
Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2020
The globalists and their puppet Biden want to end the US $$$$ to further the goals of the one world order. Biden and the feds are trying to destroy the dollar--which will have to be replaced.

The reality is that either countries make their own cyber currencies, or they tack on to things like Bitcoin which are used by criminals to get around all the laws.

We're heading for some dystopian nightmare where governments know EVERYTHING about you. With quantum computers they'll be able to process so much data, that they'll be able to know everything that's happening. And the people are walking into it because it's "convenient".
The globalists and their puppet Biden want to end the US $$$$ to further the goals of the one world order. Biden and the feds are trying to destroy the dollar--which will have to be replaced.

Of course he does. The Deep State wants to control every dime you spend and for what.
The reality is that either countries make their own cyber currencies, or they tack on to things like Bitcoin which are used by criminals to get around all the laws.

We're heading for some dystopian nightmare where governments know EVERYTHING about you. With quantum computers they'll be able to process so much data, that they'll be able to know everything that's happening. And the people are walking into it because it's "convenient".
Heading for? We're already there!
The globalists and their puppet Biden want to end the US $$$$ to further the goals of the one world order. Biden and the feds are trying to destroy the dollar--which will have to be replaced.

This one world order has been going on long before the USA was formed. One can trace the one world order goons clear back to the power struggle between the Akkadian empire & the Barbarians(Barbarians won with divide & conquer tactics). There has been a slew of them; Babylonian empire, Egyptian empire, Greece/Roman(Pax Romana) empires, British empire, Third Reich(the New Order), & currently the Pax Americana. Like every other empire that tried to rule the world there are other nations today that are @ odds with the Pax Americana.

In this world considering the human condition(current state of human nature) these one world order power players are just playing a high stakes game of "who's got the biggest penis". Like the title of a Tears for Fears tune, "Everyone Wants To Rule The World". I do not think everyone wants to rule the world but every society has the narcissistic pinheads that want to play the Big Daddy Jehovah game. Don't worry about the Biden administration or for that matter the Deep State bureaucrats for this current crop will soon be replaced by other upcoming one world order pinheads.
The globalists and their puppet Biden want to end the US $$$$ to further the goals of the one world order. Biden and the feds are trying to destroy the dollar--which will have to be replaced.

Or he may ban them.

He is the Senator from MBNA after all, and answers to the banks. Cryptocurrencies circumvent the Fed and US banking system, so chances are they will be outlawed.
Of course they do. If we had cyber currency it could all be easily monitored, controlled and turned off anytime they want.

Then they can freeze anyone's assets anytime they do something they don't like while "they are being investigated".

Then they can tax every penny you have anytime they want. No more having a couple hundred bucks in your pocket uncle Sam doesn't know about.

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