Biden will visit the Buffalo victims

President Joe Biden will travel to Buffalo, New York on Tuesday to honor 10 victims who were murdered during a routine grocery store visit on Saturday. The perpetrator, who is a white teenager with previous encounters with police, specifically looked up a black neighborhood to target. He professed a number of bigoted and racist views in a manifesto posted online.
But when a black supremacist barreled through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin late last year, killing six and injuring more than 60 people, Biden failed to visit. In fact, he hardly commented on the horror.
During Monday's daily briefing, newly minted White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about why President Biden didn't visit Waukesha. She deflected and claimed Biden has visited "many communities."
Psaki said on November 29, 2021
"Any President going to visit a community requires a lot of assets, requires taking their resources, and it's not something that I have a trip previewed at this plan, point in time, but we remain in touch with local officials,".

Why do the Democrats and the Press treat interracial crime so differently depending upon the race of the victims and the race of the culprit?
A sensitive person would allow the families private time to deal with their grief.

An asshole bent on getting photo-ops would race to them.

Guess what?
Yeah, something like..."They were all Black, so they all voted for me".
If they find that one or more of the victims had been a Trump voter, will they count him or her as a “black” victim? Because we know that if you didn’t vote for Joe, you ain’t black.

Please let Brandon speak extemporaneously.
A sensitive person would allow the families private time to deal with their grief.

An asshole bent on getting photo-ops would race to them.

Guess what?
If the shooter was Black, he would look like one of Obama's sons....if Obama had a son.
The stuttering shit clown butchered the security guard's name more than once. "Aaron Salter", ya dumbfuck... it's not that difficult.

How many times did he look at his watch.... or eye-fuck a 10-year old.... fucking disgrace.
The stuttering shit clown butchered the security guard's name more than once. "Aaron Salter", ya dumbfuck... it's not that difficult.

How many times did he look at his watch.... or eye-fuck a 10-year old.... fucking disgrace.
If a groomercrat caught an old man taking inappropriate showers with a child, would the groomercrat demand justice for the child or vote for the old man to be their groomer king?
President Joe Biden will travel to Buffalo, New York on Tuesday to honor 10 victims who were murdered during a routine grocery store visit on Saturday. The perpetrator, who is a white teenager with previous encounters with police, specifically looked up a black neighborhood to target. He professed a number of bigoted and racist views in a manifesto posted online.
But when a black supremacist barreled through a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin late last year, killing six and injuring more than 60 people, Biden failed to visit. In fact, he hardly commented on the horror.
During Monday's daily briefing, newly minted White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about why President Biden didn't visit Waukesha. She deflected and claimed Biden has visited "many communities."
Psaki said on November 29, 2021
"Any President going to visit a community requires a lot of assets, requires taking their resources, and it's not something that I have a trip previewed at this plan, point in time, but we remain in touch with local officials,".

Why do the Democrats and the Press treat interracial crime so differently depending upon the race of the victims and the race of the culprit?
I bet he goes to Wyoming by mistake.
We had so many senseless mass shootings over the years it tends to make one numb. The motives seem to only matter to democrats. Waukesha Nov. 21 2021. Racism? When a black man targets whites and runs down 62 and kills 6. Racism? (Can you imagine if this was a straight white male running down GAY PRIDE parade marchers?) WHO the fuck cares? When democrats ONLY focus on the race/politics of the victims, and NOT THE HUMANITY of the have to wonder the sincerity of Democrats.
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We had so many senseless mass shootings over the years it tends to make one numb. The motives seem to only matter to democrats. Waukesha Nov. 21 2021. Racism? When a black man targets whites and runs down 62 and kills 6. Racism? (Can you imagine if this was a straight white male running down GAY PRIDE parade marchers?) WHO the fuck cares? When democrats ONLY focus on the race/politics of the victims, and NOT THE HUMANITY of the have to wonder the sincerity of Democrats.
Democrats will politicize anything in order to gain power and control of government over the people.

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