Biden's DOJ drops lawsuit against Yale for racial discrimination

Jim H - VA USA

Plutonium Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2020
The Justice Department on Wednesday dropped a lawsuit against Yale University that was filed by the Trump administration and accused the school of discriminating against white and Asian applicants.

So, while Dems like to claim that the Trump Admin was racist, Biden Admin actively promotes racism with actions that have serious consequences, effectively encouraging the continuance of this racial discrimination.

If you lower standards, you can expect worse performance. Conversely, if you raise standards, then you tend to get improved performance.

Race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate. Making race completely irrelevant is one of the best ways to provide equal opportunity for all.
The Justice Department on Wednesday dropped a lawsuit against Yale University that was filed by the Trump administration and accused the school of discriminating against white and Asian applicants.

So, while Dems like to claim that the Trump Admin was racist, Biden Admin actively promotes racism with actions that have serious consequences, effectively encouraging the continuance of this racial discrimination.

If you lower standards, you can expect worse performance. Conversely, if you raise standards, then you tend to get improved performance.

Race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate. Making race completely irrelevant is one of the best ways to provide equal opportunity for all.

Meth Hunter Biden got the payment to close the investigation
The Justice Department on Wednesday dropped a lawsuit against Yale University that was filed by the Trump administration and accused the school of discriminating against white and Asian applicants.

So, while Dems like to claim that the Trump Admin was racist, Biden Admin actively promotes racism with actions that have serious consequences, effectively encouraging the continuance of this racial discrimination.

If you lower standards, you can expect worse performance. Conversely, if you raise standards, then you tend to get improved performance.

Race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate. Making race completely irrelevant is one of the best ways to provide equal opportunity for all.

Meth Hunter Biden got the payment to close the investigation
Hunter Biden and wife Melissa have moved into $25k-a-month canal-front home in Venice, California where they are under 24-hour protection by Secret Service agents staged outside the posh property

Wow kamala really letting us down

What the fuck is the point of having a south asian VP if she can't even do this for us? the one issue we care about

Dems have controlled for decades, the governments of cities, most media companies, public education, universities, Hollywood, etc. and now big tech.

If there is systemic racism, then whose fault is it?

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The Justice Department on Wednesday dropped a lawsuit against Yale University that was filed by the Trump administration and accused the school of discriminating against white and Asian applicants.

So, while Dems like to claim that the Trump Admin was racist, Biden Admin actively promotes racism with actions that have serious consequences, effectively encouraging the continuance of this racial discrimination.

If you lower standards, you can expect worse performance. Conversely, if you raise standards, then you tend to get improved performance.

Race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate. Making race completely irrelevant is one of the best ways to provide equal opportunity for all.

Meth Hunter Biden got the payment to close the investigation
Hunter Biden and wife Melissa have moved into $25k-a-month canal-front home in Venice, California where they are under 24-hour protection by Secret Service agents staged outside the posh property

How do heroin / meth / pcp / fentanyl buys work:

Does the SS let dealers in?

Does the SS do the buy at the door?

Or does the SS make the drug run?
Joe Biden proves he doesn't give a single shit about civil rights and the rule of law.

America disinterred this massive turd and corporate shill and made him president.

Or I should say a cabal that worked behind the scenes to fix the election put Biden in the White House.
The Justice Department on Wednesday dropped a lawsuit against Yale University that was filed by the Trump administration and accused the school of discriminating against white and Asian applicants.

So, while Dems like to claim that the Trump Admin was racist, Biden Admin actively promotes racism with actions that have serious consequences, effectively encouraging the continuance of this racial discrimination.

If you lower standards, you can expect worse performance. Conversely, if you raise standards, then you tend to get improved performance.

Race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate. Making race completely irrelevant is one of the best ways to provide equal opportunity for all.

Meth Hunter Biden got the payment to close the investigation
Hunter Biden and wife Melissa have moved into $25k-a-month canal-front home in Venice, California where they are under 24-hour protection by Secret Service agents staged outside the posh property

How do heroin / meth / pcp / fentanyl buys work:

Does the SS let dealers in?

Does the SS do the buy at the door?

Or does the SS make the drug run?
The Secret Service is only there to protect the protectee, not police their actions. In the past they are inown to have turned a blind eye to criminal actions ranging from simple adultery to sexual harassment and probably far beyond that. From my understanding, the protective detail agents have always turned a blind eye to the conduct of the people they were protecting.
The Justice Department on Wednesday dropped a lawsuit against Yale University that was filed by the Trump administration and accused the school of discriminating against white and Asian applicants.

So, while Dems like to claim that the Trump Admin was racist, Biden Admin actively promotes racism with actions that have serious consequences, effectively encouraging the continuance of this racial discrimination.

If you lower standards, you can expect worse performance. Conversely, if you raise standards, then you tend to get improved performance.

Race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate. Making race completely irrelevant is one of the best ways to provide equal opportunity for all.

Meth Hunter Biden got the payment to close the investigation
Hunter Biden and wife Melissa have moved into $25k-a-month canal-front home in Venice, California where they are under 24-hour protection by Secret Service agents staged outside the posh property

Hunter is the most important pedocreep methhead in America
The Justice Department on Wednesday dropped a lawsuit against Yale University that was filed by the Trump administration and accused the school of discriminating against white and Asian applicants.

So, while Dems like to claim that the Trump Admin was racist, Biden Admin actively promotes racism with actions that have serious consequences, effectively encouraging the continuance of this racial discrimination.

If you lower standards, you can expect worse performance. Conversely, if you raise standards, then you tend to get improved performance.

Race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate. Making race completely irrelevant is one of the best ways to provide equal opportunity for all.

Hopefully, any Asian or Caucasian who voted for that man from Delaware will have the good grace to say nothing. You reap what you sow. No doubt that man has many other delightful surprises in store.
The Justice Department on Wednesday dropped a lawsuit against Yale University that was filed by the Trump administration and accused the school of discriminating against white and Asian applicants.

So, while Dems like to claim that the Trump Admin was racist, Biden Admin actively promotes racism with actions that have serious consequences, effectively encouraging the continuance of this racial discrimination.

If you lower standards, you can expect worse performance. Conversely, if you raise standards, then you tend to get improved performance.

Race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate. Making race completely irrelevant is one of the best ways to provide equal opportunity for all.

The Democratic Party, across all of its political platforms, has been openly racist since its inception in 1828. The difference between now and then is the democrats have flipped their script from open racism against blacks and other minorities, to systemic racism against Caucasian and Asian and Indian Americans—all while still somehow managing to keep black Americans at large chained to inner-city ghettos. Black Americans have always been the cash cow sacrificial "beef" or herd of the Democratic Party. The democrats use blacks to raise funds and exploit the compassion of majority ethnicity American campaign donors.

Whether or not the democrats truly believe blacks must be exalted and whites/Asians destroyed is a matter still up for debate. My suspicion is democrats attack white Americans because they believe white Americans, vastly superior in their numbers to blacks, can "take" the political hits and keep on keeping on within greater society. Either that, or the democrats truly believe white Americans are evil and must be destroyed, which makes the democrats' current push for dissemination of Critical Race Theory absolutely suicidal.
The Justice Department on Wednesday dropped a lawsuit against Yale University that was filed by the Trump administration and accused the school of discriminating against white and Asian applicants.

So, while Dems like to claim that the Trump Admin was racist, Biden Admin actively promotes racism with actions that have serious consequences, effectively encouraging the continuance of this racial discrimination.

If you lower standards, you can expect worse performance. Conversely, if you raise standards, then you tend to get improved performance.

Race and ethnicity should be removed from every federal and state form, and every college application. The information can only be used to discriminate. Making race completely irrelevant is one of the best ways to provide equal opportunity for all.

The Democratic Party, across all of its political platforms, has been openly racist since its inception in 1828. The difference between now and then is the democrats have flipped their script from open racism against blacks and other minorities, to systemic racism against Caucasian and Asian and Indian Americans—all while still somehow managing to keep black Americans at large chained to inner-city ghettos. Black Americans have always been the cash cow sacrificial "beef" or herd of the Democratic Party. The democrats use blacks to raise funds and exploit the compassion of majority ethnicity American campaign donors.

Whether or not the democrats truly believe blacks must be exalted and whites/Asians destroyed is a matter still up for debate. My suspicion is democrats attack white Americans because they believe white Americans, vastly superior in their numbers to blacks, can "take" the political hits and keep on keeping on within greater society. Either that, or the democrats truly believe white Americans are evil and must be destroyed, which makes the democrats' current push for dissemination of Critical Race Theory absolutely suicidal.
Thanks for that well-articulated creative and original content. You should be a political commentator somewhere, but ironically, the cancel culture would probably come after you for your White Supremacist views. :)

For the record, the Democratic Party supported slavery, the Confederacy, the KKK, Jim Crow Laws, and racist policies, including:
  • The Democratic Party platforms of 1840, 1844, 1848, 1852, and 1856 stated “that all efforts of the abolitionists, or others, made to induce Congress to interfere with questions of slavery . . . are calculated to lead to the most alarming and dangerous consequences; and that all such efforts have an inevitable tendency to diminish the happiness of the people and endanger the stability and permanency of the Union, and ought not to be countenanced by any friend of our political institutions.”
  • The Democratic Party platform of 1856 declared that “new states” to the Union should be admitted “with or without domestic slavery, as [the state] may elect.”
  • The Democratic Party platform of 1856 declared that “we recognize the right of the people of all the Territories . . . to form a Constitution, with or without domestic slavery.”
  • The Democratic Party platform of 1860, in seeking to uphold the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 that required law enforcement officials to arrest any individual suspected of being a runaway slave, stated that “the enactments of the State Legislatures to defeat the faithful execution of the Fugitive Slave Law are hostile in character, subversive of the Constitution, and revolutionary in their effect.”
  • No Democrat in Congress supported the 14th Amendment, which gave full citizenship to freed slaves. It passed in 1868 with 94 percent Republican support and zero support from Democrats.
  • No Democrat in Congress supported the 15th Amendment, which gave freed slaves the right to vote. It passed in 1870 with 100 percent Republican support and zero support from Democrats.
  • Various state Democratic Party officials enacted policies to disenfranchise and “systematically suppress” the right of African Americans to vote. The resolution specifically cites the 1902 Constitution of the State of Virginia that disenfranchised about 90 percent of the African American voters at the time, forcibly reducing the number of eligible African American voters from about 147,000 in 1901 to about 10,000 by 1905. The resolution notes that this measure was “supported almost exclusively by Virginia Democrats.”
  • The administration of President Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, “began a racial segregation policy for U.S. government employees and, by 1914, the Wilson administration’s Civil Service instituted the requirement that a photograph be submitted with each employment application.”
  • When the Democratic Party held its national convention in 1924 in New York City at Madison Square Garden, the event was commonly referred to as the “Klan-Bake” due to the influence of the Ku Klux Klan in the party.
  • Senate Democrats held a 75-calendar day filibuster against the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • Former Sen. Robert Byrd (D-WV), a known recruiter for the KKK, led the Democrats to oppose civil rights for African Americans.
  • Democrats “enacted and enforced Jim Crow laws and civil codes that forced segregation and restricted freedoms” for African Americans.
  • In June, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) ordered the removal of the portraits of four previous Speakers of the House who served in the Confederacy, stating that these portraits “set back our nation’s work to confront and combat bigotry.” However, Gohmert’s resolution notes that the Speakers that Pelosi removed (Robert M.T. Hunter, Howell Cobb, James L. Orr, and Charles F. Crisp) were all Democrats.
In addition, University's/Colleges are on the brink of a taxpayer subsidy via Gov't paid student loans and higher education will in turn thank the serfs by raising college costs.
Gov't gone wild!
In addition, University's/Colleges are on the brink of a taxpayer subsidy via Gov't paid student loans and higher education will in turn thank the serfs by raising college costs.
Gov't gone wild!
Yep, they are talking about forgiving $50k of student debt per student that I will have to pay for, after completely paying for my own children's college.

More wealth redistribution. It never stops. How about some equal opportunity for a change?

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