it's no longer an issue.
Inflation rates may be under control .. but the compounded damage they have produced is not ... A widget that cost $3.00 in 2020, that now costs $5.00, doesn't get less expensive because inflation rates are lower. It still costs $5.00 + any rates applied. Unfortunately, most of American voters are too stupid to understand the impacts of inflation and know more about sporting events and pop culture than the increased prices on consumer goods, used vehicles, food, etc.
Inflation rates may be under control .. but the compounded damage they have produced is not ... A widget that cost $3.00 in 2020, that now costs $5.00, doesn't get less expensive because inflation rates are lower. It still costs $5.00 + any rates applied. Unfortunately, most of American voters are too stupid to understand the impacts of inflation and know more about sporting events and pop culture than the increased prices on consumer goods, used vehicles, food, etc.
Does inflation only occur under Democratic Presidents?
What people say isn’t the barometer. It’s what they do. They are working and spending. There is your answer. Morons like you pretend everything sucks while earning more and spending more. Dude… be honest, you were broke in 2019 and you are broke in 2023.

There is no answer.

You have no choice about the grocery store.

I already published 3 of about 1000 articles that talk about how people are struggling and piling up credit card debt due to higher prices.

Mortgage rates are high and gas is still very high.

For the first time in a while, houses in my subdivision are taking weeks or longer to sell and they are dropping their prices to move them.

You idiots live in a fantasy world.

Dude be've always been a moocher.
Still waiting to see that proposed bet.

Man up or shut up.
Sure, if Biden wins, you leave the board forever never to return.

If Trump wins, I leave the board forever never to return.


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