Biden - Yet Another Fuck Up...


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I am beginning to think Biden is really a Republican and trying to expose Obama. Why else would he keep saying the things he does? Thanks to Biden, we know the middle class was buried the last 4 years and he forced Obama to do the quickest evolution in history when it came to gay marriage. And now, he confirmed what we all suspected- that Obamacare isn't the largest tax increase in history, at least not compared to what they have planned for after the election.

Now this little gem:

Politics: VIDEO: Biden admits 'yes we do' want to raise taxes a trillion dollars | CainTV
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I expected the libs to defend him and claim they are just taxing the wealthy. We all know the middle class is about to have the crap pounded out of them if this regime gets another shot at us.

Wealthy is defined as those making over $250,000, which means most small business owners are going to be laying off people in droves and unemployment will increase by the millions. When these companies go out of business and we have millions less paying taxes, just where will Obama find revenue for all his spending?
I was coming to the board to post this.....

He really knows how to sound stupid !!!!!

I can't wait for next week.
The video of Biden reveals the incredibly twisted illogic of the left.

He says at one point, "You know the phrase they always use? 'Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars.' Guess what? Yes, we do, in one regard. We wanna let that trillion dollar tax cut expire so the middle class doesn't bear the burden of all that money going to the super wealthy!"

All that money going to the super wealthy.

Excuse me? Where does Biden think the trillion dollars is coming from?

That trillion dollars he wants will be coming FROM the wealthy. It is THEIR money. Biden seems to think this trilion dollars is coming from somewhere else and is being diverted to the wealthy instead of the government.

Very, very bizarre. And very, very revealing.

Biden, Obama, and the Democrats are cowards, and Biden is using doublethink to conceal their chickenshitedness.

The Bush tax cuts lowered the tax rates for everyone.

Biden, Obama, and the Democrats try to connect raising taxes on the rich to the glory days of budget surpluses under Clinton.

But as I just said, which bears repeating many times, is that under Clinton everyone had higher tax rates.

So this bullshit tax increase on the rich has fuck-all to do with Bush tax cuts. It is a tax increase on the rich and completely disconnected from the actual full Clinton tax rates.

Biden, Obama, and the Democrats are too cowardly to point out that the only way to get to the Clinton days is to raise taxes on everyone. "

OH HELL NO! Don't raise taxes on ME!!! Raise them on that guy over there! I'll vote for that!"

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I can't wait for Joe Biden to debate Paul Ryan.

You thought last night was "comic relief"....


It's the right time of the year. Biden had two brain embolisms and was pronounced dead. I can't wait to see a real zombie debate on National TV.
...On the bloated top 2%. No fuck up, and the majority agree. Used to be 80% until Pub propaganda got the dupes in line.

Can't wait for asswipe Biden next week.

Can you say BBQ turkey....cause Ryan's gonna roast his sorry carcass.

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