Biden's 100th confirmed judge is LGBTQ+ first for Puerto Rico

bet shes glad to hear shes only there because she a rug muncher and not because of her qualifications,,,,

as joe would say queers are just as smart as white people,,
But they should never be judges. It's the rare pervert that can separate normalcy from activism.

Biden's 100th confirmed judge is LGBTQ+ first for Puerto Rico​

It is nice to see a lesbian on the court! Yay! I hope she fights hard for our rights.
What is elements of both sexes?
Pretty much they're born as a man but have breast but also a beard. Their aim is NOT TO look as a woman but to wear some of their clothes and have body hair in a tradition male way. Or what ever mix they feel like.

Or they're born female and want to cut their titts off and wear a suite. But they're not trying to be a transmale.
Pretty much they're born as a man but have breast but also a beard. Their aim is NOT TO look as a woman but to wear some of their clothes and have body hair in a tradition male way. Or what ever mix they feel like.

Or they're born female and want to cut their titts off and wear a suite. But they're not trying to be a transmale.
Anyone like that should be put into a mental hospital. Why would you celebrate mental illness.
all you need under biden for a sweet job is tell him you are queer and hate white people
In CRT all heterosexual whites are evil oppressors. Ironically all non white 3rd world street poopers want to move here. Interesting. I think Israel needs open borders.
bet shes glad to hear shes only there because she a rug muncher and not because of her qualifications,,,,

as joe would say queers are just as smart as white people,,

In 2016 she was unanimously confirmed by the Senate for the position as judge to the Puerto Rico Court of Appeals. She is very qualified for the job.

That you assume someone that is gay cannot be qualified says a shit ton about you.

Biden's 100th confirmed judge is LGBTQ+ first for Puerto Rico​

It is nice to see a lesbian on the court! Yay! I hope she fights hard for our rights.
And when we choose judges and public officials like this we wonder how the American culture is dying.

Fuk the party of perverts and groomers
Someone who refuses to admit what sex he or she is.

I'm seeing it on the forms they give us in dental offices and such. I don't fill out that part; if they can't even tell what sex I am on sight, I'm in the wrong place.

Non-binary has nothing to do with sex

Biden's 100th confirmed judge is LGBTQ+ first for Puerto Rico​

It is nice to see a lesbian on the court! Yay! I hope she fights hard for our rights.

So you're more concerned about someone's sexual orientation than you are about if they are the right person for the job?

Me? I want the best person for the job first. Experience, intelligence, and ambition are what I care about. If it turns out that's a lesbian then that's fine as long as they are qualified.

You're mentality is a part of the problems in our country because you put arbitrary, meaningless and pointless boxes to be checked before you even consider the person. It's like people who hire someone just because they have a specific gender or skin color for the sake of being diverse.
In 2016 she was unanimously confirmed by the Senate for the position as judge to the Puerto Rico Court of Appeals. She is very qualified for the job.

That you assume someone that is gay cannot be qualified says a shit ton about you.
what else am I supposed to think when all they tell me is shes a rug muncher??

and very qualified is subjective,, is she a constitutionalist a conservative or a liberal judge??

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