Biden’s Economy adds 531,000 jobs in October

Let me help you with the basics. The employment numbers go up when you add more people than you fire. That’s math and exactly the opposite of what you said. Just like 81M > 74M. I know you guys struggle. With the basics.
Let me help you with the basics.....I just posted the proof that fewer jobs are available thanks to COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates. Fewer people are working than since the Great Depression
So to counter those statistics.....Biden forces a shitload of people out of their jobs, jobs that aren't eliminated, and then replaces them with diversity hires, thus jacking up the jobs counting those as jobs created.
Let me help you with the basics. The employment numbers go up when you add more people than you fire. That’s math and exactly the opposite of what you said. Just like 81M > 74M. I know you guys struggle. With the basics.
You can try explaining to me why 3,000,000 less people are working since Biden took office....but he's supposedly creating jobs.
I'll wait.
U.S. stocks rallied to record levels on Friday after the October jobs report came in better than expected, boosting optimism about the economic recovery.

A major development from Pfizer regarding its easy-to-administer Covid-19 pill fueled hope for a smooth reopening further, sending shares of airlines and cruise line operators soaring.

That's excellent news

I've had all my money in Fidelity Sector Funds for 40 yrs and never moved them

But the 5000 I put in Bitcoin about 7 yrs ago is unreal
I distinctly remember Trump and his supporters praising Trump when the stock market was doing well during his term.

Surely those Trumpsters are now praising Biden for the stock market now, right?
The latest popular opinion by financial experts says that the stock market is separated from any reality that could be influencial.
A rise can be just as likely a fall, regardless of reality of job reports.

Or as some will say, the lack of reality on job reports?
Unemployment in America is close to 20% in the real world.

A good topic for discussion.
Let's start with the workers at MacD's who are said to be employed but nobody takes very seriously.
U.S. stocks rallied to record levels on Friday after the October jobs report came in better than expected, boosting optimism about the economic recovery.

A major development from Pfizer regarding its easy-to-administer Covid-19 pill fueled hope for a smooth reopening further, sending shares of airlines and cruise line operators soaring.

Inflation makes prices rise, dope.
oh. freakin' awesome. 100 million out of the workforce and you're pushing 500,000 jobs...IN WHAT?? like it is some kind of Utopia. Idiot left.

Those poor people you lefties pretend to be Sooooooooo concerned about ARE HURTING while President Sniffy McAderall. is stumbling all around the world embarrassing the US.

531,ooo new jobs my narrow ass. These aren't new jobs...these are people that finally had to come back to work. Sniffy wants to give thousands to illegals and he doesn't give a damn about natural born americans. Thanks to this stupid scamdemic hoax we have people who WON"T go back to work waiting for President PoopyBritches to send them a check while he brags about a booming economy. 4.6% unemployment FOOLS. Open your Eyes. LOLOLOL
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Come and fill my gas tank and pay my gas and electric bill.
Yeah and thanks to inflation I can pay $20 for a meatloaf lunch or spend $25 to make a homemade meatloaf not counting the electricity and cooking equipment needed to make it with.

Hey can I get one of those $450,000 alien paychecks President Biden is handing out to aliens who can turn it to gold and go back to Mexico and buy a 160 acre ranch so I can raise some beef and a retirement fund? Yeah, baby.
Guess they all forget that the market goes up. And the market goes down. Lets see what they say when the market goes down. Bet they won't be talking about it at all. LOL

Come on now, for 4 straight years Trump and his followers took credit for the rising market and never once took blame when it fell. Where were all your post whining about that?
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Left over issues from the shut down under Trump. Biden can’t go back in time and kill baby Trump. He’ll stabilizes the mess in the spring.
Dude this inflation is not going away until the policies of the Biden administration are reversed...either by Joe himself or the next hold on tight...things are going to get much worse....
Come on now, for 4 straight years Trump and his followers took credit for the rising market and never once took blame when it fell. Where were all your post whining about that?
it's a fools argument where all you do is swap sides and remind people how stupid they were while it's your turn to be that stupid.

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