Biden's America

Such bullshit. The bulk of the year over year inflation number is due to energy costs. As prices plummeted due to lack of demand last year, production was cut by 30% in 2020. Now that everything is opening back up prices have increase a great deal over last years discount prices, production has not been able to increase as fast as it decreased last year. Probably will not get back to anywhere near 2019 numbers till the 2nd quarter of next year.
Try to peddle that bullshit as best you can. We all remember the target your people put on the energy sector on day one of this shit show. And of course the inflation is due to the increase your people caused in the energy sector. Democrats own these prices.
Good Lord. Guess you missed the fact that France removed their ambassador. A France that has had an ambassador in the US since the revolutionary war.

Oh and lets not forget the fact that the Brits and Canadians think Bidung is an idiot. Both are allies and have been for ever.

You also missed the clusterfuck of a mess your Bidung made of the border. The border Trump had handled very well.

You also missed another million illegals who cost we tax payers billions every year in the country.

I guess you also missed Bidung having those illegals flown and bussed all over the US and just dropped in cities and towns.

You also missed the fuck up he committed during the withdrawal from the Stan. If he'd followed the plan he would have been a hero. Instead he ignored the plan and his Generals. His last ditch effort got most out but we still have American and friendlies in the Stan. Oh and lets not forget the billions of dollars worth of military equipment he left for the Taliban.

If that's your idea of sanity and leadership then you sure as hell didn't get what you thought you were getting. What you did get was an incompetent, walking, talking disaster. Congrats.
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Try to peddle that bullshit as best you can. We all remember the target your people put on the energy sector on day one of this shit show. And of course the inflation is due to the increase your people caused in the energy sector. Democrats own these prices.
You dont know how shit works. And you expressed that quite well in your response.
Hard to believe you peddle this lie.
"Trump handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban and it's Biden's fault,"

According to the Trumpy-surrender agreement, the number of US troop was reduced to 8600 until the final withdrawal in may. However after the networks announced his loss in the election he ordered the military to withdraw completely by Jan 15th. How's that for handing over Afghanistan to the Taliban. Of course the generals talked him into leaving the minimal force of 2500, less that a third of what was agreed to for the duration of the occupation.

He kneecapped the US Military in Afghanistan, and he did it on purpose to make Joe look bad. That's the stuff the Neo-GOP are made of.
I voted for competence, for sanity, for leadership. Everything that Trump DIDN'T represent. And I don't regret it. WTF are you smoking? There is no reset on Afghanistan. It's done and over.
I do thank you though. You Trump humpers remind me everyday that it's vital that you people should NEVER be allowed to gain a majority again. :) used the word sanity referring to biden. :laughing0301:
Try to peddle that bullshit as best you can. We all remember the target your people put on the energy sector on day one of this shit show. And of course the inflation is due to the increase your people caused in the energy sector. Democrats own these prices.
Production in the oil patch had already been cut 30% in the summer of 2020, before Good Old Joe took office. You're just blindly following the Neo-GOP propaganda.
He won. Get over it.
Inflation was already on it's way. As I recall, we had empty shelves during the last administration. Where was your just and righteous outrage then?
Biden had the balls to end Afghanistan. For that, he gets my complete support.

Quit yer bitching. After four years of an abortion, at least there's someone in the White House who is interested in the job.

The installed regime is destroying the country. That was the plan and they are making good of it.
"Trump handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban and it's Biden's fault,"

According to the Trumpy-surrender agreement, the number of US troop was reduced to 8600 until the final withdrawal in may. However after the networks announced his loss in the election he ordered the military to withdraw completely by Jan 15th. How's that for handing over Afghanistan to the Taliban. Of course the generals talked him into leaving the minimal force of 2500, less that a third of what was agreed to for the duration of the occupation.

He kneecapped the US Military in Afghanistan, and he did it on purpose to make Joe look bad. That's the stuff the Neo-GOP are made of.
You really are so desperate to make the fucking disaster that is Afghanistan anyone but Biden's fault aren't you? Kindly save us all the tired . "It was Trump's agreement" spiel. That perambulating bag of oatmeal that you installed had no problem breaking any other agreement that he didn't like and Afghanistan is no different. In addition, the generals did tell Trump to leave 2500 troops at Bagram so he did. The generals told Biden to leave 2500 and he over ruled them and caused absolute chaos as well as the deaths of 13 American soldiers and 80 or so Afghani people at the airport gate. In addition, the dumb bastard brought thousands of un vetted Afghans to the U.S mainland while leaving 97% of the SIV's there to face the Taliban. Biden had been in complete control of the U.S. military for 7 months prior to the fall of Kabul. He owns it.
Production in the oil patch had already been cut 30% in the summer of 2020, before Good Old Joe took office. You're just blindly following the Neo-GOP propaganda.
Spin, spin and spin some more. Biden's policies brought us the highest energy costs in 7 years and the economy is starting to feel the impact. Tell us please, what exactly has Joe done to increase U.S, energy production since January 20, 2021?
had no problem breaking any other agreement that he didn't like and Afghanistan is no different.
Trumpybear had already giving the Taliban everything in the agreement and more with his final drawdown. And yet the Taliban met only one of the condition the agreement placed on them
the generals did tell Trump to leave 2500 troops at Bagram so he did.

Nope that was the number of American troops in the entire country left for the Generals to work with for the upcoming withdrawal and evacuation.

Use to be when foreigners attacked and killed Americans in suicide bombings we'd to come together to support the effort to hunt those mother fucker down

The Neo-GOP have changed all that now. They celebrated the suicide bombers attack and attacked our CiC with the giddiness of a bratty little girl.
Spin, spin and spin some more. Biden's policies brought us the highest energy costs in 7 years and the economy is starting to feel the impact. Tell us please, what exactly has Joe done to increase U.S, energy production since January 20, 2021?

" the White House is on pace to hand out more oil and gas drilling permits this year than any under President Trump and the most since George W. Bush left the Oval Office."

The active rig count has nearly doubled under Biden.

But as I've said, Biden didn't cause it and can't do much to fix it. As the price of oil rises so will exploration, drilling and new field development seeking to cash in on the high prices, eventually creating a surplus, driving prices down again.
"Trump handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban and it's Biden's fault,"

According to the Trumpy-surrender agreement, the number of US troop was reduced to 8600 until the final withdrawal in may. However after the networks announced his loss in the election he ordered the military to withdraw completely by Jan 15th. How's that for handing over Afghanistan to the Taliban. Of course the generals talked him into leaving the minimal force of 2500, less that a third of what was agreed to for the duration of the occupation.

He kneecapped the US Military in Afghanistan, and he did it on purpose to make Joe look bad. That's the stuff the Neo-GOP are made of.

Joe Xiden owns the Afghanistan disaster and all the deaths. Many Democrats even agree. It’s why Joe’s poll numbers have completely tanked.
This is Biden's America. Biden has only been squatting in the Whitehouse for less than a year and these are the images that tell the story of his tenure. Is this what those of you who supported him expected? Were you expecting high gas prices? Inflation? Empty shelves? Out of control borders? Record overdoses from drugs that have crossed the border? Restored Taliban? Record homelessness? Combined high unemployment AND worker shortages? Rising crime? I could go on but you get the drift. Is today's America what you were looking for when you supported Biden?

High inflation is happening around the world. I saw an article about Germany, another about China.

That isn't Biden's America. That's the covid world.

High crime. Was there no high crime before Biden got in? The US has had higher crime than other first world countries for, decades, probably centuries.

You're trying to say a president has this much impact in such a short amount of time????

Do you blame Trump for having the highest post war unemployment rate ever?
Trumpybear had already giving the Taliban everything in the agreement and more with his final drawdown. And yet the Taliban met only one of the condition the agreement placed on them

Nope that was the number of American troops in the entire country left for the Generals to work with for the upcoming withdrawal and evacuation.

Use to be when foreigners attacked and killed Americans in suicide bombings we'd to come together to support the effort to hunt those mother fucker down

The Neo-GOP have changed all that now. They celebrated the suicide bombers attack and attacked our CiC with the giddiness of a bratty little girl.
Interesting that those that attacked and killed those Americans had just been released after Biden had U.S. troops bug out in the middle of the night and allow the Taliban to empty the prison. AS you'll recall, we, the American people, were told that we droned those mother fuckers that were responsible for our dead soldiers. That is until we were told that under Biden's guidance we actually droned an ally and 7 children. I don't know anyone on the right that celebrated the suicide bombers. Unlike your team, our side was horrified and saddened at what this moron had allowed to happen as well as knowing that those deaths will go unanswered by this administration. Biden couldn't even be troubled to pretend to care while receiving the bodies. And please, given the lack of respect that liberals have shown to the office of the president, you have no room to attempt to chastise ANYONE as to respect for the CIC.
High inflation is happening around the world. I saw an article about Germany, another about China.

That isn't Biden's America. That's the covid world.

High crime. Was there no high crime before Biden got in? The US has had higher crime than other first world countries for, decades, probably centuries.

You're trying to say a president has this much impact in such a short amount of time????

Do you blame Trump for having the highest post war unemployment rate ever?
Yep. I'm absolutely saying that Biden has fucked up this much in a short amount of time. And btw, it was DEMOCRATS that shut down our businesses and jobs in order to cripple an amazing economy and team up with big tech to, in their words, "safeguard" the election.
Yep. I'm absolutely saying that Biden has fucked up this much in a short amount of time. And btw, it was DEMOCRATS that shut down our businesses and jobs in order to cripple an amazing economy and team up with big tech to, in their words, "safeguard" the election.

Then I question your judgement

All I see are lots of people who want something to be true and say it enough times without detailed explanations.

Explain to me how Biden, and Biden alone made inflation rise.

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