Biden’s DOE “Pup Handler” Charged with Felony Theft For Stealing Suitcase in Minnesota – Now Accused of Stealing Luggage from Las Vegas Airport!


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
The kinky twinky in the nuke office has been busted a second time for stealing luggage, this time in LV.
He's the guy that likes to pretend his butt buddies are dogs & eats off their backs like they are a table.
2 felony charges & he's still drawing a govt paycheck.

How many times does it need to be said that "drag queens" are seriously deranged dudes in need of major help, not enabling their gender dysphoria disorders by the delusional virtue signalers of the left?
Putting them around children should be a crime in itself but our dear leader Pedo Joe has put one in charge of the nations nuclear waste & another as 2nd in charge of health services.
A morbidly obese man in a wig & dress is giving people advice on their mental/physical health. Let that sink in.

These pigs in wigs should NEVER be allowed in a position of any power. Their complete derangements make them basically unemployable.

At least 2 of them have gone on mass shooting sprees since July even though they represent <1% of the population.
They need help in a big way.

Our govt is not only illegitimate, it's also a laughing stock joke of the non-insane world, which basically includes all non-Western societies.
From fake elections, LGBFJB+/tranny insanity, 2 tiered justice, Big Brother censorship & Gestapo-like 3 letter agencies, we are a very dark shadow of the country that used to be a shining beacon of light for the rest of the world.

Joe Biden’s gender fluid “pup handler” DOE employee Sam Brinton was put on leave after he was charged with felony theft for stealing a woman’s luggage last month at MSP airport in Minnesota.

Brinton is now being accused of stealing luggage from a Las Vegas airport, KLAS learned on Thursday.

A felony warrant was issued for Sam Brinton for stealing luggage from Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas!

Brinton was reportedly charged with grand larceny with a value between $1,200 and $5,000, KLAS reported.

Trump had members of his cabinet get criminal charges from his inauguration to his end of term. I am sure the DOE feller will get charges and a conviction.
Have they fired the freak yet?
At this point, I believe the freak is still on paid leave.

Why shouldn't our tax dollars go to a sick freak thief like this?

What could go wrong with putting a deranged sick freak thief in charge of dirty bomb materials?

Why shouldn't the most mentally ill deranged sick freak thief twinks be in charge of everything, like our kids, health, military, courts, diplomacy & nuke materials?
Tom Barrack, the chairman of former President Donald Trump's 2017 Inaugural Committee, became the 8th former official in Trump's orbit to be hit with federal criminal charges on Tuesday.

Federal prosecutors in Brooklyn charged Barrack on seven counts of unlawful lobbying, obstruction of justice, and making false statements to investigators.
Trump had members of his cabinet get criminal charges from his inauguration to his end of term. I am sure the DOE feller will get charges and a conviction.
That person would be in a psychiatric hospital in another era of crazy leadership that is much worse now.

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