Biden’s Economy adds 531,000 jobs in October

  • Leisure and hospitality led job creation, followed by professional and business services and manufacturing.
Inflation makes prices rise, dope.
531,000 jobs, record stock market, 200 million vaccinations, 4.9% wage growth, 6% GDP.

And the man has been in office 10 months.

Wait until the economy fully opens up next year.

Nothing but good news across the board.

And seeing how it's good news for America. That means it's bad news for Trumphumpers.

You America haters take all of your snowflake tears to the next loser rally featuring the orange traitor and his bone spurs.
The only way jobs could go is up...and when we have as many jobs as we had in 2019 let me know...but I won't hold my breath...the only number Joe is beating Trump with are covid deaths...twice as many people have gotten covid under Joe than under Trump....Joe is and always has been a failure....nice work libtards...

531,000 jobs, record stock market, 200 million vaccinations, 4.9% wage growth, 6% GDP.

And the man has been in office 10 months.

Wait until the economy fully opens up next year.

Nothing but good news across the board.

And seeing how it's good news for America. That means it's bad news for Trumphumpers.

You America haters take all of your snowflake tears to the next loser rally featuring the orange traitor and his bone spurs.
50,000 jobs afrter two quarters of embarrassing numbers, were it that a hack like you can even experience embarrassment.

Wage growth and GDP aren't outpacing inflation, which is 100% on that pants-shitting, stuttering fuckwit.

The economy will never get fully open as long as you fucking FauxiFlu fascists push scores of millions of potential workers onto the sidelines.

You're an even bigger economic illiterate than the pants-shitting, stammering CCP sock puppet, and that's no mean feat.
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50,000 jobs afrter two quarters of embarrassing numbers, were it that a hack like you can even experience embarrassment.

Wage growth and GDP aren't outpacing inflation
That's 500,000 to you, with upward revisions in prior months.

Source your GDP/wages vs inflation claims
That's 500,000 to you, with upward revisions in prior months.

Source your GDP/wages vs inflation claims
Did I fail to mention the first $2 trillion stimulus that put $1400 checks in peoples pockets, and the child tax credit that cut child poverty in half?

And ending a failed war?

Joe Biden is a success by every metric, and every measure. He has kicked Trumps ass on every metric, and by every measure. It's not even close.

Like the landslide numbers he kicked his ass by in the election. Not even close.

The Trumphumping Maganese cultist losers are so butt hurt, there isn't enough butt hurt cream in the world to soothe it.

And like I said, Joe has only been in office 10 months. There's plenty more butt hurt and snowflake tears yet to come.

And just a reminder. Joe Biden is your President

He's Donald Trumps President to
Did I fail to mention the first $2 trillion stimulus that put $1400 checks in peoples pockets, and the child tax credit that cut child poverty in half?

And ending a failed war?

Joe Biden is a success by every metric, and every measure. He has kicked Trumps ass on every metric, and by every measure. It's not even close.

Like the landslide numbers he kicked his ass by in the election. Not even close.

The Trumphumping Maganese cultist losers are so butt hurt, there isn't enough butt hurt cream in the world to soothe it.

And like I said, Joe has only been in office 10 months. There's plenty more butt hurt and snowflake tears yet to come.

And just a reminder. Joe Biden is your President

He's Donald Trumps President to
The real amusing part is that you honestly believe all this bullshit.

The only way jobs could go is up...and when we have as many jobs as we had in 2019 let me know...but I won't hold my breath...the only number Joe is beating Trump with are covid deaths...twice as many people have gotten covid under Joe than under Trump....Joe is and always has been a failure....nice work libtards...
Funny how jobs grow under Democrats...

Average per month

Biden .......... 620,333
Clinton ........ 238,583
Carter .......... 215,479

Reagan ........ 168,000
Obama ......... 120,385
GHW Bush ..... 54,854
Bush ............... 14,135
Trump ........... -59,917

Funny how jobs grow under Democrats...

Average per month

Biden .......... 620,333
Clinton ........ 238,583
Carter .......... 215,479

Reagan ........ 168,000
Obama ......... 120,385
GHW Bush ..... 54,854
Bush ............... 14,135
Trump ........... -59,917

Now lets not let the facts get in the way of Trumplosernations talking drivel, that only exists in their heads.

They actually believe their narrative of cult conspiracy is working.
Yeah, "revisions"....lmao....Another economic illiterate sputters..... :auiqs.jpg:
Yes moron, revisions.

Yeah, "revisions"....lmao....Another economic illiterate sputters..... :auiqs.jpg:

Yes, the numbered are always revised as more data comes in. Happened every month Trump was POUTS, every month Obama was POTUS, every month Bush II was POTUS, every month Clinton was POTUS....well you get the picture
If it's Biden's economy when performing poorly, then it's Biden's economy when performing well.

Conservatives can't have it both ways.
But Democrats seem to say they can have it both ways.
If the economy is's Trump's fault....if the economy is good it's Biden.
But the economy is horrible.....a positive jobs report cannot erase everything else that's going to shit in the economy.
The massive inflation....the horrific drop in the value of the USD.
The fact that building supplies are 4 X what they were last year.
The fact that intentional interruptions in the supply chain is causing shortages of food and everything else.
The fact that consumer confidence is in the toilet.

None of the above tells me this economy is good.

Joe was a private citizen when all the jobs died...

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If Trump had 1/10th the victories Biden has had, he would be screaming on the top of the Fox News building, and the rightwing media would be throwing parties all over towns across America.

The economy is in full blown recovery, with robust growth, and job creation.

And it looks like the Build Back Better plan is on its way to passage. Republicans better stick to critical race theory, because that's all they've got. They are total losers on the economy.

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