Biden Using SCORECARD and THE HAMMER To Steal Another U.S. Presidential Election


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008

There was no energy, no enthusiasm and not even any crowds to speak of. The question becomes how on earth does Joe Biden compete with a very popular President who has achieved more in almost 4 years than Biden has achieved in his whole political career?

You cheat!!! Anyone surprised? That's right; they are attempting to steal the election!

It's absolutely true; Big tech, the lying media, the CIA, and the democrat party have a high tech method of cheating, and brilliant Biden is actually boasting about it on camera.

As Stalin once said: “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”

This is not a communist country uncle Joe, in America don't think you can just steal this election with a mountain of evidence proving that you are attempting to steal this election!

Is this an election or a communist coup attempt is also the question!


LINK: A Full CONFESSION - RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states

LINK: General Tom McInerney on The Hammer, Scorecard, and the deep state voter fraud operation.

LINK: Don't ignore the elephant in the room
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Smidge premature for that assertion. Votes are still being counted. I did warn you to strap in. It wasn't going to be decided quickly. :)
So the American people and the free world is suppose to sit back and give them the time they need to use this equipment to steal the election. No way.

All the extra time is spent actually stealing the election with the equipment mentioned.
So the American people and the free world is suppose to sit back and give them the time they need to use this equipment to steal the election. No way.

All the extra time is spent actually stealing the election with the equipment mentioned.

Again, I didn't hear anyone on the Democratic in 2016 side say that the election was "stolen", or "rigged", or "tampered with". The pandemic along with early voting and the sheer volume of voters this year was going to make a decision on Election Day close to impossible. I'm wondering why right wingers are so up in arms. This is democracy in action. Every legally cast vote should count (according to their states voting rules).
From 2016 to this very day democrats claim Trump had stolen the election and did everything imaginable to destroy his first term in office.

Everything failed so communist china came to the democrats rescue with the so-called pandemic; this will fail too.

The rule of law is democracy in action.

You connecting the dots yet?

Is the SCOREBOARD AP and the HAMMER the pay back Scheme?

President Trump and the true American people are not going to let this election be stolen.

2020 we have evidence and a confession, 2016 all so-called democrats had was sour grapes.
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From 2016 to this very day democrat have claim Trump had stolen the election and did everything imaginable to destroy his first term in office.

Everything failed so communist china came to the democrats rescue with the so-called pandemic; this will fail too.

The rule of law is democracy in action.

You connecting the dots yet?

He did all that to himself. Helped by his willing enablers. Well, here's the bottom line. The baby boomers may have eeked out one last election and Trump may prevail. Unfortunately, if he does, there are no more excuses. He can't serve another term so if he continues to hold his pep rallies, it will just cement the fact that he has no interest in being President. People will continue to contract the virus this winter and a lot of people will continue to die from his lack of action in combatting the virus. Continuing to deny the virus spread and even firing Fauci and Birx would be a bad PR move. The economy has lost millions of jobs that are probably never coming back (travel and entertainment industry) and people who are out of work can't pay their bills. You may have a lot of people out on the streets here shortly. That'll be an awesome image on the nightly news.

There's no more hiding behind Democrats, or Hunter Biden, or other dumbassed conspiracy theories. Trump, Republicans, and conservatives own it ALL. Step up to the plate and offer real solutions for people.
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View attachment 411049

There was no energy, no enthusiasm and not even any crowds to speak of. The question becomes how on earth does Joe Biden compete with a very popular President who has achieved more in almost 4 years than Biden has achieved in his whole political career?

You cheat!!! Anyone surprised? That's right; they are attempting to steal the election!

It's absolutely true; Big tech, the lying media, the CIA, and the democrat party have a high tech method of cheating, and brilliant Biden is actually boasting about it on camera.

As Stalin once said: “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”

This is not a communist country uncle Joe, in America don't think you can just steal this election with a mountain of evidence proving that you are attempting to steal this election!

Is this an election or a communist coup attempt is also the question!


LINK: A Full CONFESSION - RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states

LINK: General Tom McInerney on The Hammer, Scorecard, and the deep state voter fraud operation.

LINK: Don't ignore the elephant in the room
Trump accomplished division, where 40 to 45% of the country want to toss out 250 years of this Republic.

By the way, there is no Communism or Socialism. It's a bald faced lie and you can't prove otherwise. So, keep repeating the lie.
Trump has real solutions, and many people are realizing the so-called medical experts are not credible and refuse to answer the real questions about the coup attempt pandemic.

Real doctors are making true facts known to those who are wise enough not to be bullied by fear and outright lies.

David Martin: Fauci Funded COVID-19 Development in Wuhan

Update: Nearly 45,000 Doctors & Scientists Sign Declaration Opposing COVID Lockdowns

Covid-19 PCR Testing is Worthless
Trump has no solutions for our medical security. None! If he had, he would have already developed a plan. He did not. He is a total failure. How do we know? He has no plan. Can you link the plan to us?
From 2016 to this very day democrats claim Trump had stolen the election and did everything imaginable to destroy his first term in office.

Everything failed so communist china came to the democrats rescue with the so-called pandemic; this will fail too.

The rule of law is democracy in action.

You connecting the dots yet?

Is the SCOREBOARD AP and the HAMMER the pay back Scheme?

President Trump and the true American people are not going to let this election be stolen.

2020 we have evidence and a confession, 2016 all so-called democrats had was sour grapes.
Trump did steal the election by way of the voter purge and closed 1200 polling places in the south in minority areas. That is why mail in ballots have changed that total this time; The Election Was Stolen - Here’s How... - Greg Palast

View attachment 411049

There was no energy, no enthusiasm and not even any crowds to speak of. The question becomes how on earth does Joe Biden compete with a very popular President who has achieved more in almost 4 years than Biden has achieved in his whole political career?

You cheat!!! Anyone surprised? That's right; they are attempting to steal the election!

It's absolutely true; Big tech, the lying media, the CIA, and the democrat party have a high tech method of cheating, and brilliant Biden is actually boasting about it on camera.

As Stalin once said: “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”

This is not a communist country uncle Joe, in America don't think you can just steal this election with a mountain of evidence proving that you are attempting to steal this election!

Is this an election or a communist coup attempt is also the question!


LINK: A Full CONFESSION - RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states

LINK: General Tom McInerney on The Hammer, Scorecard, and the deep state voter fraud operation.

LINK: Don't ignore the elephant in the room
You don't even know what Communism is.
View attachment 411049

There was no energy, no enthusiasm and not even any crowds to speak of. The question becomes how on earth does Joe Biden compete with a very popular President who has achieved more in almost 4 years than Biden has achieved in his whole political career?

You cheat!!! Anyone surprised? That's right; they are attempting to steal the election!

It's absolutely true; Big tech, the lying media, the CIA, and the democrat party have a high tech method of cheating, and brilliant Biden is actually boasting about it on camera.

As Stalin once said: “I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.”

This is not a communist country uncle Joe, in America don't think you can just steal this election with a mountain of evidence proving that you are attempting to steal this election!

Is this an election or a communist coup attempt is also the question!


LINK: A Full CONFESSION - RED ALERT: Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states

LINK: General Tom McInerney on The Hammer, Scorecard, and the deep state voter fraud operation.

LINK: Don't ignore the elephant in the room
The plan was that if Biden didn't win that JUDGE SULLIVAN would declare the election invalid because of 300,000 missing ballots-------------so the electors couldn't be assigned making pelosi queen. Think that this is still the plan but RBG died putting barrett in so now their emphasis has to be on nullifying BARRETT for this plan to work as Roberts will vote with the dems.
So the American people and the free world is suppose to sit back and give them the time they need to use this equipment to steal the election. No way.

All the extra time is spent actually stealing the election with the equipment mentioned.
Counting the votes of Americans is hardly sinister, despite the paranoia of some.

Why would Cry Baby Trump whine “We will be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop!” at a time he trails Biden 227-214 in electoral votes that have been declared?

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So the American people and the free world is suppose to sit back and give them the time they need to use this equipment to steal the election. No way.

All the extra time is spent actually stealing the election with the equipment mentioned.
Counting the votes of Americans is hardly sinister, despite the paranoia of some.

Why would Cry Baby Trump whine “We will be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop!” at a time he trails Biden 227-214 in electoral votes that have been declared?

The idiot doesn't know that the voting has stopped. His own Republican court ruled against him. He knows those mail in ballots are black votes.
It's actually a name for a condition that people suffer from in which they have lost the ability to reason, and it's called WOKE.

Everyone cannot handle truth, and this is understood.

Don't count President Trump out. Leaking this information about what's going on behind the scenes could develop into something enormous, which will expose all the so-called democrats dirty laundry. And trust me it's filthy.
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The idiot doesn't know that the voting has stopped. His own Republican court ruled against him. He knows those mail in ballots are black votes.

“We will be going to the U.S. Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop!”

Voting had all stopped yesterday when all the polls had closed, yet he is bleating that the Supreme Court should stop the voting.

He obviously wants the counting of those votes to stop, but they will be counted.

His becoming hysterical at the time he trails in declared electoral votes is premature as well as futile.

His desperate attempt to disenfranchise all the voters in the six states that have not been declared, when neither candidate has been awarded 270 electoral votes, is very, very silly.
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Nothing corrupt about Pennsylvania.... right?
Alleging corruption in any state does not cancel all the votes of the millions of Americans who reside in those states.

Votes must be tabulated, the results officially declared, and then any legal challenges to those results can be filed.

Trump has real solutions...
Injecting disinfectants and/or shining a light up someone's trumper never merited or earned much support.

Under Trumpery, the U.S. finds itself leading the world in new infections during the current spike.

Trump's having proclaimed that Covid-19 was "under control," was "going away," and that "everybody's getting better" - understandably - did not instill confidence outside of the cult of trumpery.

In regard to a pandemic, one can be very confident in following the medical advice of qualified epidemiologists and experienced public health experts rather than that of failed casino operators and faded reality-tv entertainers.

You should not consult him regarding your hemorrhoids either, even if he fancies himself a proctologist as well, and you believe him.

Meanwhile, Ol' Bernie had really nailed the current pathology a month ago:

It could well be that at 10 o’clock on election night, Trump is winning in Michigan, he’s winning in Pennsylvania, he’s winning in Wisconsin, and he gets on the television and he says, ‘Thank you, Americans, for reelecting me. It’s all over. Have a good day.’ But then, the next day, and the day following, all of those mail-in ballots start getting counted, and it turns out that Biden has won those states, at which point Trump says, ‘See? I told you the whole thing was fraudulent. I told you those mail-in ballots were crooked. And we’re not going to leave office.’ So that is a worry that I and a lot of people have.

So the American people and the free world is suppose to sit back and give them the time they need to use this equipment to steal the election. No way.

All the extra time is spent actually stealing the election with the equipment mentioned.

Again, I didn't hear anyone on the Democratic in 2016 side say that the election was "stolen", or "rigged", or "tampered with". The pandemic along with early voting and the sheer volume of voters this year was going to make a decision on Election Day close to impossible. I'm wondering why right wingers are so up in arms. This is democracy in action. Every legally cast vote should count (according to their states voting rules).
There goes the forerunner of the new Ministry of Truth splaing their innocence of anything wrong.

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